Life Drain System

Chapter 132 - What Is That Sound?

"It is not just you. Anyways, that is why I was... am excited. To see if you were that person. Of course, I do not know yet, but we will see." Ai Lan comments.

Hearing this, Yue and Ai Lan both smile, just knowing that there is someone out there who feels the same as them makes all the difference in the world.

Meanwhile about 10 minutes later, Ai Lan says. "We are here, there are plenty of rooms, just stick to the rooms on the left. The ones on the right are still being built, but no need to worry construction is halted for now. Please enjoy your stay, and someone will be by in the morning to notify you of breakfast should you want it."

"Thank you." Yueliang says as he starts walking off behind the others to look for a room as well.

However Ai Lan quickly grabs his shoulder asking. "And where do you think you are going brother?"

"My room?" He replies.

She giggles a little before saying. "I told you before you are not a guest, you are family. You see these are guest rooms, not for family. Do not worry, your friends will be treated so well they might not want to ever leave. Now your room is this way." She says with a happy smile as she moves her hand from his shoulder down to his wrist and pulls him along with her, as she walks down a different hallway than they came from, or went to.

Yueliang then asks what is on his mind. "So why do I have my own room if you only just found out about me?"

Hearing his question, Ai Lan answers. "Well you could just say we are quick, or you could go with the real answer that in anticipation of finding his descendants, daddy made many rooms just in case."

Then continuing Ai Lan asks. "I feel it is my turn to ask a question now. So tell me, why are you so concerned with the conditions of your arrival?"

"I guess I am just not used to the thought of people doing so much for someone they know next to nothing about. The world I grew up on was very different from the world of cultivators or otherwise, and while I may be quick to adapt, it does not mean that I will not question what is going on." Yueliang said while thinking. 'After all that is how people survived there.'

She then comments. "Well I am sorry to hear about the circumstances on that world. Must have been weird always having to look over your shoulder."

In addition Yue says. "Thank you for that, but I am curious about something else. Why does good morning sound like hello, while good afternoon, and good night sound like good bye?"

Hearing his question, she ponders over it as they continue walking through the halls. Then finally she answers. "That is a good question, and my answer is that I do not know. However I will ask daddy later."

Feeling that his sister knew the answer, was why he asked in the first place, however as she did not, he just laughs lightly. Then stays quite for the rest of the walk.

---- A Little While Later ----

Ai Lan cheerfully says. "Here we are, this is your room. If you need anything, my room is just across from yours, and dads' is right next to yours to the right. Make sure to let me know, ok? Well, good night brother."

"Good night, sister." Yue replies softly with a smile. Then with the pleasantries out of the way he opens the door to his room stepping forward without looking in. 

Meanwhile Ai Lan in her room thinks to herself. 'Oops, I forgot to tell brother about that... Oh well, I am sure it will all be fine.'

However stepping through the doorway to his room, Yueliang falls 8 meters down onto a green plain with a house and stone hedge fence around the place in sight. It looks like a log cabin. Then pushing himself up from the ground and looking around, he notices it night in the room, or at least it appears to be with only the starry sky visible, but no moon nor sun.

'I am too tired for this, looking around can wait until tomorrow.' Yue thinks to himself as he walks straight ahead to the log cabin in the distance.

Once inside, he explores, looking for the bed thinking. 'Nope, this is the kitchen, dinning room, bathroom, oh here is a bedroom. It seems I will have to check the other two rooms later.' Yue thinks to himself as he lays down on the bed in the room, and without even pulling the covers over himself, he drifts off to sleep.

---- 6 And A Half Hours Later ----

*Booom *Booom

'What is going on? I am already awake, so… oh, is someone blowing up the mountain range I saw last night?' Yue wonders to himself as he goes outside to check and see what is going on. 

Listening closely, and trying to figure out where the sound is coming from, Yue closes his eyes and follows the sound. Walking out the door, and out of the fenced in yard. Eventually finding the sound coming from near directly above him, he opens his eyes as he jumps upward. However a little late on opening his eyes he bangs his head on the floating door way, thus falling back down flat on his back.

"Ooof, that did not feel the best."

Either way, he jumps up again, this time accounting for where the doorway is. Once on equal level with the doorway, he uses his chi to float, although he can only maintain it for a short duration. Thus he quickly opens the door and walks through it thinking. 'Phew, I should have known that cultivators would have different housing from mortals. But even then, what a massive difference! At least there is room to practice ones martial arts.'

Having finished his thoughts, he notices a lady standing before him, who seeing that his gaze met hers says. "Good morning sir, breakfast is ready. Your grandfather, and sister are waiting for you."

Hearing this, Yueliang answers. "Oh, sorry, I did not think they would wait for me."

"Please take that back young master!" The female servant says while bowing and continues. "This lowly servant is not worthy, please take back those words."

Feeling dumbfounded and confused, he asks. "What did I say wrong?"

Still bowing the lady answers. "One of such status as yourself should never apologize to mere servants. Such is the way of nobility. You have so many problems that you must focus on to maintain the peace of the lower class, that this is to ease your burdens."

Hearing this, Yue asks with an annoyed tone. "Is this how grandpa and sister do things around here?"

The maid quickly answers. "No, young master, we servants often have to remind the emperor and princess of such as well."

"Have you ever thought that by not apologizing our minds would be more burdened? Anyways, what will it take for you to stand up, and lead me to breakfast, I am hungry?" Yue asks feeling his mind at ease, all except for the lady still bowing before him.

Once again the maid says. "Please take back your words, and I will take you. Also, thank you for the lesson young prince."

'Prince?' Yue thinks to himself, and it makes sense. Although seeing this farce will not end until he takes back his apology, he says. "I say what I mean, and if you want me to take back my apology, I will not. So either kill me or lead me to breakfast, but I will not lie and say otherwise just to satisfy others."

Hearing this, the maid turns around and begins leading him towards the dinning hall with a smile on her face.

Many minutes pass, until they eventually make it to the dinning hall. Once arrived, Yueliang walks in, and towards his grandpa, as does the maid. Standing before his grandpa, he bows and then goes to take his seat, as the maid bows and nods as if to convey something, and then leaves.

Of course, this odd behavior did not escape Yueliangs sight, thus he asks. "Grandpa, why are you testing me?"

Smiling, that his grandson notices even the small things people do answers. "It is just for the future. I would like to know more of your personality, and the best way to know more about someone is to see their real reactions, not what they say. Anyways, there are a few things we must discuss after breakfast, so please eat up, and enjoy."

However before eating anything, Yueliang looks around the room, seeing it empty except for musicians, servants, his grandfather and himself, he asks. "Where is sister? She is not here with us, is this not a family meal?"

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