292 Telling the truth??

“Ahem, so...”

Kairen didn’t even know how to start.

“You know, I don’t really belong to this world.”

So he just decided to go to the point and tell everything straightforwardly. He didn’t wait for Reyan’s answer or reaction and kept talking, explaining things in the simplest way possible.

“I mean, I came from another world to this place 10 years ago. That’s actually what I was told, I still am not sure how this happened and don’t have proper memories about it. To call it coming won’t be true either, I was thrown here, like... kicked out of my world or something like that. One day an eclipse happened and everything got destroyed in the blink of an eye and then suddenly I was just here. That’s all I know... And then, I lost my memories in that exam for some unknown reason, which made me think that I had just transformed into this world a few months ago, but now I know that I came here as a 13-year-old and had been living here since then.”

Kairen closed his mouth and turned to his friend who was still silently driving the car. His face was calm but his brows were twitching a little bit. Sensing his gaze, Reyan raised an eyebrow and nodded his head, opening his mouth at the same time.

“Yeah. I get it. You are from another world. You came here after an eclipse. The sky is green. The earth is a cube. You know the sun never faces us, what we see is the sun’s back. Yeah. You are right.”


Kairen opened and closed his mouth.


‘He didn’t believe me!’

Reyan said all those words with a calm yet mocking voice as if he had heard the most ridiculous words in his life.


Kairen let out a gasp. It was the gasp of someone who struggled a lot only to utter those few words but got mocked in the end.

“You know if you don’t want to tell me then don’t. I understand. I won’t ask anymore.”

Reyan huffed and turned his head around with an angry and somewhat hurt expression despite him saying those words. He was glaring at the cars before them as if he would stand up, jump out of the car, and slash those cars with his sword at any moment.

Looking at him, Kairen moved a little bit away from him, almost sticking to the door.

“B-but I was telling the truth-”

“It’s okay Kairen there is no need to continue this conversation.”


Kairen closed his mouth again.

Right. Reyan was right. Which sane person would believe such bullshit? No one! No one would believe it!

‘Dang! What the hell am I supposed to do?’

He didn’t even have any proofs that he was... thrown here from another world.

He turned his gaze away from the blondie on the driver’s seat and stared out of the window, thinking about ways to prove that he was telling the truth. A few moments passed like that in silence.

“Reyan, look, I’m being honest here!”

Kairen opened his mouth after a few minutes.


Reyan snorted, giving him a short, low response while rolling his eyes.


Kairen blinked a few times. He stared at the driver’s face with a blank expression... and probably a blank mind as well. He couldn’t help but think about one thing as he watched his friend’s face.

‘Is he...’

Is he sulking?


He tilted his head.

‘He is sulking! Definitely sulking!’

Kairen was baffled. What? Was he that sad about Kairen talking bullshit instead of telling the truth? But Kairen WAS telling the truth it was his problem that he didn’t believe Kairen!

No, wait, Reyan? Sulking? Really?
Had this ever happened before?

While thinking about the past events and reviewing the memories that he had regained recently to search for a time when this friend of his has acted this childish, Kairen continued his words.

“Look, I’m telling you the things that I will tell the commander even after he uses his law on me. Even if you don’t believe me now, you will believe then! I will say the same thing because they are the truth. You said you wanted to know the truth and decide to side with me or not, right? And I’m telling the truth! I know it sounds like I’m bullshitting and lying. You are free not to believe me now. I understand.”


Reyan only listened to him in silence.

“I can’t really lie once that man uses his power on me. I’ll die! You know that well. And you can see for yourself that I will tell him the same things as I’m telling you. So I have no chance but telling the truth... I’ll request him to let you into the room as well so you can see it for yourself, okay?”


“Now if you won’t mock me, I’ll tell you the rest of the things.”


The car slowed down a little bit after Kairen was done talking.

“Are you being serious?”

Reyan mumbled in a low voice, Kairen just shrugged.

They were about to arrive at the headquarters, only two or three minutes away. The slowed-down car changed directions and stopped moving. Reyan parked the car in a corner and turned to Kairen.

“What do you mean by Another World.”

Unlike before, his voice was serious this time.

“It’s just as it shows. Another world. Another planet maybe? I’m not sure, but it was not here. It was a place where there were no monsters, no magic, no auras, nothing like these.”

Kairen shrugged his shoulders and changed the subject, ignoring Reyan’s surprised expression and his face that was full of questions.

“Anyway, that’s not what is important now. You wanted to know about that soil dude, right?”

“Uh? Yeah, I guess...”

That was one of the things he was curious about, but it was probably the most important one right now so he nodded his head.

“He is Ron.”


Reyan had an urge to say that he already knew how Kairen called that man and punch that stupid’s serious face, but he resisted the urge.


Kairen said and scratched his head.

“Aaron, my older brother.”

A smile bloomed on Kairen’s face. He felt kinda refreshed now that he had said it. He hadn’t said everything but only this much was still fine. He was even starting to wonder why he hadn’t explained his past to his friends before.


Kairen turned to Reyan again.

“Your what?”

The boy’s face was a mixture of surprise and disbelief. He looked at Kairen in a daze for a few seconds before quietly mumbling under his lips.

“I knew Kain’s Koma had a great impact on you but not to the extent where you would go call a criminal your brother-”


Despite Kairen cutting him off, Reyan still kept mumbling.

“I get it that you miss Kain but to go and get a new brother is not a thing you should do... I’m sure Kain will get better soon Kairen...”


“Also... Why do you like to have a big brother so much-”


Fuck feeling refreshed he wished he had never talked to this son of a bitch.

. . . .

Tap Tap Tap

The man, leaning on his chair, tapped his teacup while staring at the steam that was rising from inside it.

“He didn’t talk?”

He said in a quiet voice, almost like a whisper.


“He didn’t.”

But his whisper was heard by the other person who had just entered the room and was also answered.


He nodded his head as if he had expected that answer and sipped his tea.

“He didn’t let out a single word even after being subjected to your law, how was I supposed to make him talk?”

The man stopped drinking tea, took his eyes off of his cup, and looked up at the other man in the room.

“I thought he would at least tell you his name as it seemed that he trusted you a little bit...”

“What makes you think that he trusts me?”

The man retorted almost immediately, yet his voice and demander were both polite.

“I don’t know? Maybe because he saved your sorry ass?”

His answer made the man go silent. It took him a few seconds to utter some words.

“...That was not because of me.”

The man sipped his tea without saying anything else. He already knew that the person they had captured didn’t move to save his agents because of something like trust, but it was still fun to tease his subordinates. He placed the cup down on the table and looked at his subordinate again.

“When is the boy coming?”

Team leader Dains lowered his head a little bit.

“He said he will be coming in an hour or so... He said that an hour ago...”

The team leader frowned as he checked the time on his watch. It was about time that Kairen arrived, yet he wasn’t here yet.

“You have to teach your people how to be on time.”

“Yes, I’m sorry.”


The commander chuckled at the team leader’s serious demander and shook his head. He then changed the subject as it seemed that this team leader would fall to his knees and ask for forgiveness if he talked more about Kairen not being on time.

“What about the other person?”

“The girl?”


Team leader Dains plopped down on a seat in front of the commander.

“Nothing new. She repeated the same things again without saying anything about that man.”

The commander nodded his head again. Despite his calm demander, he was really irritated inside. He was making jokes and teasing his people in order to feel a little bit better, but the fact that he couldn’t make the man talk was making him feel so frustrated he wanted to smash everything in his office. That damned rat didn’t even take off his hood! What the hell was that hood made of that they couldn’t take it off by force? It was really frustrating.

He would really smash things to pieces if the organization... wasn’t low on money due to recent events...

At least there were still things that went well, like the interrogation of the two traitor team leaders. They managed to pull some information out of their mouths after working hard for the past few days.

The information they got after interrogating the two of them was quite useful. They got to know a little bit more about the master of Philomns, as well as some details on the past few events and the answer to a few of their questions.

Knock knock knock

The commander was snapped out of his thoughts upon hearing the sound of someone knocking on the door of his office.

“Come in.”

The door of the office opened and a woman, the commander’s office assistant, entered the room.

“Sir, there are two people who request to meet you. They say there were called here by you.”

The commander sat straight in his seat as soon as he heard those words.

“Tell them to come in, and make sure no one interrupts us.”

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