Life Drain System

Chapter 112 - An Enemy And An Offer

... said that, he walks up to the old lady, once more focusing on her eyes, and behind his back pressing on the bracelet. A second later disappearing from the room, and reappearing back in their original location.

Having gotten back to their original position in the garden by the gate door to exit it, the two still gazing into each others eyes. As age matters not to a cultivator, and Rei is still being left thoughtless (no thoughts or actions).

Rei simply asks. "So shall I come with you or should I return?"

Keeping a calm look on her face except for the split second when she breaks out of her daze, she replies. "Your choice."

Nodding, Rei accepts, not saying a word in reply. Just standing before her, as if waiting for her to lead the way. The two wait a few seconds before either side decides to move.

Looking at the young man before her, and seeing that he has yet to leave, she says. "Alright follow me." Having finished what she has to say the two walk out of the garden to begin the shopping spree.

---- Meanwhile Elsewhere ----

Back in side the vessel floating above the outer court, completely invisible to the eye, Meiren paces back and forth inside the cold room. Cold for her even though she has fur, goes to show how freezing it must be.

While pacing back and forth, she thinks to herself. 'What is taking that high orc so long? I mean seriously, while I understand what is going on, why is he not coming back yet? I thought he said he has something important to talk about. Did he get in trouble?'

Having finished her thoughts, she figures it is pointless to keep pondering and just takes a seat beside Yueliang's bed.

---- An Hour Later Elsewhere ----

Walking out of the inner court, thinking to himself. 'Ugh, what a waste of time. I figured it would be much faster to talk to people than searching the fresh recording, but look at how obviously wrong that was. I came back empty handed, and no alchemist wants to take in a student right now, only disciples.'

With his thoughts ending there, Yin continues along his way to the floating vessel without any unnecessary thoughts or actions. 

---- Meanwhile Back on The Ship ----

Silently reappearing back in the room, Rei says to Meiren. "Sorry it took a while, we had a few things that took a moment to find."

Hearing his voice behind her, Meirens' heart and soul feel like they just jumped out of her body. However a few seconds later, having gained her composure, but her heart still racing, she exclaims. "Alright, new ground rule for now! No more teleporting into the room for now."

"Why the new rule?" Rei asks.

Nearly choking on her own words, Meiren answers as she turns to face him. "Do not worry about that and just do it please. Now that you are back, you had something you wanted to ask? Also, why are you here? I thought you said you did not want to make it here."

"Can an old lady not change her mind?" She replies.

Although, answering her other question Rei says. "Oh right, I had forgotten about that. We can talk about it later. It will only be important before we leave."

Meiren feeling annoyed that she worried over nothing says. "Next time please do not say important unless it is urgent. If it can wait, just use some other wording or use the word later. I thought it may have been urgent."

Short and to the point Rei replies. "Got it."

Meanwhile the two were talking, the old lady seems to have left the room.

Looking towards where the little old lady was standing and then around the room, she takes a deep breath before asking. "Rei, where exactly is the old woman you brought here? You do realize if anything happens it is on you right?"

Also curious, Rei looks around the room, and then peeks outside the doorway to see if she was around somewhere. Not seeing her anywhere Rei says while playing with the bracelet on his wrist. "I will find her momentarily, however I do not think she will cause any trouble. Even if she tries, everything is locked by the system unless they are one of our group."

A moment later, the 3d holographic screen filled the room showing a model of the ship and all the bodies inside. The two eagerly look around it, and while looking, Meiren ask. "You did say everything is locked right? Is there not a direct path to the others? I am sure they are all still weak from what happened."

Without hesitation, but more determined than ever before he exclaims. "We need to find her now! System, close all hallway barricades do not allow passage to anyone not from the original crew of this vessel!"

Hearing this however provides Meiren a revelation, and she immediately says. "Wait, she is a cultivator, even if you did close the doors, would she not be able to just open them? All it takes is a little practice with guiding chi in different ways outside the body, not that many cultivators actually practice that outside their respective techniques."

Still searching frantically and having difficulty finding the old woman, Rei asks. "System where is the old woman I brought on board?"

Promply replying the system says. "All barricade doors are almost finished closing, however what old woman? I have not found anyone matching such a description entering this vessel."

Hearing this, both Meiren and Rei feel extremely uneasy and worried, before Rei asks. "So you do not have any record of the .... 'being' that I brought on board with me?"

The system once again replies. "I have no record of any beings entering this vessel aside from the patriarch. However I have been having to reject a foreign signal constantly trying to teleport both in and out. Well out now, but in from before."

Meiren instantly exclaims before Rei this time. "Triangulate that signal, and guide us there. Also while doing that, send a message to Patriarch Shin that we need immediate assistance, and teleport him to us!"

Immediately replying, the system says. "Understood, the message is sent, I am pin pointing location of enemy, and teleporting 'Patriarch Shin' now."

A second later, Shin having received the message, and being teleported appears in a wet bath towel asking. "You said you need immediate assistance. What is the urgent matter?"

Meiren using chi to talk as she had before with Rei catches up Shin with a calm voice yet worried expression. "Well, Rei here brought a supposed sect elder up, after having asked for assistance that is. Now we have not had any issues that we noticed until now. She seems to have left us, and we cannot find her, nor catch her if she is strong enough to ward off the mechanisms on this vessel."

Having been caught up to where everything is currently, along with some additional comments from Rei, Patriarch Shin with a hint of worry says. "I will help you, however a few things you should know. One it is not the most difficult to bypass the searching of your ship, as well as some of the security if one can feel chi well enough. However I can see where you are worried. Hopefully this is just one of the disciples messing around from curiosity."

Hearing this Rei and Meiren look at each other and then back at the patriarch before Meiren asks. "What do you mean one of the disciples?"

Extending his chi to search the entirety of the vessel with his eyes closed, he says aloud. "First off we have no female sect leaders yet, as the two we had died recently. Second, no outsider can enter this sect without me bringing them in personally. Well until they get their soul mark, however aside from that it would take someone at the apex of cultivation to break the array protecting this place. That being because it was made by one such person, and everyone would know instantly had it been broken."

Listening to what he had to say, Meiren adds. "If I am not wrong, that is because the same array protecting this place, is also the same one creating the atmosphere allowing us to breath right?"

"Right you are little one, you are quite the talented animal. Even beasts normally have difficulty with what you are doing right now. It is surprising you can keep it up so long." Shin answers with a smile.

A few moments later, he continues. "Alright, I found her." Then opening his eyes, and extending his chi between his hands before starting to play with it.

Rei then asks, causing Meiren to shake her head. "Should we not be heading after her? Unless of course there is something I am missing."

Shin just smiles, and mumbles with a chuckle. "Mortals."

Meiren, seeing that Shin does not want to answer says. "If you are curious what he is doing just ask. While I cannot say exactly, it appears that he is making this place a prison temporarily, so that no one can leave or enter. Also, while doing so, he is shrinking it so that she cannot run around or cause trouble. Am I right?"

Hearing her deductions, Shin answers. "You are quite astute, and correct. Of course, there is another thing as well. However I am sure you already noticed, but just do not know what it is. Also, this is just an offer so do not feel pressured, but if you ever feel like you want to join my sect we will be more than happy to accept one as talented and knowledgeable as yourself. I am sure you would thrive here."

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