Life Drain System

Chapter 134 - A Clue And A Sacrifice

Yueliang speaks his mind excitedly. "So I am not your great great grandson or such, but just your grandson? But I thought sis and you said otherwise. Either way, there is nothing of my mother in my memories, however feel free to check. If we can find your daughter as well as my mother that would be wonderful."

Feeling hope after nearly a century and a half, the emperor says. "Thank you my grandson, so much. Hopefully I will find something, if not we will have to keep looking in the future."

"I agree, so let us begin." Yue says as he closes his eyes, and leaves himself open, as he does not know what is necessary for one to read another's mind with chi.

"You do not need to be so tense you know. I am sure this will not put your mind at ease, but I am going to be honest with you just so you understand what will happen. Unless you knew a technique on how to block other peoples chi from entering your body, this technique cannot be blocked, and event then it would depend on if you were strong enough. All that will happen is I will guide my chi into your mind, it will read what is there, or at least get the information I am looking for then relay it to me." The emperor explains.

Without wasting any more time he starts guiding his chi into Yueliangs' body and then searching his mind and soul for answers, to the questions. 'Where is my daughter Sying? My little star. Where is Yueliangs' mother?'

Searching and searching, he only finds nothing until one memory comes along, a blocked memory, but a memory none the less.

Yueliangs mother saying to a small 3 year old child. "My little star, my yueliang. You know, my dad used to call me his little star. It is actually the name he gave me Sying. Just as I am his little star, you are mine. Grow up strong little one, one day you will find your grandpa. I hope to one day see you with him, but I must go. There are important things to do out in the vast universes. I love you, and farewell." Sying says to the young child under the stars while they are floating on a cloud infused with her chi. Then in the next instant, Yue disappears, and so too the memory with it..

A few tears begin to fall down both the emperors and Yueliangs, faces as the memory ends. Especially so for Yueliang who does not even remember having this memory. For the emperor, getting to see the face of his 'perfect' daughter, he feels extremely overwhelmed, and while he has not found a clue to where she is, he now got to see her at least once more after so long.

"Thank you for this Yueliang. This means far more to me than you know." His grandpa says while pulling his grandson into a hug.

Accepting and reciprocating the hug, Yue says tearfully. "It is not a problem, thank you for doing this. Before I could not even remember the face of my mother, but now I have one."

Then without any further talk or anything else, Yueliang and the emperor stand up and begin leaving the room. Once at the entrance the two walk their separate ways, both just thinking about one thing, nay, one person. A mother to one, and a daughter to the other fills the minds of these two men as they walk off to take care of the other matters set for today.

---- About 15 Minutes Later ----

In a hallway, as Yueliang is walking, he falls, crying out. "Aargh, IT HURTS" Crying out due to the pain in his mind the most, as well as all throughout his body, he falls to his knees.

'What is going on?' He tries to think even as his body feels like acid is coursing his veins, with only one voice in the distance.

"Y..g. ...  Br ...."


Eventually the voice goes away, and Yueliang falls asleep prostrated on the ground from the pain.

---- An Hour Later ----

In some bright area with no walls on a bed, lays Yueliangs body. He blinks a few times, and then opens his eyes. 

In a corner of the room sits a man watching the glass of some drink in his hand, says. "It seems you are awake. Sorry it had to be this way but you must make a choice."

Drowsily, Yueliang replies. "What is the choice and where am I?"

"Well that is complicated. If you are curious about your body, you are in a room with people who are trying to help you. You are currently unconscious, yet your body is wriggling around in pain, so they are strapping you down. Do not worry your grandpa is making sure they are careful with you. Now if you mean you and I, this is your mind, and I am your system." The man explains.

Still drowsy Yue asks. "So what is the choice and where is Yang?"

"Ah right, Yang. At the moment he is still healing. Now, before I give you the choice let me explain the situation. First off you are in pain because you stopped cultivating. Doing this will cause the chi to be in chaos, so you must either choose to be mortal or a cultivator. That is choice number one, also I know Yang warned you about both, yet you still did not listen."

"Both? You only mentioned one." Yue says as he gradually starts feeling more awake.

"Yes yes, patience is a virtue my friend. Now, here is the main choice, the second one you must make. You see, yang has been taking care of your trials for you because you chose not to do them, hence part of the reason for his current state. Normally I would not even talk to you but it seems you are insistent on not doing your daily quests. ..."

"... So your choice is either you keep the system by doing a quest now, which will be tricky considering your current health situation, or two you give up on it, thus loosing all of the system, your brother yang, and every bit of knowledge, skill etc that has to do with the system. You have 10 minutes to decide, or I walk out that door and leave permanently." The man sitting in a single couch with his iced drink says pointing to a door that appears out of nowhere.

"You tell me to make a life changing decision, yet only give me 10 minutes to decide? Even worse, is the only way to make one of the choices is to do it practically crippled. Tell me how exactly you intend for me to even make a reasonable choice?" Yue asks.

"9 minutes 45 seconds remaining, and to answer your question. I might be able to help you deal with the pain temporarily. However, it will come at a cost." The man counts down.

Feeling a bit pressured, but still managing to make logical thoughts, Yue says. "Fine tell me the cost, and I will tell you my decision."

Thinking for a few seconds, then taking a sip of his drink, allowing Yue to hear the ice clank against the class cup, he swallows before saying. "The punishment must be suitable, therefore you will lose something important to you. A good choice to me seems like either lost of something you hold dear, like maybe a memory, or possibly a function of a limb for a set period of time. Do not worry, nothing that will hind you from progress nor taking a life, just something not necessary for life." 

"You say a memory or a limb. I may need the limb later, a memory seems fine. I have lived just fine for many years without the memory of many things. I am sure that will not change now." Yueliang says as he tries to sit up on the tilted bed.

With a sly smile, as if someone got exactly what they wanted, the man says. "Deal, enjoy the loss of the memory of how to cultivate. Oh and by the way, it is permanent, so you will have to find out how to do it again." The man says as he stands up and walks over to Yueliang. Walking into the light, Yue sees the system looks like an older version of himself. However before he can say anything, the man places his hand on Yueliangs forehead and closes his eyes.

"Wait!" Yue shouts as the man is about to take his memory.

About to take them, the man just smiles, and continues regardless of what Yue has to say thinking. 'Sorry folks, all sales are final. Please enjoy your products. Haha, *sigh, how fun it is to play the part of a salesman sometimes.' 

Then speaking aloud after taking the memory a few moments later, he walks back to his seat saying. "Do not worry, after this mission, you will not have to do  mandatory daily missions anymore. But you will still have your trials every so often. Just remember, although there are no more daily ones it is only because they will all be combined into this trial. So have fun, and enjoy the ride." He says as the light in the room flashes, and Yueliang awakens in a strange deserty place no longer feeling pain.


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