Elsie leaned against the back of her seat and continued to talk.

"So, how long are we going to keep that man in here?"

Rai stopped writing his report and raised his head to look at Elsie.

"That man?"

"I mean that dude we captured in the snowy mountain. What was his name again?"

"You mean Alan Gill?"

Elsie threw aside her pen, moved her body to lean in a more comfortable position, and folded her arms.

"Yeah. How long will he be held in the prison? Didn't they already interrogate him?"

The unit members were all sitting in the hall and chattering since morning. They were supposed to write reports about their latest mission, but they were instead lazing around and talking to each other. 

They at least pretended to work at first, but they put aside the act after team leader Dains and deputy team leader Bray left for a meeting half an hour ago and started to do whatever they wanted.

In the hall, the only one doing their job was Rai just like the first day that Kairen had come to this place but he couldn't do much as he had to answer others and do what they 'kindly asked' him to.

In addition to Rai, there was Reyan, who had long finished writing his report. Serria completely threw aside the half-written report and went to join the girls' conversation as soon as the team leader left. Kairen also had been struggling to write his report but had to get help from Reyan in the end since he didn't know what to write in each part of the paper.

"Who knows? I guess till Glenn and the others find out something about him? Team leader Dains said that he was still suspicious of that man."

Rai shrugged his shoulders and looked down at the papers again.

"But, isn't Glenn busy with the mascry case? Does he have the time to search about that man?"

Rai slightly tilted his head.

"Now that I think about it, I feel like we treated that man a little bit too rush."

"I know right? What if the poor man was really just living a peaceful life in there? We dragged him out of his house and threw him in jail."

"My god, just imagine it. You're sitting on your sofa and enjoying your coffee when a bunch of weirdos enter your house and drag you to jail."

"I feel bad now that you said it like that. Boy, we do seem like bad guys here."

"I don't think that team leader Dains would do such a thing without thinking it through, there must be a reason to it."


Asa joined the conversation at that moment. She slammed the book in front of her with so much hatred and started talking with an annoyed voice.

"Didn't team leader Dains say we had to go to another mission? He even wanted us to quickly finish our mission to come back and help in that mascry case. Then why are we sitting here and doing nothing?"

She said those and looked down at the book with hatred and disappointment visible in her eyes.

Unlike the others, Asa didn't have to write a report about the previous mission. Deputy team leader Bray forced her to study instead of writing a report. 

Making Asa study seemed to be a really hard process. In the end, the deputy team leader Bray had to threaten Asa with cutting off the internet so she couldn't read 'those stories' Anymore. 

It was only after hearing those words that the teenager sat down at a table and started studying. She had been nagging since morning and searching for a way to get away from studying.

"The team leader had been busy with the issues related to that village recently. Well, that village's issue is related to Philomns so it has more importance. I guess we'll get to know something about that mascry mission as well today or tomorrow. "

"I see..."

The people in the hall continued to chat while pretending that they were writing their reports. They didn't have much to do anyway so they played around and enjoyed their free time. 

Some talked about their missions while some just sat alone and did what they wanted.

Kairen also finished his report. He then started to explain what had happened at the gym with captain Neal to his two curious friends. Reyan and Serria were also surprised after hearing the details. 

Of course, Serria made fun of him after hearing that captain Neal had mistaken Kairen with her. She started acting about how great and powerful she was and that she deserved to be the captain's disciple, not Kairen, giving a headache to Reyan and Kairen.

"Well, I guess there was a book that I read about lowering your mana usage."

She then started teaching Kairen some stuff about how he could cast better spells with less mana according to a book she read and an article that she saw.

"I guess you shouldn't tell others about being captain Neal's disciple."

"But I'm not yet her disciple or near anything like that, she just pointed out my flaws and helped me a little bit."

"Still, don't tell anyone about it."


"Sigh! Kairen, people with unique powers live in a different world than ordinary people, especially the famous families and guilds. You don't know how dark and scary that world is. You don't know how much pride some people have in themselves and their families or guilds. Captain Neal hasn't taken any disciples from such great families till now even when she was offered a great amount of money. Only a word and rumor about a nameless young man being helped with the great captain of Monster Hunting Division can cause a great commotion. It is fine now, she sometimes helps talented people if she is asked by her higher-ups or friends so there will be no problems yet, but things will change if she continues to help you out."


'What? There was something like that?'

Kairen was greatly shocked after hearing that as he was completely unaware of such details.

"I didn't know that... Thank you for telling me in advance."

Reyan then sighed.

"Nah...There is no need to thank me... You already knew about these things before... You just can't remember... Because of your memory issues..."

Reyan lowered his head with a gloomy face after mumbling those words with a sad voice.


Kairen ignored him. He was repeating 'Oh my friend is so poor he has lost his memories and his personality has changed why did this happen to him.' process once again so Kairen just kept silent till Reyan was done pitting him.

Just like that, they spent a few hours playing around and chatting, until the loud sound of a door opening stopped their conversation.

"EEK! What?"

Asa, dozing off with her face on her book, jumped up from the loud voice. Others also were startled so they all turned towards the source of the sound.

Once they turned towards the source of the sound, they saw Glenn standing in front of the door of his office with a slightly pale face.

"Ah, Glenn? What are you doing?"

"You startled us!"

"Are you fine? You look pale."

Glenn didn't answer the unit members and instead hurriedly walked towards the team leader's office with a serious face.

"Is team leader Dains here?"

He grabbed the handle and opened the door, only to see the team leader's empty office.

Seeing the serious look on his face, Elsie got up from her seat and walked towards him.

"No. Team leader Dains and deputy team leader Bray went to a meeting a few hours ago. Do you have something to tell him?"

Glenn placed his hands on his hips and sighed with a frowning face.

"HAAA! Damn it."

"Has something happened?"

Everyone else stopped what they were doing and turned their attention to Glenn, urging him to say something. 

"Say something, you're scaring me!"

It was only hearing Rai's worried voice was that Glenn finally opened his mouth.

"Three more mascry mines were looted last night, no, this morning. Only a few hours ago."

Rai dropped the pen he was holding.

"What? I thought agents were assigned to guard and patrol all of the mascry mines? What were they doing? How could the mines be looted again?"

Glenn sighed again.

"There were. Agents are assigned to protect and guard the mines and they have been doing their work without any flaws."

He paused for a moment.

"Yes. Agents guard all the mines in Hainston."

Elsie frowned after hearing his words.

"I don't get what you are talking about. Can't you say the whole thing all at once?"

Glenn raised his head to look at Elsie. He still had a serious look on his face.

"The looted mines were not in here.. Three mines were looted with the same method this morning, not here but in Bordkly."

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