Life Drain System

Chapter 129 - Dinner With Family?

Feeling a little embarrassed but not showing it Yues' grandfather says. "It may be a big gift, but just from my observations so far, he is deserving of it. I just hope that one day he will put it to good use, and bring honor to this family."

Continuing, he says. "Well, you all must be tired, and hungry after your long and painful journey. So if you would like, would you care to have dinner with us, and then you all can stay in guest rooms so that you all may have a good nights rest. What do you say?"

Thinking for a moment, Yue answers. "I will see if the others are hungry, but we will take you up on your offer of the rooms for certain." Feeling that if these people meant him or his people harm they would have done so by now, Yue readily accepts. For as life gives opportunities, it is what you do with them that defines you.

Having said these things Yue quickly walks back to the others with Blake, and ask her. "What do you think?"

Blake however answers. "While I am not certain that I trust them yet, they seem to be your family, and seem to care about you. Thus, as they have given no reason for me not to trust them, it should be fine to take them up on their offer. Although I do admit, I feel bad taking up strangers on such an offer."

Yue comments. "It is not like we have much a choice at this point. They are an ally, and we are in unknown extremely dangerous territory. It would be better that we build friendships, than create enemies here because of some stupid pride or otherwise right? When we are stronger we can think about such things, but until then this is the safest path that I see. I will go let them know, and if you could let the others know to get themselves ready that would be great, thank you again."

Thus Yue turns around and walks towards his grandpa and sister, as Blake continues towards the others without saying a word. She does however shake her head as she walks away, as she cannot help but feel they have missed something important, not that she can identify it at the moment, but it may be too late by the time they do figure it out.

Getting back to his grandpa, and taking into account the fact they are cultivators, he says with a light bow. "I apologize if we have offended you, although I am sure you understand. Meanwhile, if the offer is still available we would like to take you up on your offer."

Grandpa quickly replies with a little laugh. "It is alright grandson, while I understand where you are coming from your words certainly took me by surprise. However in a few hours you will be able to see that we are indeed family, as well as a few other things. Either way dinner is in half a hour."

"Thank you for your forgiveness, your gifts, and everything else." Yue expresses his gratitude.

Meanwhile, Blake goes around informing each person in the hall of what they are to do. To clean themselves, and to get ready for dinner. While doing this, she also takes count of each person there, as wells as who made it, and who did not.

---- A Half Hour Later ----

The emperor is seen standing atop a slightly raised portion of the room that has two steps up. As he looks out among those guests before him moving to the walls, he snaps his fingers. Then about a seconds later a wave of air seems to expand in all directions from his body. As this wave travels outward the whole of the room changes in material and color. Even the tables, chairs, and everything else disappear before reappearing a split second later.

Everyone in the hall watches as each location of the room change as the wave passes over them. The floor changing from a celestial bluish white marble, to a dark grey ash wood with beautiful grains. Then as it passes the tables they turn to short long dark brown oak wood tables with wonderful ancient chinese designs carved into it, as well as pillows appearing in place of the chairs on the outer side of each table for people to kneel at. 

The pillars that were once round marble, change to square grey ash wood with gold inlay. The magic lights change to chinese lanterns supported to the walls. The walls have grey ash wood as the trim, and dark brown oak as the main, until part way up where the wall begins turning into the starry sky all the way up to the roof. As one looks at the wall, they could visibly see the stars and everything moving in real time.

As this change finishes, many elegantly dressed ladies in traditional chinese outfits, carrying trays filled with dishes. As they come in, one stops by each person, and places the food and pours the tea for them. Then placing the trays down by the walls of the room, they all move to the center, and begin dancing, as traditional music is played by some of those who served them their food, whilst the others are dancing.

However, before the dancing began, the emperor announces. "Let the festivities begin."

Kneeling at the table on the elevated portion of the room are from left to right, Ai Lan, the Emperor, and then Yueliang. Turning to his right, Yue comments. "The change of venue appearance was quite the cool trick, but from a celestial appearance to a chinese floating in space venue is even more wonderful." 

The emperor not averting his gaze in the slightest from the entertainment as he drinks his tea says. "Thank you for the compliment, but please focus on the entertainers as the food cools, lest you feel they are deserving of such an insult."

Having said that, Yue reverts his gaze back to the musicians as the music seems to call to him more than the dancing at the moment.

---- A Few Minutes Pass ----

As each minute passes, and there is no longer any steam coming from the food, the dancers finish. Thus they take a bow, and go back to the sides of those who are about to eat. They refill the drinks of the guests, and wait behind them should they need anything. The musicians however continue to play in the background.

Thus with the center of the room empty, the emperor says. "Please enjoy your food my guests, and there are servants beside each of you should you need something." Then raising his cup, says. "To my daughter, and grandsons' return."

Everyone in the hall thus raises their cups in unison saying. "To your children's return." Of course this was not necessarily because they felt any which way, but as to not offend the emperor, their young masters grandfather. 

"Thank you grandfather for this delightful dinner." Yueliang says with a light bow as he is still kneeling before his food.

Ai Lan for the first time in a little while finally speaks saying. "If one could not do this much for their child, then they must either be in difficult times, or they are forgetful. Father is very wonderful, and caring. In time you will see that, if you have not already."

"You are right, and I have seen it not just in his words, but his actions as well." Yue replies to Ai Lan.

As everyone in the hall enjoys their food and drink, subtle changes are happening inside Yueliangs' body escaping his notice. Meanwhile, Blake stands from her table, and then walking towards the elevated part of the room, she stops before the steps feeling that any closer my risk her life.

She bows lightly to the emperor, and then asks. "Your highness, may I speak with my young master?"

Hearing this the emperor motions for Yue to either say something or go down to her.

Thus Yue stands, bows to his grandpa, and then walks down to Blake, and asks. "It seems you have something urgent to mention, since you did not wait until dinner is over. What is wrong?"

Blake quickly answers. "I have counted everyone, and there are only about 400 people here. Also, there are a few matters that may make things seem worse."

Feeling his heart being squeezed, Yue asks. "So we lost many, and I do not see the tigers, yin, or many of the others. It is painful enough knowing this, but you say there are worse matters?"

Answering, yet feeling reluctant to hurt him, Blake says. "I found that Meiren is dead, however there is good -ish news. If my assumption is not wrong the tigers may have lived, as well as Yin if you go by their strength, and they were gone from the ship before we left that asteroid. Thus if they got hit by it, there may be a chance they came out of it somehow. But whether we can get them back is another matter. I have tested it and teleportation does not work here without the talisman Ai Lan used."

Hearing this, Yue says calmly with a smile. "Thank you, this is the best news I have had all day. While it is only a sliver of a chance that they are alive, it is worth checking. I did not even account for that, but thank you."

Hearing what he had to say, Blake smiles, and then returns to her seat. Yueliang does the same, and once he kneels down at his seat again, he asks the emperor. "Grandpa, once dinner is finished, if Ai Lan agrees, may she and I go back? Not to stay, but just to check if some of my friends are alive.. Even if there is only the slightest of chances, I do not want to abandon them if they are alive."

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