Life Drain System

Chapter 183 - An Idea Plan?

With that said, Rin starts thinking, but Yue says. "I do not know why they have come, nor do I know who these enemies are, but I just wanted to say when I went to your room earlier searching for you and gramps it was desolate. Dead silence. The plant life was still there, but not a single one of your pets that I saw before. Not even a fish. At first, I was wondering if you moved or it was the wrong room."

Hearing this, worry befalls his sister as she fears what may have become of her pets, nay her friends. She looks at Yue with pleading eyes as she exclaims. "Brother, please take me there, I must make sure they are okay!"

Before anything else could be said, Rin intervenes, and steps in front of Ai Lan saying. "My little Ai, you cannot go there. As much as I would like to let you, did you forget we are in the middle of an invasion? Not to mention the fact that we do not even know where most of them are located."

"But daddy, that is exactly why. Then if you account for brothers ability to move between different areas without leaving the slightest detectable fluctuations, it should be no problem. We go in, then go out." She adds.

"If I may interrupt here, while it would not be difficult for me to go there, there is another thing I have been meaning to ask." Yue says while look at both of them. "Why do you stay here? You are frequently attacked, you lose people often. It seems like if you moved around more often it might make things easier. Especially if you gave no notice until last minute that you are going. Although you may risk having some things stolen while you are gone, or a place taken over, you would no longer have to worry about losing lives. Then again, with cultivation you could probably just pick up this estate, and take it with you." He says all in one breath.

As both listen to what he has to say, his sister starts first by commenting. "It is a nice idea in theory, although actually putting it into action would take a lot more work than you realize."

Rin nods before adding. "My daughter is right. For instance, if people who need help do not know where the imperial family is, how will they come to ask for aid? If this family is always moving, how would that affect peoples view of us? Weak more than likely. Then what of our military, and also where would we go? There are too many problems to list, and while I do not want my people to die, this is something that would take a long time before realizing." He starts pointing out the flaws of Yueliangs idea.

But maintaining his determination, Yue comments philosophically. "There can be an infinite number of reasons not to do something, but you only need one to put your plan into action. And while it may take a while to bear fruit, if you never plant it and try, you will never see the results."

With that said, Ai Lan and Rin turn to look at look at each other for a few moments before looking at Yueliang again. The emperor then says. "While you are right, now is not the time to discuss it. We can talk about it later if you want. In the mean time there must be something we can do to get rid of these intruders."

Feeling that his grandpa is right, Yueliang comments. "I have an idea that could work."

Hearing this, Ai Lan and Rin look at him expectantly waiting to hear what sort of profound idea they could have missed.

Seeing their expectations, Yue answers with a sigh. *Deep Sigh. "It is simple really, even more so if they were mortals which they are not. Anyways, grandpa, you can see every part of this castle as far as I know. So with that being said, why not release your power but only in the places without any of our people. You should have at least that much control right? Plus, even if you lose a bit of control it should not matter if the palace is destroyed. It can always be rebuilt."

"Hmm. It could work, but I would have to be out in the halls to do it which would leave me at risk while I am doing it." He replies. 

"*Sigh. Where is your imagination grandpa? You where hiding in your portal before. Why not do the same again? Last time it was invisible, if you do that, they will not know right?" Yue explains.

Thinking about the plan, Ai Lan says. "It could work daddy. But first we need to refill your chi, I will give you mine, but it probably will not come close to enough. So what should we do?" She asks and looks at Yue since he seems to have loads of ideas today.

He shrugs, to which her gaze moves on to her dad, who says after a few seconds. "It seems I will have to cultivate, and it will not take to long to raise it to a high enough degree, maybe a few hours. But to completely refill it would take days in a chi rich environment."

Having said that, there was nothing more that needs be said. Thus his daughter walks over and lets her chi flow through her and into her daddies body. Taking a few minutes to let all of it flow out, all except what she needs to not get hurt anyways. Then she steps away.

However as the servants see this, they come over and do the same, feeling that nothing need be said or ask so long as they could help the one who has taken care of them and been so kind to them over the years. 

---- About 40 Minutes Later ----

The emperor stands up, and feeling all the different chi that he has made his own, he says. "Thank you everyone. Without you this would have taken much longer, I will now go and rid our home of its intruders."

Then without another word, he leaves. Meanwhile each of the servants felt happy that they could help their master in a time of need.

Although, Yueliang feels a bit sad that he could not help except by giving ideas that to him seemed like pointing out the obvious. But regardless, he walks over to his sister who looks like she will pass out at any given moment from lack of spiritual energy in her body. Having given too much she is very weak.

Her body starts to fall, and just in time, he catches her in a princess carry while thinking. 'Good thing that I put Victoria down a few minutes ago. Hopefully sis will be alright, it is a pity I cannot yet cultivate like the others or this tragic situation could likely have been averted, and I could have fought the intruders. Then again I would likely die, but at least I could be of more help than I am now.'

With such thoughts, Yueliang walks over towards where he placed Victorias' body. Seeing as that area seemed more comfortable that some of the other bumpy areas, He lays his sisters body close to Victorias' before sitting down in between them.

Not knowing if they move in their sleep he figured it to be a better idea as it would be less likely that they wake each other up, or wake up themselves feeling embarrassed for whatever reason. Meanwhile thinking. 'I wonder if I should ask Yang to down grade my memory by a notch. At least I will not have to remember all of the pain I went through while awake. But then again, I would lose all the benefits this gives me. *Sigh. Great things almost never come easy.' He says to himself feeling a bit down.

Just sitting on the slightly slanted ground looking at the grass, a pair of high heels come into view, from which Yue raises his head to see who is approaching him.

With his head raised, Orslaine sits her heels on the grass across from him and says. "You should be happy, you managed to help these people who would have either died or had serious injuries for a while. So rather than keeping whatever is troubling you inside, why not tell me?"

For some reason, feeling that he can tell her anything, he says. "It is not much, just thinking over the choices I have made over this year, and honestly there are many areas where I can see that I could have done better. While I do not want to go back, it is just self reflection, trying to better myself for the future. You know...."

She nods and comments. "I am sure you have heard it before, but the fact that you are trying to improve is already leaps and bound ahead of many others. Most just try to live their life as easily or fun as they can without care for how it impacts others or even themselves in many cases. Anyways, if you want something to improve on, smile more, but only if it is genuine. It always brightens ones day to see happiness, even if others do not notice it themselves."

"Mmm, Alright.." Yue replies, while not caring about being ahead of others, he does want to improve himself to be better not just for himself but for others as well.

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