Life Drain System

Chapter 170 - A Trip To Come...

Then with everything cooking, Rin speeds it up using the spiritual energy, as well as infusing it into the food more, so they will get more out of it than just flavor. Although it also increases the flavor making it better. He then says. "You two did well, and the food will be ready in about thirty minutes or so."

Meanwhile, as they wait, Yueliang speaks to grandpa, asking. "Grandpa, so since I was not able to teach you and sister a little bit ago, and I am not really looking forward to nearly getting eaten again I was wondering. What do you think of transferring the knowledge? It seems like it should be fairly easy since you seem to be able to read minds, as well as give your knowledge to others. If not, it is all good, and we can just hop back into the water..."

Hearing this, Rin goes silent for a few moments as he thinks. 'Hmm... Should I? This is supposed to be bonding time, but I guess we could still bond after ward maybe??' With such thoughts, he replies reluctantly. "Alright, have your sister come over here, and I will move and share the knowledge between the three of us."

With that said, Yue walks over to his sister and says. "Sis, come with me. Since I would rather not get eaten again while teaching you, grandpa will help." Then without saying another word, or letting her respond, he turns around and heads back to grandpa. 

Surprised by this seemingly different side, of the brother she has come to know so far, she follows after closing her mouth. This because she was about to respond but while following she thinks. 'I wonder why he is different this time? Normally he is not like this. Oh well, only time will tell, and for all I know it is just a one time thing. Hopefully so anyway...'

Back by grandpa, the two sit down, making a triangle with the three of them, and with that, Rin says. "Yueliang, Little Ai, both of you put two of your fingers on one of your hands against each others heads."

Following his instruction, they do so and then close their eyes. Seeing this, Rin then closes his eyes as well, and puts two fingers from each of his hands on his two descendants heads and begins letting his chi flow through his left arm, to his finger tips. Then from there, into the head of Yue where he searches for the swimming memories, and once found, moves it through Ai Lans' fingers to hear head, thus allowing her to learn. 

Continuing the process, he lets it flow into his own fingers, through his arms, and into his head, where he examines the memories, allowing himself to learn from it quickly. Then sending the memory back through his left arm this time, it flows back into Yueliang. While this process was much more than what was needed, he feels that it would certainly make them closer, as it is often the small things that bring people together better, rather than the big ones that make you feel indebted.

With the process having finished, Rin opens his eyes, while removing his hands and says with a big smile. "Well, it is done, and thank you for sharing this with us my wonderful grandson. By the way, I think my favorite is either back stroke or floating. You get to watch the sky and clouds as you float down rivers and what not."

Yueliang smiles and says. "I am glad you like it, however how do you know what you like, if you have yet to try them all?"

With such a question Rin answers. "I will let little Ai answer that one."

Feeling happy to be included, Ai Lan answers with a smile. "You see, when memories are shared, we do not just see or perceive what happens, we actually experience such memories for ourselves. Especially if you are using the technique daddy used. However there are others that will cut out such experience and will just pass the knowledge, separating the feelings and everything from what is passed. By the way, I like dolphin and breast stroke, they are fun and it feels like you are a fish using them. Getting to watch the beautiful scenery below you is also quite enjoyable. Thank you brother."

"It is no problem, I am just glad you enjoyed my memories. Also, sis, sorry if it felt like I was being cold to you, that was not my intention. Oh! Right, the food should be ready now, right grandpa?" Yueliang asks, as he smells the scent of the food much stronger than before.

"I will go check on it, but it is not quite likely. It is normally about two to five minutes after the enticing scent arises that food is ready, and it has not even been half a hours yet." Rin says as he gets up from his sitting position.

Meanwhile, Ai Lan says cheerfully with a smile, happy that things are not turning out as she was imagining. "About what you said before, it is alright. Do not worry about it, I just figured you had other things in your mind, but just please do not do it again."

With that said, the two get up and start moving towards the food incase it has finished and once there, Yue asks. "Grandpa may I help with anything?"

Hearing this, Rin calmly answers. "There is nothing for you to do at the moment, but thank you for the offer. Although there is something I would like to talk to you about."


Not hearing what his gramps wants to talk about he asks. "What is it that you wanted to talk about? Did I do something wrong, or is this about me wanting to go back to the cave to keep training after the two days or so that we agreed on?"

Hearing their conversation a few meters away, Ai Lans' ears perk up. It is not that she was trying to listen in, but just her heightened senses as a cultivator. Although hearing this she wonders. 'Why is brother leaving again so soon? And back to that place no less? If he wants to cultivate so bad, maybe I should work on bringing such places or items to him! But what if he does not accept? Does he want to be away from us so much?' Her imagination runs wild as she listens in hope that her worries do not come true.

After a few seconds, Rin replies. "It is not about that, but ... never mind ... Anyways, what I wanted to talk to you about is taking you somewhere. You see, your sister has already experienced this, but it is now your turn. You must see the outside world, and the side of cultivation that you have only barely seen. You know, not everyone gets to start out with the resources and knowledge we have. Thus many cultivators do not know what they are doing, except gaining strength until they get much much stronger if that time ever arises, or they just fall to the dark side. ..."

"... In order to ensure you understand the dangers of going out, I will take you to a world and let you roam. You may take a few of your friends if you wish, but no more than 3. Either way, if you do not end up seeing this, you may be in danger in the future, as you will be manipulated, harmed, and killed by the very people you intend to help." Rin gives a vague overview so as to ensure that his grandson understands why he is pushing for this.

Yue then says. "It sounds more like you are explaining what you are going to do, not really discussing or asking. Regardless, please do not get me wrong. I am not holding it against you, either way, when is this trip? ... Let me guess, tomorrow?" Yueliang asks, as he sees the writing on the wall. knowing his few living family members do not want him to leave, it is an understandable conclusion in his mind.

"Food is done, we can talk about this after we eat." Rin says as he breaks apart the mud clay around the meat he threw in the fire, as well as taking out the skewers he placed around the fire. He also pulls out small bowls so they can get the soup they want if they want any at all.

In the meantime, as Rin is setting the food out on top of the broken pieces of clay that was just surrounding the mean, Ai Lan walks over to Yueliang and says. "I did not mean to eavesdrop, although, I could not help but hear, you might be leaving soon? If you want, I could bring your cultivation places here that way we could spend more time together, but if you do not want that just let me know."

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