
Chapter 76 Entrustment (seeking collection, pursuing reading, seeking monthly pass)

When the rays of light in the morning are sprinkled on the softness through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office When she was on the sofa, the slender woman lying on the sofa slowly stretched.

She glanced at the blanket draped over her body, then glanced at the cute red-haired girl who was sleeping soundly with some baby fat beside her, took off the blanket on her body, and put it on the girl. .

In front of the sofa is a desk with a whole screen forming a desktop. Various pictures are drawn on the screen, and various handwritings are written on the screen. Results of the evening.

A plan on how to use that one million donation to build a school for street children.

The woman gathered her black hair and let the loose hair slide neatly down her shoulders to her back. Then she walked out of the gap between the desk and the sofa, took the hot water with a cup, and washed it.

A pack of instant coffee.

After making the coffee, she took the coffee, walked to the desk again, swiped the screen, and admired the results of last night.

Then she walked to the small desk aside, opened the bag, and took out the books in the bag one by one.


A comfortable exhalation sound came from behind her.

red-haired girl Annie rubbed her eyes and moved back to the sofa. “Carrie, what do you think our school should be called? What are you looking for?”

“Looking for a book,” Icarrie flipped through her bag with a cup of coffee in her hand, “I clearly remember that I brought it back yesterday.”

“What book? “

Annie rubbed her eyes, stood up in a daze, and walked towards the direction where Icari was standing.

“The Fearless Dawn, an autobiography written by the mayor.”

Icari said slowly.

“When did you read this kind of book?”

Annie yawned, put her head together, and looked for the book “Icari” Dawn of fearless.

“I don’t think so,” Icarrie put the coffee aside, “Isn’t there a commission case before? Please help me investigate the cause of his parents’ death.”

“Oh ,” Annie opened her mouth and tried to recall, “The little Young Master of the mayor’s family?”

“Yes, he is the adopted son of the mayor,” Icarrie rummaged, He explained, “His parents died in a beast attack. At that time, Mayor Venter had not yet been elected. When he visited the scene, he adopted him on the spot. Now that he has grown up, he wants to investigate the cause of death of his biological parents.”

“Didn’t you say that the cause of death was from an alien beast?” Annie blinked her eyes confusedly, “And you’ve even taken up this kind of private detective case now?”

“That’s the official cause of death, he seems to have a different opinion,” Icari also yawned, “He gave a lawyer fee of 100,000 yuan, paid according to the progress of the matter, and even if the final investigation and the official result Just like that, his balance is still paid.”

“Mom,” Annie’s mouth opened wide, “How can you receive such an expensive case at your level!”

” What do you call my level?!” Icarrie raised her eyebrows, “I’m an Academician of the Dawn Law Academy, okay.”

“I took seven cases and earned 60,000 yuan in two years. A legal academician who sent a former employer to prison and sentenced to 20 years in prison?”

Annie said quickly.

“What do you mean by sending your employer to jail? He was no longer my employer when I sent him to jail! And I didn’t send him in by hand, I just told him about his crimes. My prosecutor friend.”

Icari argued.

“So I said it was the former employer.”

Annie nodded.

“Annie, when did you have such a powerful mouth?”

Icari reached out and tugged at Annie’s little mouth.

“Slightly,” Annie broke free from Icarrie’s clutches, and then set her eyes on the bag and the book in front of her, “Carrie, did you forget your book in the car or in the library? Didn’t you take it away? And what does the little Young Master from the mayor’s house have to do with that book?”

“It’s possible, I’ll go look for it,” Icari nodded, and then She began to answer Annie’s second question,

“It’s nothing, I don’t know if it’s an hallucination, that little Young Master often feels that someone is watching him, so he made a promise with me that if he comes out one day In case of an accident, I couldn’t find him, so I went to the library to look at the only book “Fearless Dawn”, he might hide the clues in that book.

I didn’t make an appointment with him. I met yesterday, but he didn’t come yesterday, and I couldn’t contact him, so I went to the library to see if there were any clues in that book.”

“So there are hidden clues in that book. ?”

Annie’s eyes widened, as if she had discovered the treasure game child.

“I looked through it several times, and there was nothing, just an ordinary book,” Icari shrugged, “he also said that he might be hiding in it, or that he might just be grounded at home or My phone was confiscated, I originally planned to borrow the book and take a closer look at it. If it doesn’t work, I’ll go directly to the mayor’s manor to ask about the situation.”

She yawned, “Then Okay, I’ll go downstairs to the car first to see if I’ve landed in the car.”

——Ten minutes later——

“No…did it land in a book? Is it in the museum?”

In the underground parking lot, in the dark car, the old and majestic man quietly watched the black-haired woman rummaging through the car projected on the huge car screen.

This is a real-time monitoring of a tiny camera installed in the other party’s car.

“Boss, in the past four days, she was either reading in the library or looking for clues about the alien beast attack. Only yesterday she contacted the Young Master at the mayor’s house, and she couldn’t get in touch. She didn’t seem to do anything more after getting up.

It seems that she didn’t know, and what the mayor lost should not have passed on to her.”

The driver sitting in the front row turned his face and explained slowly.

After listening to the driver’s narration, Naja closed his eyes slightly and leaned on the seat, “Then deal with it, let this matter end in this place.”

“Okay,” the driver clicked nodded, put his hand on the steering wheel, and started the car, “Does the old manager want to deal with it?”

“Let’s go together.”

Naja His voice was old and low.

And in the monitoring screen displayed on the car screen,

After rummaging and finding nothing, the black-haired woman got into the driver’s seat, started the vehicle, and picked up her hand. ring.


“Sincerely, a total of 1,800 federal dollars.”

Roger picked up the bill and smiled.

“One thousand eight?” He Ao stood up with a swipe, “smear some medicine, why don’t you grab it?”

“Look what you said,” Luo Jie shrugged, “I’ll get this quick money?”

“Wash a zero,” He Ao put on the coat he just took off, “How about one hundred and eighty?”


Roger without the slightest hesitation.

High again.

He Ao sighed, picked up the cane on the side, opened the bracelet and prepared to transfer money.

And Roger bored up the bag he had just brought over, took out the book “Fearless Dawn”, and flipped through it,

“old bastard, The cover of your book is a bit thick.”

For collection, for reading, for monthly pass, for recommendation

(end of this chapter)

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