When the night moth Kunihiko and they came to Willow Cave Temple, Medea began her work.

Because she has the inherent skill of [High-speed Divine Word], she can speed up the casting of magic by chanting the spell of the god generation, but even so, the tasks such as the arrangement of the enchantment, the construction of the magic position, etc., took two days.

It was also during this period of time, with the night moth Kunihiko summoning Medea, the heroic spirits corresponding to the seven ranks of the Holy Grail War had arrived, and the war in Fuyuki City began.

Rider, Lancer, and Saber, along with their respective lords, came to Fuyuki from all over the world.

The Assassin sneaked up on Archer during this time, and many saw an assassin wearing a skull mask and a black cloak being shot by a blonde red-eyed follower in gold armor.

But this is actually a conspiracy by Archer's lords, Tosaka Tokigami and Assassin's, in order to make other lords let their guard down.

And Archer, Gilgamesh's follower, is only Assassin, the doppelganger of Hassan Al-Sabah. He is the nineteenth generation of assassins to inherit the name of Hassan Al-Sabah, and he was good at transfiguration during his lifetime, and had the name of "Hundred Faces of Hasan". After becoming a heroic spirit, it became his treasure, allowing him to divide into a hundred.

Halfway through, Lancer exuded his own momentum and attracted other followers to fight him. I believe that many imperial lords will go over to test the intelligence.

It's just that Medea doesn't have the ability to move freely and is busy making the Holy Grail, so he doesn't go over to make fun.

It's just that Kunihiko, the overnight moth, as Bacaker, and Caster have never appeared, and the fact that Willow Cave Temple is covered by enchantments has also attracted some attention.

Therefore, Emiya Kiriji, who originally wanted to take Saber with him to attack the Lancer Imperial Lord, gave up the operation.

"Shichen, that Liudong Temple covered by the enchantment should be a very important place, is it okay to leave him alone?"

In the dim underground of the Tosaka house, Yan Fengqi's voice came from the shadows behind the wall.

"Don't worry about him, it should be Caster making a magic formation, after all, Willow Cave Temple has always been a place where the earth's veins converge. As long as we don't erect too many enemies, Gilgamesh will clear all obstacles. Tosaka

didn't care, although the magic position weakened the servant, Caster had always been the weakest rank in the Holy Grail War, and leaving it alone would not affect his plans.

Now the easiest thing for him to disrupt his plans is Gilgamesh, the servant, although Gilgamesh, as the greatest "hero king", has "two-thirds of the gods and one-thirds of the human body", and is the strongest heroic spirit Tosaka Shichen has ever seen.

But that heroic spirit is too uncontrollable, and has a haughty and arrogant personality. What makes Tosaka most uncomfortable is that Gilgamesh is summoned as an Archer rank, possesses the rank skill of [self-action], and often acts without permission, disrupting his plans.

When Tosaka had a headache, Medea's little chalice was finished and is now just about to be used.

"Caster, Mr. Goose Night has already told me that the Einz Belen family has always been responsible for providing the Holy Grail, and their castle is on the outskirts of Fuyuki City."

Knowing that Medea had everything ready, Kunihiko the Noctuary Moth decided to act immediately.

"It's time for Caster and Basaker to appear in the Holy Grail War, in the castle of Einz Belen, cutting off the connection between the Little Grail and the Great Grail."

Medea showed a long staff, and then bowed her head towards the back of Kunihiko the night moth.

"Obey, Master."


- The palatial gates of Einzbelen Castle (Japanese Branch Fort)

shattered, and flying hoofed thunder oxen appeared in the hall with a mighty chariot.

On the chariot sat a tall, muscular man. A man with short fiery red hair. Underneath his stubby fiery red eyebrows, there are red pupils. The chin has a fiery red beard that is connected to the sideburns, making people feel mighty when they look at it.

He is the Rider – Iskandar, who claimed his name in the battle two days ago, simply because he is the famous [conqueror], and he is extravagant and dignified.

Accompanying him to the castle of Einzberen was his master, Weber Vervet. He looked very unconfident, and he was trembling in front of his Servant.

Weber Vervet, as a student of the Clock Tower, was often despised by other families and mentors because his family's magician background was only three generations.

And because he was dissatisfied with the behavior of his mentor Kenneth Ermelo Archibald, he stole the mentor's heroic relics to participate in this Holy Grail battle, hoping to show his strength and be recognized by everyone.

His mentor Kenneth was also a participant in this Holy Grail War and was Lancer, the lord of Dilumudo Odina.

Just after Iskandar arrived, a blonde maiden knight with a dull hair on his head also appeared, it was Saber - Artoria Pendragon.

"Rider, what are you doing here?"

"Of course, I came to you for a drink, this is a banquet between kings!"

Iskandar took out a barrel of wine from the chariot, and the hearty sound echoed in the castle of Einzberen.

"I have long heard that you live in the castle, but I didn't expect it to be such a gloomy place."

Just as the conqueror invited the Dumb King to a banquet in the courtyard behind the castle of Einzberen, Kunihiko and Medea also arrived.

"I didn't expect it to be quite lively tonight."

"Master, they're all great servants. Whether it's Iskandar, or that Saber.

Kunihiko the Night Moth also clearly knows this, but this time the target is not them.

"What about our goals?"

Although Kunihiko the Night Moth was summoned by the Great Grail, the situation is relatively special and the connection with the Grail is weak.

Medea slowly pointed to the rear of Iskandar and Artoria.

"That white-haired woman is the container of the Holy Grail."

"Hmm... Is that her, it seems beautiful?

Medea suddenly spoke up

, "No, in terms of temperament and plasticity, that Saber is more beautiful, if you can wear her... Sorry, Master, I gaffed. "

Kunihiko the Noctuate: ?

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