Life Drain System

Chapter 201 - A Slow Chase

"*Sigh. Blake, are favors between friends meant to be returned? We are meant to help one another, not seek to profit from nor harm the other. Unless of course, have I been mistaken all this time and you all do not see me as your friend?" Yueliang asks while still keeping still and his gaze focused on the area around the one he is going after.

Blake focuses her gaze on his back as her gaze lowers from behind him as she feels bad saying. "Maybe it is just me, but while I see you as a romantic interest, a friend, and what not there is something else. I also see you as our leader, and that should merit something right? If not, than most, if not all the past leaders that we learn about must have been selfish, arrogant, and cruel. But so too have those under them for having such expectations. So tell me, is all we learned wrong? Did you yourself not have a king who you once pledged your loyalty, your fealty? Tell me, did you think it wrong to follow his order and expect to be of help to a noble leader? Or is it just human nature and that is why I do not understand."

It was with this, that he realizes what she is saying. He himself having felt the same way some time ago towards the king of his old world. Thereby causing him to respond with some remorse. "You are right, but how about talking about this after we finish this?"

Swiftly approaching the person he is aiming to apprehend, Yueliang reach out, extending his arm until he reaches his targets shoulder while saying. "Hello my friend, would you come with ...??? Huh?" He subconsciously says as his hand trying to grasp the others shoulder passes through the body as if it were just a hologram, and yet the body just turns to dust. Thus causing him to jump back.

Immediately after landing on one of the other spikes, he defends himself as his mind is in turmoil due to the confusion. "I promise I did not attack him... Why did he turn to dust in the wind?" He asks as the dust that was the body of one of his subordinates flies away.

Seeing this yet feeling confused, Blake finally breaks out of her daze and looks around trying to see if he is still around, or how this even happened in the first place. While the tech of her people would certainly make such things possible without a second thought. Allowing dust to produce such a seamless voice was something that has not yet been produced in that field.

Therefore this person much have either made quite a few break throughs or found an interesting skill, and as such thoughts begin to flood her mind she turns around, and asks. "Sorry Yue, did you  say something? I had something on my mind until a moment ago."

Feeling more calm after a few moments to himself, Yueliang answers. "It is not a problem, I too was surprised. Do you have any idea how he did that, or where he could have gone? It certainly feels quite strange not being able to understand a single aspect of what happened. For instance, did he die, or leave? If he died why? If not, what skill could allow such a convenient life saving method? After all, I am fairly certain that when those shops were set up by the system they did not have anything like that. If they did, I should certainly try to figure out what other terrifying abilities I may have released out into the open."

Focusing on his worried gaze, she quickly answers. "Do not worry about it right now. We should just take these things one at a time lest we burden ourselves, thereby causing our own failure. But to answer your question, it could be a skill, or it could be a technological advancement that he kept secret from the others which just adds to his traitorous deeds..." Blake says as she stares off into the distance behind her where the entrance is.

"Hmm? . . . What do you mean by adding to his traitorous deeds?" Yueliang asks out of curiosity.

Without even looking back, as she wants to catch him now more than ever, she answers. "It is exactly as I had said. Then again, you may not know, so here you are. Long ago, among our people, there were those who wanted us to bond to each other more, thus making it easier to fight off the other races out there, like the High Goblins. Anyways, in order to bring us together, many of our leaders who also felt the same, made a law. ..."

"... That would be to release all knowledge of advancements and failures to those of our people, thereby allowing us to not only grow closer to each other with understanding, sharing, and kindness, but also allowing us to advance faster and not repeat past mistakes. This even allowed for the inspiration of other projects where they may not have been made otherwise."

"Wait, what was that about high goblins? Why where they a threat?" Yue asks out of curiosity without letting onto why he is asking.

Hearing this, she turns around and says with a dead serious expression. "I do not know why you are asking, but if you know where one is please either tell us, or help us move far away. This is not something you want to get involved in, as they are far more dangerous than you would imagine."

With that said, he just goes silent but starts heading towards the exit quickly as there is still a job to be done. Of course, the only lead he has is the place where they were staying, thus where he is heading.

Blake following quickly behind him and feeling that Yueliang does not understand the gravity of the situation elaborates. "Hopefully you know that I say this with a heavy heart. But those goblins, as they grow into their higher form begin to wonder where their limits lay. Hence they will test their strength and intellect against others until they learn their place in the world. If the reason you ask this is because of our goblin friends, please tell me. We need to take action before anything happens, but we must proceed carefully. Especially since we high orcs have yet to grow into our higher selves fully as well."

As they run, Yueliang does not answer, but quickly makes his way to the residence of the orcs and goblins whilst he listens to what Blake has to say. Even thinking on what he should do, or how he should proceed. However while doing so, she feels worried with only his silence. Although with the amount of trust she places in him, it makes her feel much more at ease than if he were a stranger.

A few minutes later, after having arrived at the front of the building, he speaks for the first time since they left the dome saying. "I understand what you are saying, and we can discuss this later, however as you said we should focus on the task at hand. There should be a list of who stays in which room somewhere in the building right? After all, with how much your people value efficiency it would be a surprise if you did not have one."

Rolling her eyes, and smiling at his comments, she quickly answers. "No we do not, although we do have a holographic copy. Not that it is needed as I already know which room it is. So if you would please follow me." She replies as she walks ahead of him and enters the building.

Watching her make her way ahead, he follows her after saying. "Thank you for your help."

She just nods as the two briskly walk along the hallways, both with determination on their faces, but his not forming until after what he had said.

Minutes pass as they walk, but while doing so, he pulls out a pen and a paper and starts writing things down as he decides to leave his body in a sort of auto pilot. Just following Blake as she is in front of him makes it easier to multi task a bit.

It is not long after that the two of them arrive at a door, and without even knocking, Blake takes off two of her hair clips allowing some of her hair to fall as she places them where the hinges would be located on the other side. Then taking a step back, she clicks her tongue, and they make a *Poof sound as they explode. 

There was no loud explosion, but just the poof as the door falls inward revealing someone reaching for what could only be assumed to be a go bag.. But hearing the door fall, he looks over, and then after seeing the two of them, he quickly pulls the backpack with him dashes for the close window to his left.

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