The deputy team leader put down the documents that had all of the information that Kairen could find about the case and picked up another piece of paper.

"I read them all when you sent them to me yesterday. Both Claire Reid's past and the incident's reports. It was interesting. And I also liked your hypothesis."

She leaned back and looked at Kairen.

"But you have to summarise them all for the others."

She smiled and turned away as if she was happy that she could dump all the hard work on someone else. 

Kairen looked at the two other people, Carlson and Reyan, who were waiting to hear his explanations.

Kairen sighed and started to explain the situation. He didn't forget to mention his, and the detectives whom he worked with while searching for the murderer's hypothesis about the case on the report. 


The situation about the murder case was clear. 

People started to disappear one by one each day. They all vanished without leaving a trace behind. 

Once they looked into it, they could find out that all of the victims were connected to a certain mascry company.

And the owner of that company was killed by them.

That might show why all of those people disappeared, or rather, were kidnapped.

It could be revenge. Or it could also be that someone wanted to silence them. 

Of course, there might be other reasons behind it, but those two were the most probable according to the detectives.

And after a few days, all of the people were found dead.

And once they visited the places where the victims were last seen, they found something strange. 

The traces of the victims were cut off at one point.

It was the same once the corpses were found, the trace just appeared out of nowhere.

"That's what made us think that it might be the work of someone who knows how to use the power of space."

"But, aren't those people really rare? Also, all of them are registered in the association."

Kairen looked at Carlson and nodded.

"That's also what the detectives thought. Still, it was the only way that things made sense."

Carlson nodded and told him to continue. But there wasn't much left to say.

"Finally, it was decided that the only way that we could capture the murderer is when they appear again to deliver the next victim's corpse. We were divided into groups and guarded the possible places all night."

And that was when Kairen had faced one of the scariest things in his life.

A murderer!

Even though he was scared, he placed a tracker on the murderer.

"And the next second, the murderer went far, far away."


In the end, they were unable to capture the murderer.

Kairen's spell was mysteriously destroyed and all of the people were found dead.

"So you don't even know who the murdered was?"

Kairen shook his head.

"We had some guesses, though there were no proofs."

"Then who was it?"

Kairen picked up another page and started to read its contents.


Claire Reid. 

15 years old. 

The only daughter of Brett Reid, the owner of the mentioned mascry company.

She left the country to study abroad two years ago. 

She had studied there for two years. Her grades were average and she had a nice personality. 

According to the academy's records, her behavior changed about 8 months ago.

She, who would never lose a class, started to skip classes regularly. 

No one knew where she went or what did she skip classes for.

No one even know how she sneaked out because no one saw her doing that.

And a few months ago, the girl suddenly disappeared.

She was nowhere to be found. No one of her friends knew where she was. She wasn't even captured in the academy's security cameras, which almost cover all of the building.

It was as if she had completely vanished.

After digging up things a little bit, it was found that there were unordinary money transfers to her bank account starting 8 months ago. 

Huge amounts of money were sent to her, and great amounts were taken out from her bank account. 

Once checked a little bit more, it was found that the locations in which the money was spent were different every time. And all of them were exactly at the dates that the girl disappeared from her room. 

Also, the girl went missing on the exact same day when the last group of corpses was found. 

"Plus, the location that was shown in the tracker and the city where she used to live match more or less."


Carlson massaged his chin.

"This sure feels like the girl is related to the murder case. I can't say for sure if she was the murderer or just another victim, but she is surely related."

He looked at the girl's picture on the paper in his hand and shook his head.

"But there is no information about her having special powers."

"As much as I could find, she always avoided taking the test. The academy regularly checked its students to see if anyone had some kind of power, but she was absent in all of those tests for different reasons."

Kairen said those and put the documents relating to the tests in front of Carlson.

"I've also checked all of the registered unique skill users who can control Space, but there were none who were capable of creating portals like the one I saw when I faced the murderer."

And another document was placed on the table.

"If she really possesses such a power, it explains all of the things... And thinking that way, it also seems to be related to the looted mascry mines. If it's the same person's doing, they can come and go wherever they want by creating those portals."

Reyan puased for a moment.

"But do you really think a 15-year-old teenage girl is the one who goes around and steals mascry? What for? Also, what about the other person?"

The deputy team leader joined the conversation at that moment.

"We had no clues about the case until now and we couldn't use trace because the case was handed to us too late. But now that we have some clues about one of the culprits, we can find the other one easily as well."

Tap Tap Tap

Deputy team leader Bray tapped on the table.

"One of them is only capable of moving between places. Even if that person is not Claire Reid, it is for sure that one has to either have the power of Space or use a gadget to move between places. Most gadgets can't work without mana so it is unlikely to be the case and that leaves us with only one possibility."

Everyone nodded their heads. They already knew all of the things that she said.

"It is possible that the person with the power of space could also move all the mascry with their power. But if that was the case, they would be working alone and there would be no need for another person to tag along."

Everyone else nodded their heads again.

"So it means the other person was the one who moved all of the mines. After examining the mines, we all saw how they looked like. A lot of soil and not a single broken stone. Huge piles of soil were seen here and there."

The others nodded again.

"That means they had to have a power related to earth. An attribute user."

Again, everyone nodded their head. 


Kairen placed another bunch of papers on the table.

"I searched for all of the people with powers related to earth. There were quite a lot of them. There were also some whose powers might be similar to the one used for stealing the mines. I marked them for you."


Deputy team leader Bray raised her eyebrows as if she wasn't expecting this.

"Well done, Kairen."

"Thank you."

The deputy team leader picked up the papers and started to scan them.



Kairen turned his head after sensing a gaze on him.

He could see Reyan staring at his face, examining him up and down, and staring at his face again.

The look on his face was strange. 


Kairen averted his gaze and looked away. Reyan looked creepy these days. He preferred not to interact with him for a while.

'Is he really Kairen?'

Reyan narrowed his eyes and looked at his friend.

'Since when did he become so hard working?'

Reyan couldn't believe the situation. 

His lazy and always blank friend had really done well.


How was that possible?

'Did he hit his head again? Did he get his memories back? No no. That can't be! Did he finally decide to use the thing called the brain? Oh my god, he is possessed! This isn't him! Something must've happened to him!'

Reyan kept staring at the person in front of him with his eyes wide open. 

"By the way, I'm quite surprised."

They heard Carlson's voice at the moment.

He was carefully examining the documents in his hands. 

"I didn't think you would be this good at this stuff."

Kairen smiled awkwardly at his words.

"Oh! It's not much. I learned most of the things from Glenn."

Carlson kept looking at the documents and continued to talk.

"Still, it shouldn't be that easy. Glenn tried to teach us how to do this stuff as well. He hoped one of us could help him, but the things were too complicated that none of us could understand anything. Also, you prepared lots of things beforehand in that short amount of time."

Kairen felt even more awkward.

It was true that he had worked hard to gather this information. He gathered as much information as he could. He was also familiar with the case so it wasn't that hard. 

He also thought about the case and the different possibilities and searched for whatever came to his mind.

He still had a bunch of useless documents that he hadn't shown to the others.

He really worked hard.

Because he wanted to search for Alan Gill after he was done with the research. He wanted to use the data and the computed for that purpose later.

He completed his task to the fullest so that he wouldn't need to worry about anything else while searching for Alan.

And so that he wouldn't feel guilty about the fact that he was using the unit's belongings and data for personal use.

Kairen opened his mouth to somehow explain things.

"Ah! It must've been easy for me because it was related to what I majored in at the university."


Carlson stopped reading the papers. He raised his head and looked at Kairen.

"You went to university? While studying at the academy?"


Kairen swallowed his dry saliva.

'I messed up!'

He forgot that Kairen had studied in that academy and didn't study the same things as him.

Kairen hurriedly got up and gathered his stuff.

"Oh, I had a meeting with captain Neal! I almost forgot!"

And ran out of the room.



The three remaining people stared at the door even after he left, wondering what happened just now.

'Oh my god!'

Reyan, still staring at the door, covered his mouth with his hand. 

'He is really possessed!'

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