
Chapter 72 Half-life golden scales ups and downs, once the situation is Dragon Transformation. (please collect and read for monthly pass)

“cough cough cough ——”

He Ao raised the water glass next to him, poured water into his mouth, and swallowed the food choked in his throat Go down and keep picking up the food next to you.

With the arrival of the dawn, a ray of strong energy gathered in his chest.

This is the first dawn that he can cultivate in the dungeon world. As he guessed, the dawn of the dungeon world is the same as the main world, and there will be a lot of energy surging.

However, different from the main world, this ray of energy brought by the dungeon world Dawn is not as exaggerated as the normal energy compared to the main world, and it is about ten times the energy absorbed by normal breathing.

His breathing became faster and faster, constantly absorbing more energy from the surrounding void.

The energy from the food is constantly pooling in He Ao’s throat, and as he swallows the food, he directs the energy from the throat to the chest cavity.

The energy between the muscles has slowly emerged from He Ao’s body, preventing the energy in the chest cavity from escaping. As this energy increases, the pressure in He Ao’s body is also increasing.

He Ao felt like his body was a powder keg on the verge of an explosion, full of pressure, and if it burst, he could be shattered.

But without the slightest hesitation, he manipulated the force drawn from his throat, hitting the energy in his chest all at once.

The two incompatible energies collided at that moment, then repelled, and were squeezed back by the surging energy from the body.

The huge pressure began to spread to He Ao’s body, and his body swelled by 10% in an instant, from a strong old man to a somewhat rich old man.

Some of the wrinkled skin was pulled tight, the dark red capillary blood vessels were clearly visible under the skin, and one after another crack was pulled open along the skin, leaching blood.

He Ao felt like a million slender knives were stabbing his body, slicing through his skin.

The prerequisite for the fusion of two incompatible gases is that the external glass container can withstand the pressure beyond that fusion boundary.

He Ao squatted down, gritted his teeth, and quietly watched the movement of the two forces in his chest.

The ‘weather’ from the chest cavity and the ‘earth qi’ from the throat are compressed together by the surging energy in the body, making them incompatible with each other, and begin to dip into each other little by little.

When the two energies meet, a stronger repulsive force emerges from between the two energies, and He Ao’s arms and thighs are suddenly torn apart by another violent expansion. after another slit about a few centimeters long.

His body was gradually unable to suppress this enormous power.

He didn’t speak, he was still breathing faster, ingesting food, and increasing the concentration of these two types of energy.

The pain in his body is getting stronger, but not more than he can bear.

He’s like a crazy gambler who stakes all on one throw.


And just as his body began to swell like a fatty, a dull sound suddenly sounded from his chest.

The rising pressure reaches that limit, and the two energies of Heaven and Earth rapidly merge within He Ao’s chest cavity.

And after the pressure broke through that limit, the repulsive force between the two disappeared instantly and turned into mutual attraction.

The enormous pressure from the inside out also disappeared at the same time, and He Ao’s body returned to its original shape. He didn’t care to wipe the blood spilling from the lacerations all over his body, and he focused all his attention on within the thorax.

As the two energies fuse, one after another strange brilliance emerges from the fused energy.

The energies of the five new attributes begin to tumble in this fused energy.

‘Five Elements are born from the combination of Yin and Yang. ‘

He Ao closed his eyes and began to think about the sentences and pictures on the fourth page of the little book,

Golden Lungs,

with sharp restlessness The energy is drawn out and circles the lungs.

The wood generates the liver,

The cool and gentle qi is directed to the liver.

Water produces the kidney,

The cold, damp and icy qi is directed to the kidney.

Fire generates the heart,

The active energy of bitterness and heat is drawn to the heart.

Indigenous spleen,

moist and sweetness is directed to the spleen.

These five newly born energies are very fast, and they are not blocked by the original energy of the body. They will dissipate almost as soon as they appear. He Ao’s thinking currently does not seem to be enough to guide these energies at the same time. In just a second or two, a lot of this energy disappeared.

So he without the slightest hesitation,

Super Memory, burst!

The powerful mind augmentation from Super Memory allows him to direct five energies to irrigate five corresponding internal organs at the same time.

He has gradually come to understand that the fourth page of the small book is to guide him to use the generated ‘Five Elements’ energy to irrigate the ‘five internal organs’ in the body, the first three pages are to practice the limbs and trunk, and the fourth page is to practice offal.

As these Five Elements energies entered the body, He Ao felt that his soul was nourished and gained some growth, but these growths were quickly consumed by Super Memory.

It took about ten seconds for He Ao to pour all the Five Elements energy into his internal organs. Although the soul nourishment in the later period offset 40% of the consumption of Super Memory, the objects in his field of vision are still There was brief shaking with slight dizziness.

But this situation is much better than when he first started Krypton.

At this moment, he felt the situation in his body again. The energy in his chest had completely disappeared, and the energy that had overflowed in his body was compacted by the pressure that had just erupted, and those strong muscles were once again showing dryness. looks like.

As his breath introduced new energy, these muscles began to suck in new energy.

The internal organs were slightly different, but he couldn’t feel the specific difference.

Maybe it’s better digestion.

And the bottleneck that had been stuck in front of him seemed to disappear, He Ao clicked on the personal attribute panel.

[He Ao (Rigit)]

[Permission Level: Ordinary Players]

[Physical Fitness: 16 (59)]

[Skill: innate talent Sequence 272: Super Memory (Soulbound) (E-rank), Basic Firearms Proficiency (Soul Part)]

[Mechanical Transformation: None]

[Martial Arts: guiding qi into the body (F-rank) (unavailable)]

[Character ability: Refining Essence into Qi (E-rank)]

Direct physical fitness It has skyrocketed by 9 points, from 50 to 59, and the character ability has also changed from ‘guiding qi into the body (F-rank)’ to ‘Refining Essence into Qi (E-rank)’.

He Ao felt that cultivation Martial Arts was a very dangerous thing. After all, the pressure and pain in the process of breaking through, ordinary Martial Arts F-rank could hardly survive, and might die there.

Of course, it is also possible that his breakthrough method is more extreme, and there is indeed such a possibility.

But He Ao felt that the method he used was the quickest and easiest way to break through, with no drawbacks other than being painful and likely to die.

After entering E-rank, the world will be different. Ordinary persons can also touch the threshold of F-rank by training, but unless they are mechanically modified, they are unlikely to reach E-rank of.

E-rank is an extraordinary realm, and it has been less than twenty-four hours since He Ao’s wound recovery started cultivation, and now the light of dawn has risen.

In a day’s time, in situ into the extraordinary.

The precipitation of several decades of Regite broke out at once.

Half-life golden scales ups and downs, one encounters Dragon Transformation.

He Ao took a deep breath, simply bandaged the wound, and changed his clothes.

E-rank is just the beginning of the extraordinary.

He opened the door, went downstairs empty-handed, and left the house.

About half an hour passed.

A dark silhouette walked to the door, skillfully cracked the door lock, and walked into the apartment.

He first looked around, then began to rummage through the boxes.

“Are you looking for this?”

A plastic bag bearing the Dawn City Library logo was held up in front of him.

Thank you for 100 points for the color of hope, 3000 points for mint lemon with ice and no sugar, 100 points for the shadow of the night and the moon, book friends 20190207225912644: 100 points, 100 points for your unique style, and 100 points for being a storyteller 100 points reward.

There are some things to do tomorrow, which may be updated in the afternoon. Please collect, read, and monthly tickets for recommendations.

(end of this chapter)

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