Life Drain System

Chapter 210 - A New Understanding

Victoria shakes her head and says. "Not really, there are always things that we do not know in the world. For if what you speak is true, than the world, nay the universe is far more vast than we know. Either way, would you mind if I introduce some of my friends to you? We would all love to meet and get to know you more." She says with a glint in her eyes, focusing and not letting her gaze leave him.

'So am I the new toy among these people, or is there something I do not yet know of them? Hmm, or could it be...?' Then casting away his thoughts, Yue answers. "It sounds like fun, but I must tell you in advance, I do intend on staying here long as I should be getting back to the others."

Feeling excited Victoria comments with a smile. "Yippee, that is not a problem, stay as long as you like. So shall we go meet the others, or would you prefer to rest here more?"

Hearing this question, he just nods and drops off the left side of the branch so as to not bump her if he jumped off the right side. 

Watching him fall she exclaims. "Ahh! What are you doing?!"

Falling in between the tree branches, he crosses his arms over his chest so as to not get caught on anything on the way down. And then upon feeling the ground with his toes, in that instant, he allows his legs to bend while half flexing his legs to allow for more of a spring action rather than falling and breaking something. 

Gracefully landing as if he was never even falling, he looks up and answers. "Just waiting for you milady." All while thinking to himself. 'I must have just been imagining it earlier, if she is worried about my life, she is probably not a threat, but this is still an unknown place and I must be cautious.'

With that said, he starts looking around to get a better grasp of his surroundings, seeing all the greenery all around and watching as the flowers and trees blow in the wind. Even smelling a citrus like scent coming from the trees.

That is until he hears. "AHHH"

Then without a seconds delay, he looks up and seeing her falling, extends his arms, as it is clear she would fall right on top of him if he did not. Wanting to help her rather than let her fall out of pure instinct and maybe a hint of logic, he catches her in a princess carry and asks. "Just dropping by milady?"

Even before he said such words, she looks up at him seeing a flowery like background, however once she hears his words, she breaks out of her reverie and as her cheeks redden she rolls gracefully out of his arms with her feet on the ground once more.

Looking back at him she asks in reply. "Why did you save me?" The glint showing in her eyes once again as if a predator looking at its prey.

Yueliang shrugs, while answering. "Who would not help someone in need? Helping others is just in my nature I guess."

"Hmph." She exclaims as she starts walking back towards the Parthenon, however not hearing his footsteps, nor feeling his presence behind her, she looks back to see if he is following. Then much to her surprise she sees him walking in the opposite direction.

Seeing this she runs over to him and asks. "Where are you going? That area is dangerous, not to mention the others are this way." She says as she points back to the Parthenon.

Hearing this he ponders before speaking. 'Hmm, she cares for me at times, and not at others? It almost seems like this is all an illusion. Whenever I look for a reason to either trust or distrust her, their personality changes. However to test it again, I should think on the love and trust I have for those I care about and love.'

While thinking on such things he answers. "How stupid of me, I just figured we were off to see more fairies if we were to take into consideration your beauty and kindness."

"Hehe, it is alright, things happen sometimes. But over there are lava fields as well as some scary beasts, however fortunately they do not come here so this place is safe and serene." She says joyfully without the predatory look in her eyes anymore.

'Hmm, so this is likely either an illusion or some interesting race that mimics ones memories of those they are closest to. Taking their form but not their knowledge, and based on your intentions are either loving or vicious and cunning. What an interesting creature, well, if that is the case anyways.' Yueliang thinks to himself and starts following her through the meadow like fields around the Parthenon. 'I guess I can ask, and if nothing comes of that, just figure something else out.'

So while they are walking, Yue speaks his mind and asks. "If you do not mind my asking, what exactly are you? How is it your people take the form of those I love? Sorry, I mean no offence, but I am genuinely curious. It would be fun to learn more about you."

Victoria smiles as she spins around then walking backwards, she replies. "You are smart, nice, and cute but who is to say this is not my true form? As far as I know I have always looked like this. Is there someone who looks like me that has offended you to make you so distrustful?"

"My apologies, it is just that you and the people I have seen so far all look, sound, and act exactly like my loved ones elsewhere. However maybe it is just a coincidence." Yue answers.

"Pfft, you are funny, but you likely have it wrong. You see on this planet we rarely get visitors which is quite pleasing since we do not have to worry about others harming us. However something we have learned over time is that there is a certain smell in the air that causes you to see those you are closest with but does not affect anything else. As for everything else it is real. So I guess I must have a similar personality and voice to those that you know, however our people are sensitive to peoples intention if that was something you were thinking about." She corrects his assumption.

Hearing this, he thinks to himself. 'She really is playful and her personality adorable. And I guess when thinking of distrust it caused her to be defensive interesting. If this is true, then what an interesting planet that I have arrived on. The problem is, since I clearly still do not have complete control over this ability things are going to be quite troublesome trying to get back.'

A few moments later they are already half way up the stairs of the exquisite looking Parthenon, and Yueliang speaks once more quite happily. "Before we meet the others, I would like to say thank you. There is much that I would not have understood or known of this place without your explanations. I hope that we may become great friends."

"Oh? And here I thought we already were friends. Was I wrong Yue?"

Surprised for a moment, he shakes his head saying. "My bad, it was just me overthinking things too much I guess. May our friendship flourish and blossom in the times to come."

She giggles and nods as she continues into the building with Yueliang in tow. Going into the building, Yue feels slightly uncomfortable, as he thinks about those ladies bathing earlier. While they may have been dressed in white ancient greek dresses, it still feels odd for him to be in the same room as someone who may be bathing at that particular moment.

Feeling his unease, Victoria says. "It is alright, as you have already seen everyone here is dressed, so there is no need to feel uneasy. Not to mention that there should be no issue with you being here as we have no such laws, regulation, nor rules against such."

Hearing this, his heart eases a little but he still feels conflicted about the situation, so trying to take his mind off of the matter, he asks. "If I may ask, where are all the males? As I take it that your people have such a distinguishing factor. However if I am wrong please forgive my ignorance."

She turns around to face him and continues walking backwards as she answers his question happily. "You are not wrong, however the males live elsewhere, not to mention the fact that for every 99 females born only 1 male will be born, so basically 1 in 100 chances. Either way, they live elsewhere in order to ensure the peace and prosperity of our people. However they will come here to pick their mates from time to time. .... WAHHH" She exlclaims as she slips backwards into the large pool like bath behind her.

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