Life Drain System

Chapter 188 - Date Finale

However seeing the worry on her face, Yue closes his eyes and folds space backwards, thus making them appear on the back of a large dolphin in mid air, where he says. "Hold on tight, Orslaine, and I hope you have fun. Honestly I have never ridden a dolphin before, but if I am to ride one with anyone, you would certainly be my first choice pick any day."

Quickly moving from his arm to hold onto the fin of the dolphin before it lands back in the water, she feels like she is going from one dangerous thing to the next, but thinks to herself. 'Well, I might as well give these new things a try, and if I die, at least I can say fear did not rule my life. As dad always said a warrior must never have fear but always know when to retreat.'

'Plus while dad is dead because of old age he was certainly the best warrior our people had, and that goes to show his credibility. I really do wonder sometimes how dad and mom met? Was it during a battle or something and he needed his clothes mended? After all she was our peoples best apparel design person. She made the most protective/ durable, comfortable, and fashionable clothes all in one normally. ...'

'... All except when she was making normal clothes, then it was just durable, comfortable, and fashionable. It is a pity I am not as good as brother at moms skill but at least I inherited dads skill and ability.' She thinks to herself while they are underwater, but once she realizes that fact, she notices she cannot breath at the moment, but seeing the beauty around her quickly makes her feel more at peace as she tugs on the dolphins dorsal fin to get it to go up.

As if it knew what she was aiming for, and wanting to help her, the dolphin swiftly picks up its speed and goes to the surface, but while jumping out of the water, the dolphin does a back flip making the two nearly fall off. Not that it was the creatures intention but as a mammal that enjoys showing off, it could not help itself.

But surprising the very large dolphin, Yueliang says while using soul communication. 'Hello, I am Yueliang, my girlfriend here seems to be a little nervous. Would you mind showing off in a bit of different way? Maybe showing her the sights, to prove your intelligence and eye for beauty? After all you are such a talented and majestic creature, you surely want others to know that right?' Yue both compliments and guides the dolphin, based on the personality he has seen so far from it, as well as what he knows of the creatures from his old world.

Not realizing what was going on, but at the same time feeling that it would mean that it would be liked more the dolphin replies. *Dolphin noise. 'Sounds good land dweller, after all we cannot give others a reason to look down on us. By the way, I have a name, all of my pod does, hence our much stronger and better bodies. My name is Shae.' 

'Hmm, a feminine name, but a masculine body. Probably to build character?' Yue ponders to himself as the dolphin starts swimming out to the deeper parts of the sea but staying near the surface for the land dwellers.

While Orslaine was not able to hear the conversation, the timing of the dolphin making whistle and clicking sounds along with the timing of it choosing to stay at the surface. It just all feels to coincidental to her even if she is not certain how he has accomplished such a feat she says. "Thank you, this is fun my love." She says after having long since confirmed her feelings, but just not really having said it for various reasons, but none involving fear.

Yueliang just nods his head as they hang on to the dolphin and keep on ridding farther and farther out to see. Looking down, they see coral reefs with all its shapes, colors and all that live in them. Then seeing jelly fish they poke their mushroom like tops as the dolphin slows for them to enjoy their time there. 

Showing them many of the amazing sites that one would normally have a difficult time finding in the ocean, this dolphin truly does reveal its extensive knowledge of the sea as well as the desires of land dwellers.

Proceeding further and further, the dolphin has to speed up its pace once again and says to Yueliang. 'Land dweller Yueliang, I can get back to my pod easily enough, but it looks like we are going to have to take a detour and end this trip. Hope you enjoyed the sights with your partner, but it seems a kraken is coming.' 

"Kraken's are real?!" Yueliang exclaims aloud by accident surprising Orslaine who quickly comments calmly after taking a breath. "They are just giant squid, although the problem is that they will grow tens of meters, and are extremely fast and predatory. If one is coming we need to go now!"

Understanding the situation, Yueliang takes in a deep breath, closes his eyes, feels the space around and folds space, taking both his fiancé, and the dolphin back to where they met. Thus completely disorienting the dolphin who clearly has no idea what is going on, but his fiancé does not even notice they have moved until she sees the trees.

Not wanting the dolphin to be lost, he quickly says. 'Do not worry my friend, I just brought us back to where we first met. Hopefully you can find your pod easier this way. Although if you want me to send you back I will do so Shae.'

Feeling completely lost, the dolphin replies. 'Thank you, but I will find my way back. If anything I am grateful, trying to out swim a kraken is a hopeless dream even for us. If we survive an encounter, than it is already a miracle. That being said we are not even their main food source but if one is hungry and you see food what can you do?' Not asking any more, the dolphin swims around to get its bearings once more before saying. 'Farewell my strange land dwelling friend, come again.' Then swimming away in the next moment.

'Well that was certainly interesting.' Yueliang thinks to himself before seeing some raptors by the shore and not willing to take any more risks than have already happened today, he grabs Orslaines' wrist pulling her into a hug and using the void steps takes them into the dragon world where he did his training. 

With things moving a bit too fast, she pushes him away lightly, and says while blushing. "Not yet, not until we are married."

Completely understanding as such were the morals of his family as well, Yue apologizes. "I am sorry for doing that. It was not my intention to make you think I was trying anything."

She just nods in acceptance of his apology as she knows he is not that type of person.

Meanwhile, without the two even noticing, their clothes are already nearly dry. What they did notice however was the warmth, it is quite hot here. Even the water was a nice and cool but not cold temperature, but his place is a bit hot. It feels as if you will get tanned just by being out in the sunlight whether you are clothed or not.

Either way, with both feeling that todays date has come to a fairly good conclusion, she asks. "Are we going to be heading back now? While it was nice trying a few new things, and seeing the sights, I feel that if we do too much more it might make future things together seem a little less fun. Then again, as long as I am with you I am happy." She finishes sincerely with speaking what was on her mind.

Not having any complaints he uses his ability once more to return her to her room before ultimately walking towards the throne room to see his grandpa Rin. There being a few things that he wants to talk to him about, he moves very quickly while still getting into the habit of walking in the air rather than on the floor.


Hello everyone, I hope you are enjoying the story. Below I have put a clarification in case some of you were confused by the terminology used above.

For those of you confused by the distinction I have been using when referring to Orslaine, keep in mind that in chapters much earlier towards the beginning, Yue made a choice thus becoming such a relationship inadvertently but not acting on it. Anyways, he just does not refer to her as his fiancé at the moment, but that does not change the past.. It is just taking him a moment to change terms.

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