Life Drain System

Chapter 115 - A Familiar Face...

"... It is a gift that our race is born with, but that does not mean we can use that in other fields, now please watch of Yue, and make sure nothing else goes wrong. Thank you for your hard work, and see you soon."

Hearing his reply Yin just sighs before casting the spell every 20 minutes. To a lesser degree of course as Yin does not want to thicken the ice anymore, but just maintain the temperature until they figure out what is wrong.

---- Meanwhile Far Far Away ----

On a distant planet likely in another galaxy that was once resided on by a certain someone, a figure in a black cloak is walking through a forest with his face nay visible. Walking through the woods, he comes out into a clearing with a town before him thinking. 'Here it is, been a little while. This should make a decent gift, and a clean up at the same time.'

"I should probably clean my cloak." He mumbles to himself while looking down at the blood on his cloak. However a moment later a gust of wind and water escapes from around him through his clothes and cloak. Thus cleaning and pulling away everything dirty thing from his body and clothes while thinking to himself. 'Ahh, much better, nice and clean. Now to get rid of the remaining forbidden knowledge brought to this world.'

With said thought, he waves his arm in a circle while looking at the town before him, carving it from the plant. In the next second it floats into the air and shrinks as it flies towards him, until eventually it flies into his sleeve in a jade bracelet he is wearing.

Then turning around he thinks to himself whilst leaving a crater where the small town once was. 'Well at least now I have a gift, but the master is waiting I am sure, and I still have yet to check up on the young master. Hopefully this all goes well, but either way, at least there is no evidence of him being here now just as instructed.' Having finished his thought, the man in the black cloak jumps into the sky diagonally and flies out of the atmosphere.

Flying off of the planet, and away, the man stops for a moment to look around getting a feel for his surroundings. A few short moments later, he continues his journey through the solar system taking in the beautiful sights along the way. Eventually teleporting away as the scenery has been memorized for future perusal. 

Having teleported away, the man looks around and sees a black hole thinking. 'Great, it is still open. Time to get back, sadly we cultivators cannot make a way that does not require multiple jumps, and instead of a direct route have to do this. However at least there is nice scenery and we could learn from that around us. Maybe this is why no one has made singular jump travel yet! Oh well, it is not like I have the time to do such research myself right now anyways.'

Whilst thinking about such matters he flies into the black hole before him, and continues his journey for much time to come.

---- Meanwhile As The Time Passes ----

The two tigers, snow leopard, Yin, Blake, along with a few others meet in a residential room to discuss their findings, meanwhile the animals and Yin feeling exhausted. The funny part is, exhaustion is something liches tend not to have period. Regardless, they quickly get to the conversation. 

Blake begins the conversation with her findings. "I have checked the room, it is cold enough to freeze a person to death in seconds, of course it is designed so this will not happen to anyone who is not staying there for more that 24 hours, or liches. Thus, the cold has set in by now obviously, and Yue should be fine, so there are only a few things I can think of."

With the last sentence having grabbed the rooms attention firmly, she continues. "I can only think that a solar flare or something happened, as it is a connection to another world after all, thus I can only affect it so much with this tech. Now for the second being just a freak occurrence maybe? Although the last and least likely one is that either he awoke for a second, or his body is producing more heat than we accounted for due to his body being unstable. Thus I do not know what to do."

Hearing these bizarre yet not impossible theories, Yin comments. "While I do not doubt your capabilities, I am curious. If he really woke up, could that mean that his body has stabilized on its own? I mean the chances of this occurring by solar flare or chance seem near impossible, yet possible, however it seems most likely that out of the options given it is his body reacting somehow. After all, the spells I cast are not weak, but neither is our king."

The tigers, feeling exhausted do not chime in and instead just decide to sleep. As staying awake through such a debate is too much effort, and they still have thousands to wake later while risking their lives in the process of saving these unknowing people that they consider friends.

Meiren however chimes in asking. "I do not care about all of the things you are talking about, the main thing of importance in this meeting is simply, will our young master, king, or whatever you want to call him be able to be kept alive at this moment? The alchemist that Shin recommended has come, and given us hope that he can be saved, but if we cannot keep him alive for the next few days to wake him up then what are to do? I mean seriously, if our king has saved us each in our own times of need, cannot rely on us in his, are we really worthy of being under him?"

Listening to her ramble, Yin cuts her off saying. "I understand that you are specifically close with him because of your situation but so are we. In addition to that, whilst this is blunt, you are not capable of helping him in anyway right now, so please do not question those who can and are trying. If you have some advice that may help, that is welcome, but spreading doubt, and pain amongst us will only make this more troublesome and difficult for us. Therefore please calm yourself, and just be patient, we are all in the same boat."

Not wanting any arguing about the topic to continue, nor waste more time, Victoria chimes in. "Look, we all get it, someone important to us is in dire straights, and we are all trying. Now, may we get back to the matter at hand? Wasting more time does none of us any good, and while I know there is likely nothing I can do to help at the moment, I would like to suggest that we get back on track."

Blake quickly comments. "Thank you, Victoria. Anyways, since I have said want must be said, and we all now the situation. Yin, would you please keep your eye on Yue as you have been. If you need myself, or anyone else, we will either be working on repairs with the others or sleeping, come anytime."

Yin promptly answers. "I will. Now with that being said, shall we all disperse? I would rather we get these matters over with sooner rather than later so we can get back to enjoying our lives."

The group nods all except for the tigers who are still sound asleep and resting up to continue their healing of those on board. That being said, the all continue to disperse except for Meiren who stays behind with the tigers. 

Staying behind, she thinks to herself. 'Sigh, why does this have to happen now of all times.' Yet, even thinking such a thought, she goes next to the sleeping tigers and lays down with them to sleep herself. As she has been feeling extremely worn out from the stress and worry alone.

---- In The Meantime ----

In the near back of the vessel, Rei is cranking nuts and bolts, pulling apart the equipment piece by piece to see what is wrong along with a few hundred others working in different areas of the room. Trying to find what got damaged, whether it be a regulator of some sort, or an engine, or any number of other problems that it could be, those gathered feel determined to complete this. Lest they risk danger in deep space, as their travels so far have been fairly easy going not counting the wendigos compared to normal deep space flight.


Things have been rough and tiring the past week or so, as I had gotten injured and all, but wrighting this novel has gotten me through it. Anyways, I look forward to your continued support, please keep it up. I love my fans, and hope you all enjoy this as much as I am if not more.. Well if that is possible anyway.

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