219 We should go there. All of us!


Something exploded on the other side of the city. Flames flared up and smoke rose into the air. The sound of the explosion was so loud that it instantly drove everyone’s attention.


The place that was on fire was on the other side of the city, almost outside the city. It was a distinguished location by the agents.

“The central prison?”

Kain, Alan, and all the other agents present also were staring at the fire in the distance.

“Why is the central prison...”

Kain was sure that the central prison wasn’t one of the bombed locations. Why would that place suddenly explode? Did that soil bastard really fool them?

The central prison.


Unlike how its name indicated, the prison actually wasn’t at the center of the capital. It was built in a remote place far from residential areas.

The reason? It’s obvious.

The central prison was the place where the most dangerous criminals were being held.

The phrase ‘the most dangerous criminals’ referred to the criminals with unique skills who had committed great sins. The system in that prison was different from the other normal prisons. The guards and everyone working there were chosen among the best unique skill holders. The prison had special devices that were arranged in a way that would best suppress the unique skills of the criminals. Even the way the building was built and the materials used in it were top-notch.


Kain gasped.

‘The powerful unique skill holders...’

He subconsciously took one step towards the far-away pillar of smoke and fire.

“Raymond Heartz!”

His previous team leader whom they had captured just recently.

He too was among those ‘the most dangerous criminals’ and was being held in the central prison.


A noise rang out in his ear.

-Attention everyone! ATTENTION!

-It’s an attack. A bunch of people had broken into the central prison.


Someone was yelling on his communication device.

‘So it wasn’t one of those bombs but an attack?’

They would’ve announced it immediately if one of those bombs had exploded again. Kain glanced at the paper given to him by the soil dude and then looked at the pillar of fire on the other side.

The attack on the prison was none of his business. His mission was something else. He had to do something else.

‘I should grab Ariyan and run away.’

He had already memorized the locations by now.

The city hall. The police main department. The central bank. The city center.

‘I should head to the city center.’

Before he teleported back to the capital, he had shown the locations to team leader Dains. As soon as team leader Dains saw the locations, he contacted the higher-ups and requested them to evacuate the said locations.

The city hall. The police department. The central bank.

These three places were mere buildings that could be emptied in a matter of a few minutes.

But the city center was different.

They didn’t even know where in the city center was the bomb located. Also evacuating that whole place would take at least a few hours, if not days.

‘If I can’t somehow find the bomb or stop it from exploding, I’ll just grab Ariyan and run for good.’

Ariyan’s kindergarten was also located in the city center.

‘If I take all of the agents to the city center, then finding the bomb would be much faster.’
The other places could be evacuated. What was important was the city center. They all had to focus on that location.


He called for the ones who had come with him. As the deputy team leader of unit 6, he was the leader of this small team.

They only needed to teleport to the city center and start searching.

“We will split into four groups...”

He clenched the paper in his hand.

“...And search these four locations.”

‘Damn it!’

“The city hall. The police department. The central bank. The city center.”

Kain named the locations one by one through gritted teeth.

‘We should all go to the city center... We should all...’

“You know what you are supposed to look for. Report me everything you find.”

‘Argh! Damn it!’

He cursed inside while lowering his head more and more.

‘What am I doing? I shouldn’t be doing this!’

He had to run away. He didn’t want to stay here and risk anything anymore.

He was scared. Too scared to fight the enemies.

“Return here in 30 minutes. It doesn’t matter if you’ve found the bombs or not, be back here in 30 minutes.”

Kain didn’t raise his head to look at the other agents’ faces, but he still could hear their voices clearly.

“Yes, sir.”

Just in a few seconds, four different teams were created and all of them were already ready to teleport to their designed locations.

“Hey brat, we are leaving!”

Alan grabbed Kain’s arm and pulled him towards a small group that was ready to teleport to the city center.


Kain didn’t resist and let Alan drag him towards the small teleportation circle while staring at a certain spot.


He took one last look at the white cloth that was covering his beloved wife’s dead body.

‘I’m sorry...’

He didn’t want to leave. He wanted to sit beside that body for hours, maybe days and months. There were still a lot of things he wanted to tell his wife.

But he couldn’t do so. He couldn’t even cry for his dead wife. He had to complete the mission first. There was still their son he needed to protect.

A light engulfed his whole body as the teleportation device was activated.

‘I couldn’t do it. I’m sorry.’

He could only say a few words to his wife before he left.

Everything was fading as they were about to teleport. He still kept staring at the white cloth that was vanishing from his sight.

‘In the end...’

Everything had turned white and the white cloth was not seen anymore.

‘I didn’t even have the guts to run away.’

. . . . . .

“I was the one who blocked this bomb! So, I can at least block one more bomb in the capital as well! Please, send me to the capital as well!”



Team leader Dains looked at the boy’s determined face before sighing. He wanted to tell the boy that he would be more of a burden than any help if he coughed up blood and fainted again. But on the other hand, he couldn’t deny the fact that he might, no, he will be a great help in dealing with those bombs.

Almost in all of their missions, the boy had ended up injured and unconscious after they fought a battle. Yet in all of them, he had done his job in dealing with the enemy beofore he fainted, didn’t he?

More or less!

He felt like scum, making a young boy fight and then stay in the hospital for a bunch of days all the time. He was the team leader and had to protect his subordinates. But recently, he always failed to do so and some of his unit members ended up hurt. There was someone who was the one who got hurt the most and that someone was this boy.

Well, he still felt relieved that only one person was hurt instead of the whole unit, and the fact that he felt relieved by that fact made him feel even more like a real bastard.


In the end, he nodded his head.

Maybe he really was scum. He didn’t want to hold down someone who could help save the capital and intended to use him, even if that meant that the person would get hurt in the end.

“I’ll send you there.”

At least, he decided to be a trashy person and don’t consider his subordinate’s health and make him work as much as he could.

“I’ll go as well!”

Reyan raised his hand.

“Me too me too!”

Serria also raised her hand.

“I can go as well, you know.”

And then the deputy team leader did so.


Team leader Dains glanced at them before shaking his head.

“We still need to protect the prince. I can’t let you guys all go.”


Serria turned around with a dejected face while deputy team leader Bray nodded her head.

-Attention everyone! ATTENTION!

-It’s an attack. A bunch of people had broken into the central prison.




The atmosphere froze in that instant.


“Those... Those bastards!”

Serria slammed her sword to the ground while cursing.

“Team leader!”

Reyan looked at the team leader with wide eyes. The team leader also had a surprised face.

‘Raymond Heartz.’

Both of them quickly understood the meaning behind the attack on the central prison.

It was because of that man. They either wanted to free him or silence him for good.

“But I guess one person can go since I can’t send a mage into a battlefield all alone.”

He glanced at Reyan. The boy nodded his head after receiving his gaze.

‘Also, I don’t think that boy would be able to stay here after the news about the attack on the prison.’

The team leader could tell it only by looking at the anger flaring up in his eyes.

‘Argh, they will both get themselves killed!’

He lowered his head.

‘These hot-headed youngsters!’

Reyan would run off to his uncle to fight him. Knowing that he was no match for him, he would be sent to heaven a few seconds into the fight.

While on the other side, he was sure Kairen would be dealing with some crazy stuff caused by his power.

“You are a team. Don’t run around on your own. If anything happens to one of you, the other has to take the responsibility!”

That was the only way that might prevent them from causing any more trouble.

“Deputy team leader Hampton, please send us your location.”

He then talked to his communication device. The answer came back after a few seconds. The location was somewhere in the city center.

Adjusting the location to the sent coordinates, Kairen and Reyan used a teleportation device to move to where Kain was at the moment.

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