Life Drain System

Chapter 138 - Complications

'Yes, absolutely yes.' Yue answers as he watches the ground getting closer and closer.

"Casting augment spell now." Yang comments the process in order to put his brothers mind at ease.

Getting closer and closer to the ground, a little drop of sweat begins to form on Yueliangs brow as he thinks. 'Please hurry Yang.'

As if answering his plea, Yang says. "Teleporting now."

Disappearing a meter above the ground, Yue teleports to another location after a split second.

Breathing in a breath of fresh air, Yue opens his eyes, recognizing the difference in the air quality, then taking in the sights around him. Seeing the smooth sand beneath his feet, and hearing waves coming up against the shore, the beach provides him a sense of peace.

However, before he can enjoy it any more, he gets teleported again. Henceforth the time passes as his body continues to travel to different places.

<56: 40: 00 Hours of 72 Hours Remaining>

<42: 03: 55 Hours>

<30: 01: 10 Hours>

<00: 00: 05 Hours of 72 Hours Remaining>

Having only a few seconds left, Yue quickly thinks to himself. 'That was certainly a nice experience, and time passed faster than I imagined. It seems it is true what they say, time passes faster when you are enjoying yourself.'

"Brother, your mission will be ending momentarily, and you will be teleported back."

Before even being able to say thank you or anything else, his body is teleported back to where it was, and opening his eyes, all that is in view is a bright light on the ceiling, and many people surrounding him on a bed in the middle of the room.

One of the physicians in the room quickly says upon seeing him awake. "The young prince is awake your highness. We will have to check and see if he is healthy, but he should be better now it looks like."

Although, as if the man jinxed it, the pain comes back to Yueliangs' body as the chi in his body becomes chaotic once more.

Meanwhile, hearing that his grandson is alright, the emperor gets up from his seat with documents before him, and walks over to his grandson while the physicians are examining his body.

However the moment he sees his grandsons body, he asks. "This is what you call aright? The chi is his body is in chaos like before."

The same physician who spoke before, quickly says. "He did not show these symptoms a moment ago, but either way, he is clearly better. Now it is only his chi that is chaotic, before there was a much more complicated issue." The man explains the situation, so as to not just cover his back, but to give hope and understanding of the situation.

Hearing this, the emperor then examines his grandson once more before saying. "Everyone move aside. This problem is not longer as simple as it was before."

Everyone feeling confused by his last sentence, yet not daring to disobey him, make way for the emperor to get through.

Getting through the physicians, and without saying another word, the emperor carefully and with precision aims and hits his grandsons dan tian. Thereby crushing his cultivation, but with enough care and precision that his grandson will still be able to cultivate in the future.

Watching this, the physicians all gasp in shock upon seeing the emperor crush the young princes' cultivation seemingly ruthlessly thus producing only one of two thoughts in their minds. Those being either. 'The emperor is more ruthless than I imagined!' and/ or 'The young prince could have taken a pill to solve the problem, and the emperor knows this. So what does he know that we do not?'

Meanwhile, after doing this, the emperor sits on the bed with his grandson still in pain but the chi noticeably settling down as it was released. 

Waiting patiently, he watches over Yueliangs body in case anything unforeseen occurs. At the same time he also says. "You are dismissed, thank you for your time and effort. You have already received your pay, so unless you have something else, you may go now."

Without further ado, not wanting to offend the emperor every single one of the physicians leaves after having heard what he said.

Some many minutes later, still groaning a little as he is still in a bit of pain, Yue opens his eyes only to see the room full of people gone except one. His vision a little blurry he asks. "Where is everyone, and who are you? I cannot see very well at the moment."

Hearing this, his grandfather places his hand over Yueliangs eyes, not wasting a second and fixes the issue before replying. "I sent them away. While I cannot ease your pain at the moment, it should dissipate given some time as the chi in your body needs to settle."

A moment later, the emperor removes his hand allowing Yue to see once more.

With his vision restored, Yueliang looks around the room while keeping his head on the bed, and seeing his grandfather, he says. "I am sorry that you had to see me in this unsightly state grandpa."

Having seen much worse, the emperor laughs a little before saying. "Haha, it is alright, now speaking of your situation, what happened, that caused you to be in such a state?"

Hearing his grandfathers question, Yueliang sighs heavily before recalling the situation. "*Sigh. It is a little odd but here is what happened. Firstly I started cultivating a few months or so ago, and my teacher helping me raise it quickly. Anyways I was busy, and did not really take the warnings seriously about needing to cultivate more often as well as not doing the daily quests. Thus without realizing, because my twin wanted to protect me he is injured but healing now. ..."

"... However to answer your question, my chi went out of control thus causing the extreme pain I was in, and to top it off, the system which is a little different than expected pulled me into my mind, thus my unresponsive state before." 

Interrupting Yue, his grandfather asks with worry that something may have happened. "Different how?"

"Well, while my twin is bonded with the system, I presumed he was in control of it as well as myself. However it seems that I was both right and wrong. The system has a consiousness of its own and was speaking to me, even giving me an ultimatum because of not doing the required daily quests. That choice being either give up the system or do a mission to get rid of the required status on daily quests, however considering the chi problem, I had to sacrifice my knowledge of cultivation at the time in order to do it. Of course I can relearn it, so do not worry." Yueliang explains.

Feeling both relieved that his grandson is better, yet worried about the new information on the system he says. "At least you are better now, and that explains where you were. The lost of knowledge on cultivation is a little problematic, but can be resolved easily. However there is another thing you must know."

Having a bad feeling that this would be bad news, Yue asks. "What is it?"

Sensing the hesitation in his voice, the emperor replies. "Do not worry, this is a simple problem. You see, if you do not start cultivating before your 21st birthday it will be far less effective and far more difficult. Honestly one is supposed to begin as a child but most wait until 18. Anyways, seeing as you will become 22 later, you should be fine but must hurry none the less. Also, this time you should heed the warning and cultivate frequently. After all it is not some simple toy, but a way of life. Cultivating is self improvement, not power although it does come with it." The emperor lectures him sternly with only his grandsons well being in mind.

Not having lost all memory of cultivation, but just how to cultivate as well as its techniques, Yue knew these things, but hearing it from someone close to him made it finally click, and he understands. "You are right, I should not have treated it as such. I was blessed to have such opportunities, yet because I squandered, and misused it, that gift has been taken away for now." Yue says with remorse.

Seeing that his grandson understands now, he leans over and gives his grandson a hug before saying. "Rest up and get well soon. Make sure to let me know when you are better alright?"

With a smile on his face, Yue says happily. "I will grandpa. Have a nice day, I am sure you must be busy. Thank you for taking the time to take care of me.."  With that said, the emperor walks over to his seat where his bamboo scrolls are and picks them up before leaving the room happy that his grandson is alright.

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