
Chapter 67 Guiding qi into the body (seeking for reading, collecting, seeking monthly pass)

In fact, He Ao also used his hands last night I searched for this word on the Internet, but like the innate talent sequence, it didn’t show any search results.

The copy world seems to have open and transparent information and a well-developed network, but once some secrets are involved, it seems to have been deliberately erased, leaving no traces.

So He Ao will try to see if he can find some relevant clues in the library.

The collection in the Dawn City Library is divided into two parts, the electronic collection and the paper collection.

E-books are books that have been purchased by the library. Citizens who hold a borrowing card can log in to the official website of the Dawn City Library to borrow these books online.

Paper books are paper books stored in the library. Citizens must come to the library with a borrowing card to borrow or watch them. Basically, the paper books collected by the Dawn City Library are reprinted. Classics, or some Master’s theoretical books.

However, the Dawn City library has existed since the establishment of Dawn City, and has a history of hundreds of years. Although the library has been relocated several times, there are also some strange old books mixed in it, such as the one found by Regit. Body Refinement Art is one of them.

On the e-book collection interface, readers can directly search the contents of books to find the books they want to find.

On the paper collection interface, you can only search for the title of the book to find the book you want.

He Ao first searched the e-books page, hoping to find e-books containing this ‘text’, but the search results were a bunch of painting books, or some physical and chemical drawings. He did not find a single book in this language.

In the end, he exited the e-book page and entered the paper book page. The paper book search does not support pictures, and requires book titles or keywords.

He Ao thought for a moment and entered ‘text’ in the keyword box.

With a snap, thousands of books with the word ‘text’ in their titles popped up.


He Ao impossible searched one book at a time, and he began to think about what kind of books the pictograph-like characters on the small book might appear in.

Hieroglyphs are the earliest writing used by humans.

The origin of words is the description of everything in the world, which is first concrete and then abstract.

For example, the ancient ancestors painted the appearance of the elephant with simple strokes, and then fixed a picture, and used this picture to refer to the elephant. This is the original text, and then the text has evolved , and gradually evolved into the word ‘like’.

This is the ideogram that has changed from pictographic to pictographic-like, and the text itself has meaning.

People who use pictographic ideograms, either they are ancient ancestors themselves, or they have an ancient history of inheritance, their civilization has not been cut off since the ancestors era, and words can only be changed from pictographs. evolved step by step.

The phonetic characters used by the Federation of the copy world, the characters are only pronounced and have no specific meaning, which is completely different from the pictographic-like ideographic characters on the small book.

There are two possibilities, either the little book is from the ancestors of the Federation, a product of ancient times, or the little book comes from other places in this world.

He Ao thought for a moment.

He then added a new keyword ‘former federation’ next to the ‘text’ keyword.

The original federation has existed for longer and has a wider coverage, and you may be able to find relevant books.

After this screening, there are only five books left on the catalog page, and there are few books on the original federal script.

Among these five books, four of them are all about the text of the current Federation in the original Federation period, and the cover of the remaining book has various texts printed on the cover, and among them, there are books similar to small books. word on text.

The title of the book is “Partial Text Restoration of the Former Federal Districts”.

“7th Floor, District I, I-725”

He Ao looked at the number on the back of the book, got up quickly, and walked into the elevator.

Soon he found the copy of “Partial Text Restoration of the Original Federal Districts”. The book was hidden in the corner of the bookshelf. The paper was yellowed. It seemed that it had been there for a long time and no one had flipped it.

He Ao took the book and went back to the first floor. It was exactly nine o’clock, so he put the book on the front desk and opened the door of the library.


He just opened the door and returned to the front desk when he heard a crisp card swipe, someone swiped the card and entered the Dawn City library.

He looked up and saw a woman with beautiful black hair and a neat shirt and suit walking into the library.

She has a slender and tall figure and delicate skin. Her overall figure is a little smaller than the other women in Dawn City that He Ao met, but she is also about 1.7 meters and her cheeks are more delicate.

And when He Ao looked up, the woman also found him.

“Old Master, good morning, did you ask for leave yesterday?”

The woman asked with some doubts as she walked in.

“Well, I was feeling a little sick the other day.”

He Ao nodded, this woman often comes to the library to borrow books, and she met Regit after visiting, ” The law books are on the third floor, a new batch of books came in a few days ago, you can go and have a look.”

The woman’s name is Yi Jiali, a lawyer.

“I saw it yesterday,” Icarrie waved and walked towards the elevator, “Old Master, pay attention to your body.”

“My old bones are still very strong.”

He Ao laughed and watched Icarrie walk into the elevator.

Then slowly opened the book in his hand.

It was at this moment that he thought move and stopped the movement in his hand.

With his breathing, a trace of subtle energy appeared in his chest.

He was injured in the chest before, and the energy brought by breathing into the chest cavity will naturally dissipate. Last night, he also tried to see if he could cultivate, but almost none of the energy that entered the chest cavity could be retained.

The slight energy just now means that the wound on his chest has recovered, and at least he has been able to take in full energy.

He Ao clicked on the attribute interface,

【He Ao (Register)】

【Permission Level: Ordinary Player】

[Physical fitness: 16 (30)]

[Skill: innate talent Sequence 272: Super Memory (Soulbound) (E-rank), basic firearm proficiency (soul part)]

[Mechanical Transformation: None]

[Martial Arts: guiding qi into the body (F-rank) (unusable)]

[Character ability: Body Refinement Art (F-rank) -rank )]

He Ao is very curious, what effect will be after Regite’s body starts cultivation.

After all, this is the werewolf who has trained his physical fitness to 30 just relying on Body Refinement.

And this is the result of the aging body that begins to decline, and I am afraid it will be stronger at the peak period.

He Ao opened the book in his hand and began to absorb and guide the energy in the chest cavity to travel along the line of the arms of the chest cavity.

Rigitte absorbs much more energy in one breath than Ender, and does not need rapid breathing to get enough energy to walk around. This is when the chest injury has just been completely recovered.

In this way, it seems that everyone absorbs energy differently?

This is innate talent?

As energy is channeled out of the chest cavity, unlike the blockage in Ender’s body, He Ao feels as if he has entered a boulevard this time.

The crackle’s knuckles throbbed, suddenly pouring out of his body.

Pursue reading, collection, monthly pass, and recommendation

(end of this chapter)

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