
Chapter 28 Super Memory, start! (Please collect, follow, and recommend)

In the deal that was knocked out not long ago, Ludo was the only one who looked directly at He Ao.

He also witnessed the whole process of He Ao’s shooting. He lifted the gun, pulled the trigger, and the bullet passed through the brow of the homeless person. A perfect stroke.

Everyone thinks that this is just a novice shooting in a tense situation, only Ludo captures that touch of extreme indifference, it is an experienced hunter facing ignorant prey calm .

And at this moment, he was the prey who knew nothing.

The bone-chilling cold covered his back, as if every single hair was trembling and stood up.

He looked into He Ao’s eyes, the indifference in the deepest part of those eyes, and he knew that He Ao would really shoot.

When a ferocious hunter has no restraints, then he is the most terrifying existence in the night.

The arrogance and prestige just now were defeated by the cold muzzle, Ludo trembled, and the involuntarily bent legs shuddered.

“So, can we go in now?”

He Ao’s wrist didn’t move at all, just the muzzle pressed down a little so that it was right on Ludo’s forehead .


Ludo opened his mouth tremblingly, but his words were interrupted by a sudden voice in the dark night.


A man with a height of about 1.8 meters, back of a tiger and waist of a bear, with a big back, walked out of the shadow on one side.

He made a crisp sound when his palms hit each other.

“Ender… Investigator?” He looked at He Ao with a smile, stretched out his hand to grab Ludo’s collar, and left him behind, “How can the FBI produce such a person like you? Newcomer, Smith is afraid to wake up from a dream.”

“Victor, are you out of prison?”

Selena stepped forward and stood in front of He Ao.

He Ao put down the gun, since the other party can naturally drag Ludo away under his gun, it proves that the other party is not afraid of him shooting, but he did not put away the gun, and Is to maintain a vigilant posture.

“Unfortunately, I just regained my freedom,” Victor smiled and nodded, “I didn’t expect to encounter such interesting things as soon as I came out.”

He looked at looked towards He Ao, extend the hand, “Brother Ender, introduce myself, my name is Victor, I’m barely the steward of this casino.”

He Ao hesitated, ready to extend the hand .

“This is the boss of the Money Rat Gang, he is very dangerous, be careful.”

Selena took a half step to the side, giving He Ao room to shake hands, and warned softly.

“Hello, FBI, Ender.”

He Ao nods gently, reaching out and holding Victor’s hand

Victor didn’t make any small gestures, and didn’t make any temptations, he really just shook his hands, and then let go with a smile, “My trashy subordinate just had the game just now. I lost, but I came out, so it’s not good to let you in directly.”

With a wave of his hand, a subordinate immediately moved over to a gaming table next to him,

“The casino The matter is determined at the gambling table, and life and death in three rounds. If you win, you can check at the Crown Casino today. If you lose, please go home. If there is really a suspect who sneaked into the casino, I will I’ll take him to the FBI in person.”

They’re now at the corner of the gate, and the to-and-fro people won’t be able to spot it unless they look closely, so Although the dispute between He Ao and Ludo just now attracted the attention of some people, it did not attract onlookers.

But as soon as Victor moved to the table, a crowd gathered around him.

For gamblers, there is nothing more exciting than gambling.

“Betting on what?”

Selena asked in a low voice.

“Miss Selena, we don’t dare to bet with you,” Victor looked towards He Ao, “I wonder if Ender Little Brother is willing to take part in this bet?”

Selena The existence of high-level prosthetics in the whole body, even if you enter the casino, you will be invited out, or you will be restricted from a lot of game play. After all, this is too unfair to other gamblers.

And after hearing Victor’s question, He Ao looked towards Selena.

After all, Selena is his immediate boss.

Selena looked at He Ao’s calm face, thought for a while, and nodded gently.

So He Ao looked towards Viktor, “Okay.”

Then he added, “What to play? I’ve never been in a casino, I don’t know the rules.”

Selena, who was just about to retreat behind He Ao, almost lost control of her body and stumbled. She just looked at He Ao’s calm and confident face and thought He Ao was a hidden boss.

“Then let’s choose a simpler one, blackjack,” Victor took two steps back, looking towards the side, the younger brother immediately handed over a deck of cards, and Victor tore the cards apart. The package, while explaining,

“This game is very simple, first remove the two ghost cards in the card, and then the dealer will deal two fold cards to each player participating in the game, and the players can freely Choose to turn over one of the cards, and then you can choose to continue the bidding or stop the bidding, when all players have stopped bidding,”

Victor picked out two ghost cards in the deck and threw them to the On the side, “The game is over, the player turns over the remaining hole card, and adds up all the points to compare the size, among which the flower card is regarded as ten points, and the side with the higher final number wins, if it is the same, it is a draw, but if the total points exceed Blackjack, boom~”

Victor made an explosive mouth, “Then just clear it and lose the game.”

He put the card on In the middle, he also stood in the middle of the side of the gaming table.

He Ao looked at him suspiciously, “Aren’t you going to bet with me?”

“Of course, my skills are not good,” Victor laughed, looking at the slow crowd in the crowd. Ludo, who got up slowly, turned his head and looked towards He Ao again, “I have to give people a chance.”

Ludo didn’t catch the boss’s wink, but someone saw it, so he was directly arrested. Racked up to the gaming table, opposite He Ao.

He Ao didn’t look at Ludo, but looked towards Victor, “I think it would be more appropriate to find a less skilled dealer when gambling with a casino?”

The implication is that I don’t think you are suitable to be a dealer.

“Then let Miss Selena be the dealer.”

Victor was taken aback by He Ao’s question, then he laughed and looked towards Selena, “After all, a beautiful My lady is much better as a croupier than me, a man of five and three rough.”


There was a sudden echo of laughter from the crowd watching.

The casino is actually a very pure place. It is simple and rude. It brings together the most essential desires of human beings, greed, tyranny, astringency, all desires are shouting, the collision of chips, laughter and Unreservedly displayed in the cry.

Selena is still a little unresponsive, but she knows it’s in her own interest.

She is impossible, surrounded by old casino employees, and there is a Victor, she can easily be found out, but this at least guarantees that as a croupier, she is fair of.

If Victor dealt the cards, she wouldn’t necessarily be able to find out that Victor had a thousand.

“Can I check the deck?”

He Ao suddenly said before Selena took the cards.

Super Memory, activate!

This story is purely fictitious, friends, bet nine out of ten, stay away from gambling, cherish life, and finally, seek to collect, pursue and recommend.

(end of this chapter)

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