Life Drain System

Chapter 154 - Zisha Xuanya

Seeing this bizarre sight before him, Yue cannot help but move forward in curiosity while mumbling. "I must be inside my mind again, and this must be the system right?"

Getting closer and closer, Yue stops about 2 meters from the zone where he saw thee meteors flying through. Thus standing just outside of the firing zone, he watches closely for a few minutes. 

About ten minutes later, seeing that his older self is not noticing him, and feeling that he has memorized what his older self is doing, Yue starts mimicking the movements. He does this to see what is so appealing about it, and feeling there must be some reason why he is seeing this. 

Practicing the punches, kicks, and evasion techniques, before he knows it, he has ended up inside the firing zone but just barely. A few moments later, seeing a meteor flying towards him, he evades it but in the wrong direction and ends up deeper inside. The meteors keep only flying at him as if they are trying to push him inside the ring so as to challenge himself. 

As this is occurring Yue ponders to himself. 'Clearly this is not the arrogant system, so is this a memory of me? But I am neither old nor have I any recollection of doing such a thing. Maybe future me?' He wonders as a meteor flies at him, and taking a chance, he punches it the same way his old self did.. 

However instead of breaking, the meteor keeps on flying as if there were nothing in its way with Yue hugging onto the front of it for dear life. Worrying that should he let go, he will likely be crushed by another. He instead keeps on punching with one hand while thinking. 'There must be something I am missing. That person keeps breaking them with one hit but is clearly not using hardly any force at all. Yet they still shatter as if they were never more than specks of dust.'

Finally building up the courage to let go, he jumps off of it, figuring maybe what was wrong was the meteor. He keeps on hitting them, then failing, and this process continues for what feels like days.

---- About 6 Hours Later ----

Yueliang opens his eyes, and seeing that he is back in the cave, yet not feeling any pressure at all, he stands to his feet thinking. 'So in the end I was not able to complete it. Just how profound is this technique that I cannot understand it? I mean, if my assumption is correct, than future me or something like that made it. It seems I have been taking my knowledge and understanding for granted, thinking that nothing is all that difficult to learn. Maybe because I was not feeling challenged?'

While pondering over such thoughts, he walks into the dome like room again. Before leaving he decides to read it over again in case there was anything he missed. Thus he kneels down and starts reading. 

---- About 10 Hours Later ----

Feeling frustrated Yue exclaims. "What is going on here?!" Then taking a deep breath, and then another, he continues until he feels calm again. Yue then mutters to himself. "It is just as profound the second time. How am I still learning and comprehending more from this the second time? At first it was a breathing technique, now it is telling me with extreme detail of exercises. If this dome is so profound, I cannot even begin to imagine what is on the other end of that tunnel."

Either way, having learned of the exercises he is supposed to do, apparently they can only be done during the days dawn. For it is only effective during this less than one hour window, and if done at any other time, it will supposedly reverse the effects. Thus poisoning your body.

Looking up at the sky, and seeing that that time has already long passed for today, Yueliang sighs heavily. Then walking to the center of the room, rather than doing the exercise that can only be done at dawn, he starts practicing the movements he learned from his dream. For even if he does not know the flow of how it can be done, he can at least practice the movements as he had all through his dream.

Meanwhile, back at the palace, Ai Lan walks the ramparts around the palace due to boredom, and thinking. 'Before brother came along, I used to have lots of fun by myself or with the animals in my room. Yet for some reason, now everything feels boring unless he is around. No... I cannot think like this, there must be something out there that is still fun to do.'

However in that moment, she gets and idea and immediately runs back to the throne room. Jumping off the ramparts, running past the gardens, the servants, the guards, and everyone she quickly arrives in front of the throne room.

Walking in, she goes before her father during his meeting with other leaders below him, bows, and then says. "Daddy, I would like to go to Zisha Xuanya."

Having not even noticed his daughter in the room while focusing on the reports he is being given, the moment he heard daddy he looks over. However the moment he and the rest hear Zisha Xuanya, their eyes all widen from shock, as Emperor Rin exclaims. "YOU WANT TO WHAT!!!" And the sound rings throughout the hall very loudly for a few seconds after.

Ai Lan then says. "I want to go to Zisha Xuanya. Do I have your permission to go?"

Dumbfounding everyone in the room with not just the absurd request but the fact that she can be so calm and happy about asking such a thing, their jaws nearly dropped. 

Taking a few deep breaths to calm himself, Emperor Rin asks. "Ok, I have calmed myself. Now, you are saying you want to go to Suicide Cliff? Could you at least tell me why before I make a decision? I know that you where raised well, so tell me. What have I done wrong that you want to kill yourself?"

Hearing this, those in the hall wonder themselves not only how the emperor could be so accepting of the request but how he can be so calm talking about suicide with his daughter. Either way, Ai Lan answers. "It is not that I want to kill myself, but that I have grown bored. It seems that I am having difficulty finding joy in any of my old ways without him by my side. Thus I figure maybe I have just worn everything to death, so cliff jumping seems like a fun thing to try. I hear ... ah right, adrenaline junkies love doing death defying stunts, and this would certainly count right? Not that I have every tried adrenaline inducing things aside from fighting on very rare occasions."

Now understanding the situation, Emperor Rin sighs deeply before saying.  "Alright, I understand. However before you ask, no you do not have my permission to go there. Although since you want to try out such dangerous things, and I likely cannot stop you short of locking you in the dungeon, which I will not do, I have an alternative for you."

Listening intently, she asks both curiously and happily. "What is it?"

Rin then answers. "It is a pity that we have to do this but, I will give you a few items, and you must take one of the commanders as well as a battalion of troops with you. So as to avoid anything happening to you like last time. But first, my guests if you would stand outside the hall. This will be quick."

With that said, all the leaders of various worlds around, get up bow and then leave the room while whispering to each other about the situation knowing full well the emperor could hear them.

Once they are out of the throne room, the two large doors close behind them, and then her father says. "Here are a few bracelets, they will remove your cultivation then give it back once you take them off. This will allow you to feel the adrenaline easier, also, you will have to go among the mortals on one of the under developed planets, so as to find places suited for mortals to do such things. Then lastly take this pill now, no questions or otherwise." He says as he hands her the two bracelets and the pill.

Looking at the pill, and understanding the conditions she takes it and it instantly dissolves the moment it hits her tongue. Thus she quickly swallows the liquid, and feels her body have a surge of energy. Although it disappeared in the next second.

"I will not tell you what the pill does until you return, but I will say this. You only have 46 hours starting now, understood?" He asks. 

Ai Lan nods her head, and immediately runs to the barracks where the army is stationed so she can quickly start trying out the sport she was thinking of. Meanwhile, watching his daughter run off so happily, he sighs before having the guards let in the leaders of various worlds.

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