Life Drain System

Chapter 168 - Learning Something New

"Oh you want to learn it as well. It is quite fun honestly, I am sure you both will love playing around with this technique once you learn it, but it is called Void Steps." Yue says as if it is just another fun toy, but with an enthusiastic tone as he himself enjoys it as well.

Then continuing Yue says. "Well should we eat, or what do you both want to do? Also before you ask if we can begin your training, the answer is not yet. I have to make the field first, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain."

Hearing this, Rin thinks to himself. 'That is probably true, if it is as powerful as Yueliang says, then it will likely require a specific training method. Hmm, it should not be too difficult to take a few days off, I just need to have someone I trust take care of things for a little while, and then skim over it when I come back to ensure they have done nothing wrong in my name. Plus once I get down the basics I can likely continue the training in the throne room while working.'

While Rin is thinking to himself, Ai Lan answers. "Getting food sounds good.. I am very hungry."

With that said Yue starts walking out of the room with Ai Lan following closer than normal by his side, as well as Rin following subconsciously while thinking. 

Ai Lan then says. "So tell me brother, how did your cultivation trip go? Was it painful, or fun, or what? Personally for me, it was very difficult and a terrible memory just to think about."

Making their way into the corridors, Yue replies. "Not to bad over all. Honestly, I have felt worse, but basically in the beginning the tunnel kept healing me, so while it was painful at the start, it is nothing too permanent. I bled a lot, and worried a lot as well. During my training I had to learn to sleep standing up while balancing on one foot. It was difficult but over all the training turned out to be really fun, as well as a great memory to look back on. My trials truly felt like the embodiment of your hard work will pay off."

"Well I am glad your trip turned out so well. It seems like you learned a bunch while you were there as well. By the way, you might want to take a shower before you eat. For three reasons, the first being you are dirty from the blood, sweat, and other stuff on you. Second you smell a bit bad from the sweating, and lastly because it always feels better to eat after getting cleaned up." Ai Lan comments with a cheerful tone, but trying to avoid breathing in through her nose at the moment due to the smell.

With that said, Yue turns his head and takes a sniff, and he smells the clear scent of sweat on his body as well as the iron smell from the blood on his clothes. Smelling this he says. "Wow, where is the nearest bathroom or water fall? If you told me earlier I would have rushed their first. Sorry that you had to put up with such an awful scent until now."

"No, it is alright brother, you did not know after all. But there is actually one on our way, once we turn this corner you will see a nice waterfall in one of the doors on the left. I will point it out once we arrive there. In the mean time we should just keep talking." She quickly says in a defensive tone.

"Mmm" Yue replies with a nod as the group continues walking. 

Rin however then says. "I will join you grandson, I got pretty dirty there as well."

"Well how about we all go then? It could be a bonding activity before we eat." Ai Lan asks.

Rin replies. "Alright, and while I know this is probably obvious, I feel it needs to be said. No going farther than our undergarments while we are there."

Agreeing, the group quickly makes their way to the room that was spoken of before. Then moments later once all three have dropped into the room, looking around, they see a beautiful green grassy plain with flowers here and there around them in the center, while all around them are waterfalls 28 meters high creating a river around it.

Not to mention the fact that due to the waterfalls if one where to look up, they might feel like a frog in a well, as they would only know what they can sense from down in the hole. Either way, walking over to the falling water in front of them since they want to bond and not try to go separately.

Taking off his shirt, then shoes, then socks, and then pants, Yueliang now stands right by the brink of the water only dressed in his boxers, and the same going for the emperor. However looking over, the two notice Ai Lan is in a bathing suit with a wrap skirt around it. 

Noticing their surprised gazes, Ai Lan explains. "What did you think I wore normal under garments everywhere? I do have a lot of pets in my room, many of which are much larger than me, and to make it easier to bath and clean them, I started wearing bathing suits under my dresses over the last few weeks."

Feeling that it makes sense the grandpa and grandson just tilt their head as if to say 'whatever' as if it does not matter at all, and then everyone starts walking into the river. Swimming over to the waterfall part, the three each climb up on top of some rocks so as to let the water pressure clean them easier.

Some time later, after they have washed, and even used some natural soap to get all clean, they jump into the water with smiles on their faces. Then without a word, they starts splashing each other as if they were children once more, Rin even using his chi to make it stronger and more accurate, followed by Ai Lan doing the same.

Yueliang however has to use pure muscle and physical ability as his dan tian has yet to form, and he still needs to cultivate more. Lining his arm up just right with the water, Yue skims it across the waters surface fast enough to make a descent sized wave, and keeps on having fun with them.

Not long after, Yueliang stops and decides to float, thus causing his body to flow along the rivers current, and although it will only go in a circle, it caused Ai Lan and Rin to stop what they were doing and look. Seeing this, they watch his body float for a few minutes until Yues' body makes it back around to them, and Ai Lan grabs his arm lightly to stop his movement before asking. "How do you do that brother? It looks interesting, and kind of fun."

Rin nods in agreement, while Yueliang looks at them strangely before asking. "Did you two not learn how to float or even swim without chi?"

The two look at each other before Rin answers. "I guess we never really needed such an ability or skill. Plus cultivators do not often go underwater unless they are searching for something in particular such as medicine, or to gain new understanding."

Hearing this, Yue brings his body back up right, and shakes his head before commenting. "It may not be needed, but that does not mean it will not become useful at some point. Come with me to where you can put your feet on the sand bank." Then moving over towards the shore he is followed by the two.

"Alright, I will teach you both how to swim, and how to float, it is simple, easy, and I am sure you will pick it up quickly. However there is one simple condition." Yue explains.

"What is it?" Ai Lan asks.

Answering her question Yue says, as Rin feels a bad feeling coming on. "You will not be allowed to use chi until after you have learned how to do this. Deal?"

Hearing this Rin asks. "May I inquire why you are imposing such a rule. It really does not seem necessary is it?"

"Whether necessary or not, is not the point. However if you want to learn fast, this is the way. Also do not worry, I will not let either of you drown so you will be perfectly safe." Yue says, before continuing while reaching out his hands. "Each of you hold one of my hands, and lay on your back. Do not flex any muscles, just relax your entire body, and try to keep your back straight."

Feeling confused as to the physics of what he is telling them to do, they ignore their initial thoughts, all while assuming that Yueliang knows what he is doing. Thus they keep their backs straight, grab one of his hands and then relax their body allowing their bodies to do as they please.

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