Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 118 Something is wrong

The monkeys looked at Hu Yanqiu below curiously, and Hu Yanqiu also looked at the monkeys above his head with a look of surprise, staring at each other across the cliff.

Gu Siwei waited for a while and found that there was no movement at all, so he looked up and found a group of monkeys looking at him with their heads tilted, as if they were trying to show off their cuteness.

"What are you doing? I asked you to put down the ladder and give it a quick drip. Xiaoma, work day by day!" Gu Siwei shouted at the monkeys on the cliff.

Hearing Gu Siwei's somewhat impatient voice, the pony trembled and quickly squeaked twice, instructing the entire monkey group to start working.

The rope ladder hanging on the tree was carried to the edge of the cliff by the monkeys and lowered section by section. The pony stretched its head and watched the speed of the rope ladder being lowered. It was obvious that the group of monkeys had a division of labor and worked together. The rope ladder that weighed several hundred kilograms was lowered to the bottom of the cliff little by little.

If a zoologist saw this scene, his jaw would definitely be dropped. Just like when they saw that monkeys in South America can make tools with themselves, Xiao Ma and this group of monkeys can already work together and do one thing in an organized manner.

However, neither Gu Siwei nor Hu Yanqiu are zoologists. They are just ordinary people. They will not have much reaction to the monkeys being smart. What can I say: as smart as a monkey, it can be seen that monkeys are more important to ordinary people. In my heart, it is still different from ordinary things.

Seeing the rope ladder falling little by little in front of his eyes, Hu Yanqiu was stunned for a moment and didn't know what to say. After a while, he reached out and tried the rope ladder in front of him.

"This was put down by the monkey? How did you go up the first time? How did you hang such a heavy ladder on the cliff, and how were these things made..."

Hu Yanqiu couldn't help but ask.

Gu Siwei smiled and said: "Did you just buy 10,000 why? There are so many problems. I climbed up at first, just like this. This cliff looks quite scary, but in fact, for some It's not a difficult task for a technical person. As for the rope ladder, it's even simpler. You just have to do it. Sometimes, if you think too much, you won't get the job done.

Okay, stop wondering about whether you can do it or not. If you can do it, you can go up on the head and I will protect you from below. If you can’t do it, I can carry you up."

"How to carry it?" Hu Yanqiu was a little curious.

Gu Siwei gestured, "You lie on my back and I will carry you. How else can I carry you? Can't I carry you by hanging you up?" "

Hu Yanqiu understood and blushed again: "I don't need you to carry me, I can go up."

"By the way, are you afraid of heights?" Seeing that Hu Yanqiu was about to go up, Gu Siwei asked one more question.

Hu Yanqiu stopped and asked Gu Siwei, "What is fear of heights?"

"I'm just afraid of heights. My calves tremble when I stand higher," Gu Siwei said.

Hu Yanqiu thought for a moment, shook his head and said resolutely: "No, I won't feel shiver even if I stand on the fifth or sixth floor."

"Okay, then you go up." Gu Siwei motioned to Hu Yanqiu to climb up.

After watching Hu Yanqiu climb two or three squares, Gu Siwei followed him up. There was only one square between him and Hu Yanqiu. In this way, if anything happened, he would be able to protect Hu Yanqiu immediately.

Fortunately, Hu Yanqiu has good skills. Today's women rarely have the kind of Lin Daiyu-like beauty. Nowadays, many lesbians also have to participate in militia training. All the people are soldiers, and the people are vast. It's not just talk. Many ordinary girls have marksmanship skills. They were all good, including Wu Meiling, who came to help Gu Siwei, and even Sun Qiumei was somewhat accurate when playing with guns.

Gu Siwei has never met, but through chatting these days, he knows that when they were training before, the results of each player were also made public. For example, Sun Qiushui also represented the township in the county competition.

Hu Yanqiu had just climbed halfway when he heard someone calling his name from above.

"Sister Hu, you are here!"

Who was the person above if it wasn't Sicui? The girl ran over when she heard the noise here. She didn't expect there was an outsider at first, but when she stretched her head, she realized that the person who came up was not her brother. After taking a closer look, she realized that it was Hu Yanqiu.

Sicui was even happier. Sicui and Hu Yanqiu got along well. When Hu Yanqiu and Sicui were together, they didn't ask for help, but got along with Sicui on an equal footing. This was something Sicui had never felt before.

For Sicui, her brother is a parent, and the relationship between children and parents is family. However, few children are willing to talk to their parents about anything, but Hu Yanqiu is different. Hu Yanqiu is a friend.

So Sicui was naturally very happy when she saw Hu Yanqiu coming, and kept cheering for Hu Yanqiu as he climbed up.

"Okay, stop yelling, add some fuel, and I'll give you Sister Yanqiu a hand later." Gu Siwei's head hurt a little from the noise from this girl.

Sicui laughed and waited impatiently for Hu Yanqiu to come up.

It didn't take much effort. Hu Yanqiu was not a delicate young lady at first. She looked dashing no matter when she was working or walking, so she climbed the ladder very skillfully and easily, and climbed to the top of the cliff very smoothly.

Sicui stretched out her hand and pulled, and Hu Yanqiu stood on the edge of the cliff.

Taking two steps forward, Hu Yanqiu felt that her vision suddenly widened, and a land with dots of green appeared in front of her.

There are green hills on both sides of the land. The slope of the green hills here is smaller, but not too small. It is almost 40 or 50 degrees and is covered with green pines and cypresses. However, these trees are not very tall, compared to the towering giant trees that we just visited. Much lower.

When it is shorter, it naturally loses its momentum, but it becomes more enchanting. Some of the tree trunks are long and twisted, especially like enlarged potted plants.

What makes people feel most comfortable is that every tree here has the same color, and there are thousands of colors. Some of the leaves are even bright red. Hu Yanqiu, who had never seen many tree species, was amazed.

While Hu Yanqiu was watching, Gu Siwei's voice came from behind: "Let's go, stop standing here, go home."

As soon as Hu Yanqiu said yes, he was pulled forward by Sicui.

While walking, the girl said: "Sister Hu, go and take a look at my room. My brother made my room very beautiful. By the way, are you leaving tonight? If not, stay in my room." My room is big."

The little girl seemed to have a lot to say to Hu Yanqiu. From the entrance of the cliff to the big house, Sicui's mouth almost never stopped.

When Hu Yanqiu came to the door of the big house, she was stunned by the house. She had never seen this done before. The wood used to build the wall was too big and thick. In her eyes, as long as a normal person , how could it be possible to use such good materials to make walls? Even materials like girders are a waste.

Also, it would be nice to cover such a good house with tiles, but with such a thick thatch, it looks like it has a big head on top of it, which is very unharmonious.

Gu Siwei saw her looking at his house, so he asked, "How do you feel?"

"Did you build it?" Hu Yanqiu asked.

Gu Siwei nodded: "Of course I built it. It took a lot of time to build it. I will also want to expand it in the future."

"It's already quite big," Hu Yanqiu said.

"It's not big enough," Gu Siwei said with a smile.

Gu Siwei originally thought that the room was enough, but now he feels that it is not enough because he has too many things to prepare, such as building a carpentry workshop and a place to put pickles. When the time comes, he will have to pickle them himself. Serve some dishes, so that if you want to eat fish with pickled vegetables or braised tofu with pickled vegetables in the future, you will be able to satisfy your cravings.

How could Hu Yanqiu have imagined that what Gu Siwei was thinking about at this moment was actually pickled vegetables and tofu. Hu Yanqiu felt like vomiting every time he ate it. There was no other way. In those difficult years, Hu Yanqiu ate too much, and almost every meal was filled with this stuff. Braised tofu with pickled vegetables and served with sorghum rice. The mere mention of it made her sick to her stomach.

"Sister Hu, let's go into the house."

Sicui pulled Hu Yanqiu into the big house.

As soon as he stepped into the big house, Hu Yanqiu suddenly felt that it was very cool inside, almost one or two degrees cooler than outside, as if he had suddenly walked into the woods from the sun.

"It's so cool in this room."

Hu Yanqiu couldn't help but said something.

Sicui said: "The thatch roof is much better than the tile roof. This is the best thing. It is warm in winter and cool in summer. If you come here to stay for one night in summer, you will know. Our roof is cooler because It’s also thicker.”

"That's it," Hu Yanqiu praised, "you really know a lot."

Sicui is very happy.

Hu Yanqiu came to the Sicui House and looked around the whole house.

There's no way, there really aren't many things in the house.

Among all the furniture, there are two most conspicuous ones. One is the bed. The four bedposts of the bed are made of wood as thick as an arm. There are natural scars on them and they are a little crooked, but the corners are really polished. It's quite round.

Another feature of beds is that they are big. Nowadays, there are very few beds that are two meters wide. They are usually 1.8 meters wide. The bed in Sicui House is just 2.2 meters by 2.4 meters, with six or seven beds lying horizontally. It’s enough sleep for one person.

Another distinctive feature is the table, or to be precise, a desk, but Hu Yanqiu doesn't know what to call it. In short, it's just one word big.

Hu Yanqiu also has a writing desk, but when the writing desk in Hu Yanqiu's home is placed in front of this desk, it is not even considered a grandchild, and the grandson is directly regarded as the last one.

This table is smaller than the bed. Not to mention one Si Cui, five Si Cui can lie down on it.

"Your brother's aesthetics. Tsk! It's really not that good." Hu Yanqiu shook his head and said.

At this moment, Hu Yanqiu felt that Gu Siwei was really a rough guy. Look at what the girl's house looked like. He didn't look like a girl at all.

"Sister, what is aesthetics?"

Sicui is a little confused.

"It means these things are not suitable for you, we are girls," Hu Yanqiu said.

Sicui was even more confused: "It's good, very comfortable, really. If you don't believe it, you can sleep on my bed, sit on this chair, and write and draw on the table."

Sicui tried to convince Hu Yanqiu that the things his brother made for him were the best in the world.

However, at this point, the two of them are just talking about chicken and duck, and there is no result.

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