Life Drain System

Chapter 178 - Schemeing

Rin just smiles helplessly as he knows full well how terrible that place is, even if it did provide the necessary means to bring about the peace from the chaotic times he was raised in. 

The two stay there in silence for a while as they creatures sleep around them, and they watch the stars. Looking up and watching as falling stars and meteors pass, as well as watching the aurora borealis above them, the two feel at ease. Seeing the vastness of the space above them, feels as though it puts some things into perspective, but most of all the color an passing of time watching it is just so relaxing.

However after a few hours pass, and Ai Lan falls asleep, Rin watches as the dragons surrounding them start extending their wings to make a shield over them as if they were awake the entire time and seeing the young princess now asleep, they are going to protect her from any and all danger that may arise. Seeing this, Rin swiftly jumps up and leaves the area as he has other things to do.

A few minutes later, he makes his way into the room of some of Yueliangs subordinates, in which he scans to room with his divine sense to find Blake. Once she is found, he walks towards the building where she is residing. Opening the door, he walks in, and heads towards her room.

*Knock *Knock    Rin knocks on the door to Blakes room still sensing her asleep inside.

... Receiving no answer he starts turning around figuring that she is likely still asleep and he does not want to disturb her or the others.

"Who are you and what is your business here?" A figure whispers in his ear behind him, causing him to nearly jump out of his skin, as he did not see anyone approach him and always has his divine sense on subconsciously. Thus he quickly turns around to see who it is while trying to make a little space between them.

Turning around, he looks down the dark hall that he knows was empty when he walked in, only to see nobody within 2 meters of him. Although the hall is filled with glowing red and glowing blue eyes, all of which would be very intimidating to most people, but to Rin, he just sighs. *Deep Sigh. "You know, baring hostility towards guests is not very polite."

"Neither is breaking into some ones residence." A familiar voice says, however as the room is still dark, while everyone in the hall can see each other clearly, only Rin recognizes the others, but not vice versa.

Therefore realizing this, Rin gives a hint. "Well, who knew the people I give shelter to and feed, would suddenly bare their fangs at me."

Hearing this, they think for a few seconds before everyone in the hall disperses except for Blake who says. "Our apologize sir, it seems we have offended you."

"It is alright, I understand you and your people are likely on edge to anyone that is not my grandson. At least it means that he will likely be much safer. Although I am curious how it is that you all moved so silently that I did not hear a single sound, nor detect any movement from anyone, but instead still saw you in your rooms?" Rin asks. 

"Why is it so surprising? Have you never been among those most humans call monsters or demi humans?" Blake asks with mainly a sleepy voice but her entirety still on full alert.

Rin thinks before answering. 'I guess humoring a few questions of my grandsons followers would not hurt.' Thus he answers. "It is not that I have not seen your kind before, but while it may not be unusual to hide your presence, leaving it behind on the other hand is completely different. Then there is also the fact that divine sense can perceive everything around you even if hidden."

With that said, Blake comments. "Key word, can, does not mean it will. Clearly your so called divine sense needs practice, and seeing as you have been in your peaceful castle for so long it seems to have deteriorated. Hence before you have any trouble come to your or your family, you should start training again. Now with the pleasantries out of the way, why have you come here personally?"

He answers her question. "It seems you do not have much regard for me yet, but at least you are loyal to Yue and I guess that is what matters. *Sigh. Anyways, my grandson asked me to tell you that he will not be back for a while as he needs to go back and cultivate otherwise there will be some serious issues. That is pretty much all there was. So with that said, I will be taking my leave."

Before she can even open her mouth, not to mention even commenting or asking any questions, he is gone. Disappeared before her very eyes, and not so much as a breeze left behind, as if he was never there or even existed. Thus she just goes back to her room, while thinking. 'I will just tell everyone tomorrow, but that speed is truly terrifying, it seems we really need to get stronger before such an accident happens again.'

Rin as he is leaving truly takes to heart what Blake said, as he feels that there was not a single word wrong with what she said. He truly has degraded his skills due to complacency that has come around due to peace. Thus causing him to think. 'Complacency will get one killed, this is what I have been trying to tell my grandson, and yet here I am having been affected by it for who knows how long. Being a hypocrite is bad enough, but if I can no longer protect my family or those that I care about because of my complacency than I would not be able to live with myself. I must restart my training once again, there is no time to waste.' Thus he heads back to his room without delay.

Meanwhile, Yueliang having been sitting on the protrusion from the wall for hours now, as well as holding on and feeling his hands beyond exhausted, he feels that his body has healed enough to make small movements. Although even then, that is iffy since he can feel that his bones are still broken, his muscles have only barely healed enough to be called connected. The viscera is still reforming, and his skin has healed a few layers already which is one of the few things keeping him from dying right here and now.

With his analysis of his body having been done quickly he thinks to himself. 'Clearly I am going to have to sleep here, what a pain. Well, at least it is just more training which is nice. Plus it feels like I have learned something. It is difficult to keep many people around you until you have the strength or circumstances to do so. For me, I used to have the circumstance, but the strength is clearly a no, but at least they do not hold it against me, for which I am truly grateful. Truly I was naïve before.'

Having finished his thoughts, his mind quickly quiets as he starts falling asleep. Not moving a single centimeter, he falls asleep in place as if he were part of the wall or a statue. The only thing on him that is moving are his nostrils, even his chest has such minimal movement one would not notice unless looking very closely at it.

Meanwhile as this is occurring, back on the planet of the emperor something is occurring. A figure in the dark is drawing and writing. Making blueprints, and detailed notes, every single thing that has been observed is being taken down for future reference by this shadowy figure. The times that guards change shift, their weapons and equipment, the weaknesses that are less noticeable. If it is something that is a useful piece of information it is written and posted around this figures room. 

This figure having finished another page, picks it up and moves to one of their walls to pin it on the wall. However the moment they pin it, the page disappears as if it never existed causing the person to smile before going back to their bed while thinking. 'This is wonderful, soon enough we can leave this place and get rid of the pests who are keeping us here. The master does not need them, all the master needs are us, and I shall be the one to take care of this for him. He will reward me surely.. Our benevolent master always rewards us. Why did he even choose this lousy planet? There are so many better places, and even if he wants this planet why not just order us to take out those living here?'

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