
Chapter 79 The Mayor (seeking for collections and pursuits for monthly passes)

“The sniper who just attacked us,” He Ao said with The crutch pointed at the sniper who fell on the ground, and then pointed at the car that was hitting the wall with the crutch, “The man inside was just about to shoot me.”

Then he looked at Ijia Li, “Is this in self-defense?”

“Is it…?”

Icari was a little dazed.

The incident happened so fast that her mind was already a little round.

In terms of the nature of the incident, this could be considered self-defense.

Just interpret He Ao’s encounter with the sniper as an accidental encounter on the way to escape. Although Icarrie thinks that the Old Master probably came over to hunt down the sniper on purpose, ‘explain’ , can still be explained.

The problem is that too many people died in this self-defense, and all the people who attacked them died.

Even according to Dawn City’s laws, if you really want to go to court, it’s probably going to be a fight.

Of course now is not the time to think about this, Icarrie looked up towards He Ao,

“Old Master, what are you doing down here?”

Icarrie is completely blinded at the moment. She doesn’t know why she is in this situation, why someone came to kill her, why the old master, the amiable and kind librarian, suddenly showed such a cold and decisive side .

She even began to think about what kind of unknown past He Ao had, and began to think whether those uncles sweeping the floor on the side of the road were actually hidden experts.

But in the final analysis, He Ao is now her only support. In times of crisis, the most important thing to do is to listen to the opinions of professionals.

He Ao glanced at Icari, and while walking down the alley with a cane, he took out a card reader with a translucent memory chip from his pocket.

This kind of card reader can convert the interface of the storage chip into a common three-point magnetic data interface of the Federation, so that the content inside can be read by the bracelet.

“Have you seen it?”

He Ao placed the card reader in front of Icari’s eyes.

Icari shook her head blankly.

“Look at it,” He Ao handed her the card reader. “After reading it, share what you know with me.”

Icarly was at a loss. Take the card reader from He Ao’s hand.

“Remember to disconnect from the internet.”

He Ao, who was walking in front, said suddenly.

“Ah,” Icari nodded, and she asked softly while leaning the card reader against the data port of the bracelet, “So, Old Master, let’s see what’s in here next. Anything?”

“No,” He Ao shook his head, “We go to Rockville Private High School.”

“Huh? Why?”

” The mayor is giving a speech there.”


Crown District, Rockville Private High School

A lean, lean, kind and majestic old man is standing On the podium, his eyes lit up, looking at the students sitting neatly in front of him with full of energy,

“…I know, the videos played on those smart devices may make you feel There is a certain delusion that you don’t need much effort to be rich, and that you only need to be able to sing, dance, go to some kind of talk show, or play around in variety shows, and you can just sit back and enjoy it.”

“But the reality is that there’s almost no chance of you going either way.”

“Those hilarious TV shows, the stars who are active in TV shows often give us a sense of The illusion of being rich and successful without any effort.”

“But success is actually a hard thing.”

“The land under our feet is the most beautiful place in Dawn City. The ancient land is also one of the oldest land in the Federation. More than 800 years ago, the founders of the Federation broke through the sea and landed on this land. They built the original Dawn City here – which is called by us. What is now called the Crown District.”

“They built the first high wall in Dawn City and the oldest high wall in the Federation in the terrifying wilderness under the attack of crazy alien beasts. .”

“How long did it take them?”

“Twenty years!”

“Seven hundred and fifty-six years ago, when the Federation was established , it has been almost a hundred years since the construction of the high walls of Dawn City began.”

“More than eight hundred years ago, the people who were sitting in your place, people of your age, they Overcoming thorns, reclaiming land at the feet of alien beasts, and rebuilding civilization in the madness of the wilderness, they spent 20 years building the dawn, and 100 years building the federation.”

“Success has never been No easy task.”

“Eight centuries ago, those who sat in your place rekindled the spark of civilization and gave us a high wall on which to live.”

“Five centuries ago, those in your place restored traffic between cities, allowing us to move freely between cities.”

“Three centuries ago, those in your place built virtual networks across the wilderness, changing the way we communicate. “

“So today, I want to ask everyone, what is your contribution? What problem are you going to solve? Twenty years, fifty years, and a century later, what should the mayor who came here say about what you have done for Dawn and the Commonwealth? “

“Right now, your families, your teachers, and I are doing everything in your power to make sure you have the education you need to answer these questions.” “

“I want each of you to do great things, so don’t let me down, don’t let your family down, don’t let your city down.” “

A thunderous applause.

“Thank you all, God bless you, God bless Dawn.” ”


Outside the venue, the crowd of densely packed standing onlookers, most of the applause poured out from these crowds.

And at the edge of the crowd, there stood an old man with silver hair and a slender woman with black hair. They did not applaud, but quietly listened to the mayor’s speech.

“It’s a good speech. . “

He Ao leaned on a cane and said calmly.

“Yeah,” Icari nodded silently, her eyes swept over the school uniforms in expensive wool sweaters Students, scan the luxury bags hanging on their bodies, scan the expensive smart bracelets or brand-name watches they carry,

Rockville Private Middle School is the best middle school in the Crown District, It is also the best middle school in Dawn City. Of course, its tuition fee is as high as nearly 100,000 federal dollars per year.

“472,” Icarrie raised her head and moved her eyes to the in the center of the crowd. The old man of great spirits, at this moment the old man is packing his things and preparing to leave, “In Aston District, the neighborhood I often go to, there are 472 homeless children who can’t go to school. “

There are forty-one blocks in Aston District.

He Ao turned around, leaning on crutches, and walked towards the exit step by step, “Come on, let Let’s go meet the mayor. “

“He’s not…”

Icari was a little surprised. On the way here, she had already told He Ao the content of her entrustment. It was this Mr. Mayor who was chasing them behind the scenes.

“Didn’t you want to know the whereabouts of your small employer? “He Ao didn’t look back, he walked forward step by step,” asking his adoptive father directly was the fastest way. “

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Seeking collections, pursuing reading, seeking monthly passes, and recommending a friend’s book.

(end of this chapter)

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