
With a gunshot, a blood hole exploded on Riko's head, and then followed the shaking hand and slowly fell into Kunihiko's arms.

"Little Riko?"

"Okay, hard work, disband, disband."

And Bunyan turned his head to look at Fuheishir who suddenly appeared,

"Why are you here?"


Fuheihir knocked on his head with the pistol that was still smoking in his hand, and then reacted, grinning and laughing evilly

, "Oh, that means, Gojo Gojo was killed by me."

"Go and die!"

Xia Youjie beside him had already been impatient, and with the surge of spell power at hand, a young dragon form spell spirit with oriental traditional antlers, snake body, four legs and five claws had roared towards Fuheihir, which was the strongest rainbow dragon in Xia Youjie's spell.

However, Fuheishir did not retreat, while taking out the machete from the mouth of the baby-faced curse spirit entangled on his body, he uncharacteristically rushed towards the rainbow dragon, and at the moment of contact between the two sides, the machete holding the machete split the rainbow dragon with a knife. But at the moment when Fuheihir landed, everything around him suddenly became quiet, and a woman-like spell spirit with black hair covering her face stood beside Fuheshir.

"Hey, me, pretty?"

Eyes suddenly appeared on the curse's black hair, staring at Fuheihir.

Imagine a spell, a simple realm that forces both sides not to invade each other before answering a question? Fuheishir made a judgment, and then

said, "Well, I deliberately said that it is not my dish."

The spell seemed very angry, squeezed the scissors in his hand, and immediately, all the scissors stained with blood around Fuheshir flew towards Fuheshir.

I saw Fuheishir swinging the machete in his hand at random and knocking them down one by one, and at this moment, Xia Youjie had already come to Fuheihir's side and launched a spell on the baby-faced spell wrapped around Fuheshir.

All this happened in an instant, from Xia Youjie's reckless attack on Fuheihir, to the time when he rushed to Fuheshir's side, it took no more than 5 seconds. Just when Bunyan gave up treating Riko without success, the simple realm of the female spell had already obscured his vision, and when the field contacted, Xia Youjie had already approached Fuhei-shir, clearly knowing that Fuheishier's amazing speed Bangyan, seeing his "expected" appearance, launched a reminder to Xia Youjie, but it was too late.

[Spell Manipulation] - is a technique that absorbs and manipulates the submitted spell spirit, and if there is a gap of more than two levels in the level conversion, the submission step can be omitted and absorbed almost unconditionally.

Level, according to the general recognition of the spell community, sorcerers and spells are divided into four levels, three levels, two levels, one level and special levels from low to high. Among them, under the same level, the sorcerer is stronger than the spell spirit, that is, the first-level sorcerer can pull out the first-level spell alone, the second-level sorcerer can pull out the second-level spell spirit alone, and so on. However, the special level is not among them, and there is also a strength gap between the special level and the special level, which does not mean that the special level sorcerer is necessarily stronger than the special level spell.

And Xia Youjie's strength at this time was at the level of a sorcerer, two levels stronger than the baby face as a third-level spell, and he could unconditionally absorb it with the technique.

Although the ability is special, the spell itself is not strong, controlling the arsenal, and then relying on the number, forcibly -

"Jie, leave quickly!"

Xia Youjie was thinking about the countermeasures after absorbing the spell, but he didn't expect his technique to be forcibly bounced off.

And in the mouth of the baby-faced curse spirit, a knife handle spit out, which was the [Heavenly Rebellion Spear], a spell with the effect of forcibly interrupting the technique. And Fuheishir looked like he had succeeded in his conspiracy, grabbed the handle of the Heavenly Rebellion Spear, and slashed towards Xia Youjie together with the machete in his hand.

Blood splattered, and Xia Youjie, who was slashed in his body, was cut to the ground.

"These two swordsmen should not be able to die, if it is a god messenger, I will kill you, but if you are a spell magic, I don't know what will happen to your spells after you die, now you should avoid unnecessary trouble, and receive the favor of your parents." Now, there is one 'juggler' left unresolved.

And Bunyan let out a long breath, calmed down, stood up, and voiced his doubts.

"How did you get here?"

"Xuexing Palace and Taboo Vault are hidden enchantments, bound by concealment, the entrance cannot be guarded, as long as you know the location of the door, you can break in at will. At this time, sorcerers are also busy (every summer, people's mental state will gradually begin to impetuous, the leaked spell power will increase, so the number of spell formations will gradually increase, and sorcerers will be busy removing curses everywhere every summer. ), now the high school is full of fly heads, there is no time to care. I am like a transparent person without spells, but there is a problem, if I carry a spell, the spell power of the spell will destroy the state of the transparent person. However, I brought a spell that could store things, and the spell was placed there to take away, but the spell power of the spell was not transparent, so I asked the spell to shrink its size and receive it in my stomach. The transparent person's stomach is also transparent, so that I can carry any spell to come and go freely in the enchantment, and the reason why I didn't use the spell to assassinate Gojo Gojo at the beginning is also the reason, it is useless to attack the Six Eyes if you don't maintain a transparent state, although it's not bad to kill the star slurry first, but there is a risk in entering the sight of the Six Eyes..."

And Bang Yan suddenly interrupted Fuhei's explanation

, "You are Heaven and Curse, I know that like a sorcerer, public information will comprehensively improve the effect of the technique, It's not that one I'm asking.

Bang Yan stared at Fuhei Shier deadly,

"Why do you know that the passage to the Xuan Star Palace can leave not a single bit of defilement."

In the spell world, spell masters disclose their techniques or information to their opponents, and can exert abilities similar to "binding" to the opponents, so that the power of their techniques can be comprehensively improved. And the residue is the technique, the residue of the spell, the curse master spells others, the spell attacks humans, and even the place where the sorcerer walks, all things related to the spell will leave the residue, and then the degree of thinness is different, and the wreckage is also a kind of spell, will dissipate or condense with the spell into a spell.

Fuheihir, on the other hand, said with a smile, as if he found this question a little funny

, "The traces left by human beings are not only residues, but also smells and footprints, and my five senses have also been greatly improved by heaven and curse."

Bunyan quickly began to ask questions again, but his eyes became more and more dangerous

, "There should be another woman on the way, how is she?"

"Huh? Oh, that maid.

Fuheihir seemed to feel that it was an insignificant little character, and did not pay attention to it at all, pouted, and replied uncertainly

, "It should be dead, although I didn't want her to live, but I didn't want her to die."

Bang Yan's anger had been held to the extreme, and he forced himself to calm down again, but his mouth was full of coldness,

"You really better die."

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