Life Drain System

Chapter 196 - Passing Around Knowledge

"You give me too much credit my boy. While I may be better now, it is the youth who surpass the old. One day you will surpass me, just as I surpass many of my generation." Rin replies, while feeling happy to have such a kind grandson to play with some times.

"Mmm" He nods as he opens the door for them to head into the room of his subordinates, nay his friends. Before even dropping in, he looks across the far field and sees the dome built, but nothing else as it is too far. However not seeing any supplies near it is a good indication that the project is finished.

Dropping in, the two start walking towards the house where everyone is currently residing in.  Feeling impressed with the speed of his friends, it feels as if a weight has been lifted from his chest at least a little. 

Having to walk all the way there to the house hold before seeing any living creatures feels odd to Yueliang but he keeps on going regardless, and not letting it get to him. The more odd thing is the icy cold feeling he has had on his back for a while now. But seeing someone in the courtyard made the feeling go away for now as he saw them testing a new piece of equipment for who knows what purpose.

Walking into the building without knocking as it is a living space for many people, and their rooms are where one would knock, Rin and his grandson quickly make their way upstairs. Then finding the room that Blake stays in, Yueliang knocks.

*Knock *Knock *Knock

. . .

'She should be here.' Yue thinks to himself as their is no reply, and tries again.

*Knock *Knock *Knock

. . .

A familiar voice comes from the side as one of the near by doors opens. "Could you please stop with the knocking .... Oh! Yue, you are back. If you are looking for Blake she is probably asleep in her room, but as you know she like modifying spaces to make them larger. If there is something you would like assistance with, I may be able to help."

Turning to face this voice while she was talking, Yueliang notices it is Orslaine and says. "Hello, I was just going to see if someone could help me copy a paper book."

Hearing that, she replies. "Come on in, that is beyond easy. So do you want it to be in holographic form, or paper?"

"Hmm... Holographic for most, and maybe 6 in paper for myself and a few others." Yueliang says as he pulls the book out from his inventory.


"What is so funny?" He asks curiously and Rin just looks away from the lovey dovey couple not really caring about all the tech stuff that while he understands, does not care about at the moment, at there are various other things that hold his interest much better.

Orslaine is still giggling as she replies. "It is nothing much, just that if it is a holographic projection, we just need to send the copy to whoever you would like to share it with. You do not need to make multiple copies. Such should have been obvious with your tech obsessed world right my love?" She teases.

Yueliang rolls his eyes as he answers. "You knew what I meant anyways, and that is what matters, not to mention the fact that while I may have knowledge of the tech we had in my world, that is not the same as for yours. We may have had holograms but they still needed particular equipment, and how would I know your peoples tech capabilities beyond what I have seen so far?" 

Hearing his response, she giggles some more, and reaches out to accept the book from his hands, then taking it, she places it in a see through box on her desk, and takes a seat. Turning her ring upside down on her first finger, she presses the gem and all of a sudden, a keyboard made of light shows up beneath her fingers and a holographic 3d screen all around her but mainly only showing in front of her at the moment, all in high quality obviously.

She quickly selects a screen where it shows the book being scanned and recreated. A few seconds later, it rotates in mid air as the pages flip showing its contents. With that, she turns around and asks seriously with a cute smile. "Is this what you wanted?"

Yueliang nods, and replies. "Could you send it out to everyone, also the goblins may need a copy, although if they do not want to use it that is their choice. The same for everyone else, as this is the manual that many of you were interested in for the void steps."

With that said, as she did not care to invade whatever this maybe she gets excited.

"It seems you are looking forward to learning this as well. Anyways, I will give a demonstration later when everyone is up. In the mean..." Yueliang says but is cut off as Orslaine stands up and quickly says. "They will be up, we will see you at the training area soon. Also it has been sent to everyone. As for the paper copies they will appear in ... 10 seconds." She says as she looks at the screen as it disappears back into her ring and runs out of the room.

. . .

"Well I guess that happened." Yueliang mumbles with a sighs and shrugging his shoulders.

Rin however goes over to pick up the original copy, as well as the copies that are appearing one after the other inside the box. While doing such, he tosses the original as well as four of them to his grandson while taking two for himself saying. "One is for little Ai, and the other is for me obviously."

Yueliang rolls his eyes with a smile subconsciously, meaning no disrespect, as such was his original intention, but it seems that his grandpa just could not wait to get his hands on such an interesting and unique technique. Regardless, he quickly catches the books, and one by one as he catches them, places them into his inventory instantaneously. 

The two then quickly make their way out of Orslaines' room and out of the building to make their way over to the training area to check out the new facility that Yueliang had them build. While making their way over, Yueliang asks. "Grandpa, we should get Ai Lan and the others first right?"

Hearing this, not saying another word in his excitement, Rin disappears from before his very eyes while they are running towards the training area, causing him to sigh. 'It seems this should be an eventful half hour or so. Hopefully he does not take Houli or Shen Hu as one of them should be watching over their cubs, and bringing them here might not be for the best.'

Although before Yueliang even progresses very far, Rin reappears right beside him, causing Yue to stop right in place as he sees the scene before him. Not only has his grandpa returned and caught up, but he brought both tigers, their cubs who seem to be sleeping peacefully in his arms, Rin, as well as Bingwen, and last but not least, Ai Lan behind him who pokes her head out and waves with a overjoyed smile.

Meanwhile Rin says. "Is this everyone you wanted? May we get started now?"

Feeling speechless Yueliang forces out a reply. "Sure, although the others are still making their way here. But I guess it should be fine to start the display without them and just explain it once they arrive as well."

"I do not think that will be a problem." Ai Lan answers before Rin could.

"Why is that sis?" Yueliang asks but following her gaze answers his own question seeing everyone already standing near the entrance of the place. *Sigh. "We should not keep them waiting."

The group then quickly makes their way over to the entrance to the training area as well, with Yue leading the group, and walking in one of the goblins shouts "Be careful!" as they see Yue walking forward and stepping onto a spike. 

Still proceeding forward despite the worries of those behind him, Yueliang begins his lesson. "Hello, and sorry to wake those of you who were sleeping. So while this training is not quite complex, the difficulty and patience required may be quite extensive for some if not all of you regardless of what you might think. Also this will be easier than my training when I was learning, so you are welcome for that. ..."

"... So first off, you all have the manual, so I will just give you the basic run down of the beginning steps, after that you can try it yourself. If you still have questions let me know. First off, you all will have to acquire a strong sense of balance as you can tell. For if you fall it will hurt, lucky you, I nearly died when I fell as there was acid and other traps below. Anyways, once you have that, you must learn to eat, sleep, and do everything on these pillars, even run without issue. For this you will need to trust yourself and your body. Once you have this down, you will start learning to traverse the air.. If you get that far, the manual will tell you what you need to do next and where to go for it."

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