Life Drain System

Chapter 212 - Yuyan

Then not wanting to see any tears, or cause any more troubles, Yueliang closes his eyes and takes a step backward using the void steps and folding space out of there, causing all those at the table and some observing from elsewhere shock. However Victoria just could not hold her tears back for a second longer and started balling her eyes out.

Seeing this, those at the table gathered around her and started trying to comfort their friend despite being the cause of her new friend having to leave. Giving hugs, and words of comfort they keep on trying to make her feel better.

Meanwhile, with all of this is happening in the strange new world, that Yueliang found, the world keeps on orbiting along its path, as it quickly begins rolling itself through the portal that the Emperor has made with the help of the others.

Blake and some of the others of the high orc race come up to the emperor and she asks. "So I take it that you are able to maintain the portal right? After all, if it fails, than this planet will probably either be cut in half or just straight up explode before the meteor hits us."

The others surrounding the emperor look at him with gazes filled with anticipation, varying degrees of respect, and hope. 

Regardless, Rin answers. "You may all be at ease, I should be able to maintain this for long enough for us to pass through, most likely. Anyways, It will still take a few hours given the rotation and movement speed of our planet. Unless of course, you want me to speed that up, but the question is, what would that do to us?"

Hearing these words, Blake laughs a little before answering his rhetorical question. "At the very least it would shorten our days, cause massive tsunamis and earthquakes, not to mention that much of the planet would flood, while others would freeze or melt depending on the parts of the planet. So if you want your people to die than go ahead." She retorts in a almost sarcastic tone while still trying to sound respectful.

The emperor rolls his eyes while clearly thinking to himself something along the lines of. '*Sigh, My grandson really knows how to pick his friends. They are smart, and talented, however not quite the most educated in etiquette unless it involves him, and even then it is iffy. Sadly if I do anything about this it would offend him, but at the same time if I do nothing as they disrespect me in front of others, it would allow for others to think it is ok for insubordination, and disrespect. What to do?'

A moment later after finishing his thoughts, Rin raises his hand to call for his guards. Then as they appear before him, he says. "Take my grandsons subordinates to their room and keep them there until further notice. I will have the young prince teach them their place, or they will be executed as he watches."

The high orcs listening to these words feel conflicted as they feel the Emperor is a good man, but do not understand what lead to such drastic measures. Victoria however remains calm and says aloud for those around and the emperor to hear. "It is our fault for disrespecting the Emperor, we will accept the punishment for our insubordination."

The high orcs around question her sanity in their minds but given her personality they keep their mouths shut and obediently follow the guards without delay.

Meanwhile the council, and other humans around have their thoughts written on their face. 'It seems the Emperor is not as weak as we thought, but it is their fault for disrespecting our ruler in the first place.'

Ai Lan to walks up to her father and says. "Father please do not be too harsh on husbands people, after all they likely have not learned proper etiquette."

Turning to his daughter he replies. "Little Ai, you know how things are, if something does something wrong they must be punished. Insubordination will not be allowed, lest we have the era of chaos run rampant once more."

"I understand daddy, please forgive my impertinence." She adds.

With that said, the guests return to their normal state talking with the others after the High Orcs are all taken away and Ai Lan apologizes. 

Ai Lan however asks her father. "By the way daddy, have you seen Yue? I have not seen him since I went to change my apparel earlier."

The emperor sighs deeply and leans towards his daughters ear to whisper. "Sorry to tell you this, but I saw him looking for you, and when he could not find you it seems he tried using his void steps to try and find you. Although it seems since then he has disappeared from the planet again. It seems he still has yet to get full control over his abilities. However we cannot make a scene so if others ask, just tell the truth, he is not doing well at the moment so he left."

"Mm, understood." Ai Lan replies.

Boredom beginning to spread around the group as they wait in anticipation of the world either being saved or destroyed, most of them just take a seat and talk to each other as if nothing out of the ordinary is happening. As such is the way of cultivators, to not let your environment affect your way of life.

Then after about 2 hours pass, Yueliang returns back to the planet in the middle of the gardens of the castle ground. Then after arriving back here, the first thing he does is look up, however as he looks up to see the progress of the world going through the portal, he sees nothing but blackness in the sky. Yet some how for some reason, there is still light around him despite not seeing the sun nor a moon and stars .To which he shakes his head thinking. 'Interesting, well I guess I can figure it out later. At least it seems that I have not been gone long enough for the planet to explode it seems or I would be dead.'

This being the case, Yueliang proceeds to walk back to the building where he remembers that everyone else was at before he left.

Walking up to the building, he sees some people sitting on chairs outside talking and or drinking tea while they do so. Looking even closer as he feels something off, he sees he doors open and the hall from before appears to be nearly empty to which he thinks to himself. 'Have some people left, or is it just the distance playing tricks on my eyes? Oh well, I guess that is normal, given all that must be done soon.'

Despite this sight, he continues forward, to see if he could complete his earlier goal, from before he had left by accident. All while hoping he has not been gone for long.

As he approaches the building, one of the guests who was sitting alone walks up to him and asks Yue. "Are you feeling better young prince?"

Looking at the man strangely, Yue replies with a question of his own. "Who told you that I was feeling off? It seems weird that that would spread among others."

The man not able to tell what he means by such question, whether it means it is false, or that he is upset that such knowledge has spread he answers. "I am not certain that I understand my prince, after all knowing of important peoples condition is important news for both merchants and doctors, of which I am both. Either way, to answer your question, it was your wife, princess Ai Lan who said, that you were not doing well and had to leave for the moment."

"I see, well, either way, I am feeling much better. So thank you for your concern, and since you are already here, if you do not mind, could you fill me in on what has transpired since my disappearance and if you know where the emperor and my wife are?" Yueliang asks.

The man looks at him for a moment and then says. "So what happened so far has been as such ... and since then we have been waiting and watching as we would like to see what happens in the end. Not to mention it is not everyday that someone gets to enter the palace grounds or see a royal, so we are trying to enjoy our time here."

Hearing this, Yueliang says. "Alright, I understand, thank you for your time ... Now that I think about it what is your name sir?"

As this question is posed the man feels very touched and replies. "I am Yuyan, a physician and merchant from a nearby province. It is an honor to meet you my prince, if you need anything please let me know and my company will do our best to fulfill your requests at the best price possible.. But seeing as your family already has many such people waiting to do such, you probably do not need us, however the offer stands."

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