272 I want to retire

It has been ten days.

Ten days have passed since the day they went to that temple to look for the ancient artifact. Ten days since that incident. Ten days since two of his unit members went missing, or rather, kidnapped.


An explosion rang out in the distance. The team could see a huge building crumbling down not too far away from him. Dust was rising to the air and screams were heard from every corner. Red lights lit up the area and alarms rang out all at once.

He hurriedly brought his communication device to his mouth and spoke in a preserved voice, doing his best not to scream out loud.

“I told you to go unnoticed. What the hell are the two of you doing?”

And an answer came back after a few seconds. A girl started to talk to him while panting and gasping.

-We... Huff... We were found out huff... We had no other choice... huff...

There was no need for the team leader to do much and think about the situation to find out what was happening as he could clearly see a black-haired girl and a blonde boy running away from the crumbling building, while a bunch of soldiers were running after them. The soldiers were attacking them with their guns or their abilities, while the due either blocked them by a magic barrier or deflected them with aura slashes. The two of them kept running towards where he and the others were hiding.


“Gosh. Again!”

Team leader Dains pinched the bridge of his nose and heaved a sigh. He couldn’t take this anymore. He was really going crazy.

‘Maybe I should retire myself.’

He had been considering that choice for several days now. Couldn’t he just retire, go to a remote location, and live away from all this crazy stuff? He had suffered enough, he thought.

It has been ten days. Ten days since his team members, especially the due that are running to them after destroying that building, have gone crazy.

How did things end up like this? He couldn’t help but think about the things that have happened in the past few days.
First, one of the new members of his team, that freaking boy who had a freaking power that caused freaking things to happen every time they were out on a mission with him, disappeared. Then the healer of the team got kidnapped. After they were gone, that golden bastard started to say something about the attacker being the head of that religion that they were investigating and the religion’s holy saint and then started to freak out about how they were all doomed and everything was over.

They reported the situation in an emergency message to the commander and prepared to go back to the borders, but had to stop doing so. It was because of the people who attacked them all of a sudden.

A freaking thing had fallen down from the sky, a huge red dome had covered a vast area before disappearing into thin air, some earth quakes had happened, a whole temple was crumbled to dust, and the land was in utter destruction.

Even Bordkly wasn’t blind enough not to notice that some crazy things had happened in its land. No one would turn a blind eye to something like this and Bordkly, obviously, sent out its units to find the cause of the incidents. It wasn’t hard for the investigation unit of Bordkly’s military to find out their unit who were wandering right near the scene of the accident and attack them.

Thus, they had to spend a whole day fighting Bordkly’s soldiers and agents. But that wasn’t really fighting. A fight wouldn’t be that brutal.

His deputy team leader, who was going nuts from anxiousness and worry over Asa who was kidnapped, ended up blowing everything, including their own car. She wasn’t the only one who had gone nuts though. The two friends of the other person who had gone missing, Reyan and Serria, killed all of those poor soldiers in a burst of rage. Who were they angry at? No one knew. They were just angry and they killed everyone.

The two other aura users in the team, Darren and Carlson, who seemed to enjoy the crazy atmosphere and the battle so much, also joined them in destroying things. The four people proceeded to slash everything with their swords and auras.

Unlike the ones who were busy destroying things, the golden bastard only sat in a corner and stared at the air while mumbling to himself as if he was a heartbroken teenager, and there was also Rai who tried to calm everyone down only to get ignored, Elsie who didn’t even know what she was supposed to do, and him, the team leader, who only watched his members destroy everything with helplessness.

It was a mess. Everything was a mess.

They managed to kill those agents and run away in the end, but they had made way too much sound and attracted so much attention through that crazy show of them. And that wasn’t all. Reports about Hainston’s Special Military Forces agents roaming around in Bordkly’s land reached the capital of both countries. Bordkly sent more agents while Hainston searched for a way to rescue its agents.

And the unit was stuck in Bordkly. They couldn’t just go back like that when a whole military unit, maybe more than one, was searching for them throughout the land. And they also didn’t have the means to go back as their car was blown up.

They decided to just teleport back, but the device didn’t work. It seemed that teleportation was blocked throughout Bordkly as soon as they found out that their enemy’s agents were on their land. It was to be expected.

As a result, they had to go back on foot and walk all the way to the borders... At least go somewhere that they could steal a car and drive to the borders by it.

But that was no easy task. A whole military unit was after them after all. Even if they weren’t being chased, their clothes and equipment, only their looks screamed that they weren’t ordinary people. Everyone would notice who they were and call the police if they walked into a city looking like that. They couldn’t just walk to a nearby city, grab a car, and then run away!

And in the end, they were found again and had to fight with those soldiers.

They were far stronger than those Bordkly soldiers that were sent to capture them, but they were low in members. Also, the location they were fighting in was not suitable for a defensive battle at all. They also didn’t have much food or resources to last them for more than a few days and their healer was kidnapped as well. They couldn’t even teleport. They were at a huge disadvantage. The exhaustion of continuous battles and struggles to run away accumulated and led them to get captured by Bordkly’s soldiers after a few days of struggling and running away.

He couldn’t believe it. His team, the best team in the best unit of the best military organization of the strongest country in the continent got captured like this! He couldn’t accept it! And so couldn’t his unit members.

They couldn’t get captured! They would get tortured for information and used as hostages!

They had to run away!

And they were exactly doing the same thing. They were running away! Maybe, they were supposed to be running away. They were supposed to run away stealthily without being noticed or without having to fight anyone. They had to do everything perfectly!

He had to spend days creating a plan to run away. He had found out about the secret passages in the place they were being held and about the shifts, the guards, the location of the cameras, and even the codes they used to signal each other about different things.

And today was the day they were supposed to run away. They had tricked the guards, stole their belongings even their communication device, found a way to sneak out, and finally started their plan at a suitable time just before they started to get tutored for information.

Everything was just going perfectly.


The team leader looked at the two youth who had messed up his plans. The two who were supposed to only check the watchtower and come back, but ended up destroying the whole place.

“I’m going nuts...”

He sighed, a huge amount of disappointment sensible in his voice. His sanity was leaving his side waving goodbye. He wanted to retire.



“Emergency! It’s an emergency!”

“The prisoners have run away! Everyone, to your posts!”

“Call the deputy commander!”

“Rang all of the alarms!”

The whole place got rowdy as red lights lit up the area and the alarms rang out.


And there were still two people running towards him with tens of soldiers on their track.

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