315 Huh?

As Kairen was slowly moving away from the group and heading towards the door, he felt a presence beside himself.

“Are you not helping them?”

“They don’t need my power here and I can guard the door while standing outside. Besides, I can’t let you go around like that! Hmm... Also, I’m helping them out a lot by taking care of you!”


Aaron shrugged and followed Kairen to the door. Kairen, who felt extremely wronged, glared at his brother.

“I’m not a kid!”

“Yeah yeah!”

“Didn’t you say I was already 33? So stop treating me as if I’m a child!”

“I’ll stop treating you like a child when you stop acting like a child!”



Kairen wasn’t acting like a child! He acted stupidly, like childishly! He huffed to himself and pressed the button on the door to open it. The gate made a ‘Pst’ sound before its two sides slid open.

“I’m serious! I can take care of-”

Kairen left his words unfinished. He couldn’t help but close his mouth and freeze on his spot.

After all, who wouldn’t be shocked if they saw a smiling face staring right into their eyes as soon the door of the warehouse opened?


Kairen froze in his spot.

There was someone outside the door. Someone they didn’t even sense the presence of. Someone who was staring into Kairen’s eyes as soon as the door opened as if he had expected Kairen to come and was waiting for him. Someone who was smiling gently but the look in his eyes was far from gentle, close to being frighteningly cold.


For some reason, Kairen couldn’t take his eyes off of the man.


He then heard a voice, before an arm wrapped around his abdomen and pulled him back.


The sudden movement made Kairen snap out of his daze. He was pushed behind Aaron’s back, by no other than Aaron himself. Kairen poked his head out of his brother’s back to peek at the man that was standing by the door.


Kairen blinked his eyes rapidly.


White hair, white pupils, white eyelashes, white brows, pale skin... The man that was standing at the door was pure white from head to toe.

‘The holy saint?’

No. That wasn’t him. He looked different. They were both white, but their faces were completely different. It would be an insult for the holy saint to say that this man looked like him... That white saint was an enemy, but Kairen wasn’t blind! He could say that he was a handsome enemy and no one could deny that!

There was also another reason he mistook this man for the holy saint.

‘He has the exact same power.’

Maybe not as strong or as scary as the holy saint, but Kairen was sure that they both had the same power.



The white-haired man chuckled, Aaron clicked his tongue and raised his spear.
“Long time no see~”


The frown on Aaron’s face only deepened. The other unit members, who had also noticed that someone had found them out, were all tensely preparing themselves for battle, but there was one thing that they didn’t understand.

‘Why isn’t he attacking that person?’

Aaron had always attacked and took care of anyone they encountered before the enemy could even scream, but now, he was only standing in front of Kairen, as if shielding him, and glaring at the white-haired man with gritted teeth.

Ignoring all the glares at him, and also ignoring Aaron’s furious face, the white-haired man continued to talk. That made Kairen think that this white-haired dude and the other white-haired dude’s personalities might be a little bit alike...

“Is that any way of greeting your boss? You made me sad~”



All of the eyes in the hall turned to Aaron.


‘He is... The master of Philomns?’


Someone cursed from behind Kairen, but no one seemed to care.

‘Shit shit shit why is he here?’

Didn’t the operation start? By now, a few hundreds of people must be destroying every single wall in Philomns main base and capturing all of its workers. Why was Philomns boss here in such a situation?

‘Aaron said that he might come but...’

Kairen’s eyes locked with the master again, making him flinch and avert his gaze. The other man only smiled at him.

“Just as I’ve heard...”

And mumbled under his lips.

Aaron bit his lips and side glanced at the members of unit 5. They were all nervously looking between their team members who were transmitting the goods to another location using Claire’s portal and then at the master of Philomns. Aaron looked back at the white-haired man who was leisurely leaning on the door as if he didn’t care at all about what these people were doing, and asked.

“What do you want here?”

He had to buy time. No matter how much he didn’t like to talk to this man, who kept on sending dirty glares at his little brother, he had to somehow buy time by talking to him. They had to prevent any battle from taking place in this place, at least until all of the weapons were out of here.

“You are the ones who infiltrated my base and warehouse, yet you are asking what I’m doing here...”

The man tilted his head and played with his long hair while mumbling.

“Shouldn’t you be protecting your people and base?”


The master gently chuckled.

“I can gather subordinates and build a base at any time I want. I have to take care of more important things instead of wasting my time...”

His gaze once again moved towards Kairen, before looking in the direction of the weapons.

“I didn’t know SMF guys were such thieves... Heh!”


He took one step forward.

“You’ve come all the way here like some damn rats, and are stealing what is mine, like the dirty creatures you are... Yet you have the audacity to ask me what I’m doing here!”

Becoming tense at the man’s sudden movement, the unit members raised their weapons. However, before any fight could break out, someone asked a question in a low voice.

“Are your weapons more important to you than your base?”

It was Kairen who had thrown a random question at the man in a hurry in an attempt to stop him from attacking the others. The master raised an eyebrow, hummed amusedly, and went back to leaning on the wall. He looked genuinely happy about the fact that he was asked that question, but his posture was like someone who was really exhausted and didn’t want to move around.


Aaron groaned quietly, yet angrily at Kairen.

“Well, yeah? I’ve spent more time and effort in creating these beauties than that base anyway.”

He shrugged.

‘He had spent more time and effort on creating the weapons...’

Does that mean that the weapons were made before the organization was found?

‘Wait... Then Philomns didn’t use the data from the Atypical research to recreate those weapons, but... They had the weapons before creating the organization...’

Well, the man’s words could be wrong. He could be lying, so Kairen decided not to believe everything he said.

Still, he threw a question at the man. Just like his brother, he wanted to delay any conflicts as long as possible. For some reason, the master seemed more interested in talking rather than going after his precious weapons.


“What are those weapons made from?”


The master raised one eyebrow.

“You want to say that you don’t know it already?”

Kairen frowned, but still answered his question.

“Something like... Atypical-”


Before Kairen could even finish his words, the master burst into laughter. Kairen had to close his mouth and watch as the man grabbed the wall and laughed out loud. He also had to ignore Aaron’s furious glares at him.

“Hah! Don’t talk about those stupid things ever again, boy!”


Kairen stared at the man with a blank face.

“Atypical matter? Hah! That was a good one for a while, but not anymore.”


“You also know what those weapons are made from, don’t you?”

The man smirked as he stared at Kairen’s face.

‘No, I don’t!’

But Kairen didn’t say that out loud. The man must’ve interpreted Kairen’s blank face as something strange, as his lips suddenly curled up in a creepy smile.

“That’s right!”

He nodded his head.

‘What’s right?’

“That’s why I’ve been seeking you all of this time!”


“That’s why we needed to work together from the beginning!”


Kairen sweatdropped. He didn’t understand what the man said... And his words were making him feel even more creeped out. Not to mention the chills he was getting on his back due to his teammates’ gazes at him.

“And it’s still not too late!”

The white-haired man reached out his hand toward Kairen with a smile, making Kairen flinch.


Kairen stared at the white-haired man’s hand with his jaw dropped.


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