Serria happily stuffed a large piece of meat into her mouth.

"Don't look around. Eat all you want. This is the last free meal you will get from this cafeteria so fill your stomaches."

She chewed the meat with a happy face and picked up another piece with her fork.

Today was their graduation day. They had to attend a ceremony in the morning where they were given their degrees and then, their cadet lives ended.

As it was these cadets' last day in the dorm, the cafeteria prepared a special meal for everyone. For that reason, quite a lot of graduates were gathered in the cafeteria, everyone ate, laughed, and prepared for the upcoming events in their lives. Some people were bidding farewells with their friends and some were excitedly showing off their ranks.

This was the fifth plate that Serria was eating. You would think that she purposely starved herself for two days to be able to eat this special meal all she wanted. Well, knowing her personality, it wasn't unlikely for her to do such a thing.

Kairen also liked the food a lot, but after emptying his third plate he felt like his stomach would explode if he ate more. He then leaned back in his seat and stared at Serria with sorrow. He wished he could eat that much as well.


Kairen peeked at Reyan for a moment. He was still the same, blankly staring at his plate without touching it. He was just sitting there stiffly and silently without even responding to them.

He had been like that since he saw his rank a few hours ago. Apparently, it wasn't what he wished for.



Kairen's eyes met with Serria's. She stopped her hand for a moment and looked at Reyan as well. They had decided to let him organize his thoughts, so they tried not to bother him till now. But he had been like this for almost three hours, they both were feeling really awkward.

They decided to somehow try to comfort him.

Serria was the first to open her mouth.

"Look, I am warning you. You will regret not eating this food later."


"You should at least enjoy your last day here. When else are you going to enjoy your youth if not now?"


"You will think about today later when you have become an old geezer and say "Oh man, how stupid I was. Why did I keep on sulking because of my shitty rank and didn't enjoy that last day? No matter how much of an awful rank I got, I shouldn't have ignored my friends back then. Sigh, I wish I could go back in time. Now my friends are both gone and I'm left alone in this world. I wish I could spend some more time with them. Oww, my back. Now life is dull, boring, and painful. Why didn't I enjoy my youth when I had the chance? I shouldn't have been ignorant of my happiness back then. Ah, my friends, I miss you so much. When will I be able to come to that side? I want to see you again." "



'How did you go that far?'

"It won't matter how much you have messed up your missions when you have gotten old. These days are what will remain! This taste of this delicious meat here is what will remain in memories not that low rank of yours! So, stop thinking about that stupid low rank. You have screwed up your mission, so what?"



"Today is-"

"But your rank isn't bad at all."

Kairen stopped Serria's words. He now knew... Serria had zero talent in comforting people. She would only ruin the mood more if she was allowed to talk further. He also didn't have any talent for comforting people, but he was sure he wouldn't make matters worse at least.

"Aren't you rank 7? That is pretty good."


Reyan slightly turned his head towards Kairen.

"You are still in the top 10. Why are you so sad about it?"

"...I had to at least be on the top 5."

"Hey! Why am I the only one who was ignored?"

Serria protested for this unjustness, but no one paid her any mind.

"Does it really matter to be in in the top anyway?"

Reyan looked at the both of them before lowering his head once again and mumbling.

"It matters."

Serria pushed her head closer to Reyan and said with a surprised face.

"I didn't know you cared so much about your grades."

"That's not it."

He mumbled once again with his head still lowered.

Kairen placed a cup of water in front of Reyan.

"Top 5 or top 10 or anything. You will still graduate and get the job you want."

"That's right..."

Reyan agreed with him in a low voice and picked up the cup of water.

"But I still can't get how Kairen's rank is better than yours."

Serria suddenly turned to Kairen and looked at him with suspicious eyes.

"I don't get it either."

Kairen shrugged his shoulders at her question. He still couldn't believe that he was rank 3 while Reyan was rank 7.

It must really feel bad to see your friend who has lost his memories get a better rank than you. Ah, Poor Reyan.

"Isn't it just because of that mission? I mean the one that you beat the crap out of a prisoner."

Reyan nodded his head at Serria's question. That was indeed the reason why his rank dropped so much. He got a minus point because of what he did back then and that ruined everything.

"Why did you do such a thing? You must have known that it would affect your grades badly."

Reyan placed down the cup of water and finally picked up his fork and spoon.

"I knew but I couldn't help it. It was a mistake, but I don't regret it."

He placed a piece of meat into his mouth. He raised one of his eyebrows after eating it and quickly continued to eat the rest.

"See, I told you it is delicious."

Serria smiled proudly and continued to eat as well. Kairen could still the badge with a "1" carved on it attached to Serria's uniform. He couldn't still get how could such a person be rank 1. He couldn't even remember him seeing her study.

Kairen shook his head. There are things in life you will never understand no matter how much you think, so let's forget it.

He filled his plate with food once again. The food was just too delicious. He decided to eat one more plate, even if it made him get a stomachache later.

A few hours later, he was standing in front of the dorm with one baggage in his hand and a backpack in his back. He looked up at the building one last time. He had been living here for only a few months, but his heart was heavy now that he was leaving this place.

"Um... Do you... like, have a place to go?"

He turned and looked at Reyan who was standing beside him. He was also holding his stiff in his hands. He had to leave the dorm as well.

Reyan scratched his head as he hesitantly talked.

"If you want, you can-"

"I'll stay in Kain's place."


Reyan nodded his head as if he understood him. He then smiled and took one step backward.

"Then, see you later."

"Yes. See you later."

Reyan turned around and walked away. Kairen looked at his back before turning in the opposite direction and walking away as well.

Kain actually wanted to come and pick him up with his car. He insisted on it a lot but Kairen rejected it.

'How are you going to drive with a broken arm?'

Kairen walked on the empty sidewalk.

It was getting dark. Cool winds were blowing and the streets were becoming less crowded slowly. It was a peaceful night.

Isn't it nice to walk a little bit in such nice weather?

The way was long and the luggage was heavy, but Kairen decided to just slowly walk towards the house that would be his home for a while.

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