Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 122 The Rain Arrives

I ate two meals on the road, and naturally I brought dry food. Fortunately, the things Gu Siwei brought were all good things, so although these two meals were a little cold, they were hard dry food to support my hunger.

Late at night, when they entered the factory area, Hu Yanqiu was afraid that people would see her, so he did not let Gu Siwei take her to the door of the family area. The two separated directly at the intersection.

After repeatedly making sure that she was safe all the way home, Gu Siwei went to Qiao Yitong's dormitory.

Qiao Yitong was still studying and was very happy to see Gu Siwei coming over because he had many questions about machines and English. Now Gu Siwei had thrown himself into a trap.

Qiao Yitong had many problems, and Gu Siwei had a headache. Logically speaking, he should be happy to have a studious apprentice, but Gu Siwei couldn't be happy now.

That's not nonsense. I have ridden a bicycle all the way from noon to now. Fortunately, Gu Siwei is in good physical condition. He used the shit road to enter the space to rest for a while. Otherwise, ordinary people would not be able to reach this point and change to an iron man. Eventing athletes are really relaxed, but most people really don't have that kind of physique.

"I said, if you have any questions, I'll ask them tomorrow. I just came here today and I'm going to bed first. I'm so sleepy."

Gu Siwei was really good at fighting with his two eyelids. When discussing technical issues with Xu Congwen and Zhu Shiming, Gu Siwei was not sleepy at all, but when asked to teach Qiao Yi these things, Gu Siwei was really sleepy because he was the one who knew it. It's like eating steamed buns and asking you to chew them again. For Gu Siwei, the food is tasteless.

Qiao Yitong looked at his watch, and his face suddenly became embarrassed: "I'm sorry, master, I forgot that it's two o'clock in the night now."

"It's good to know," Gu Siwei said feebly and prepared to lie down.

After a while, Gu Siwei was ready to take off his shoes and lie down comfortably on the bed to take a good nap.


"What are you doing?" Gu Siwei asked unhappily.

Qiao Yitong said: "Master, are you hungry?"

"I... seem a little hungry."

I originally wanted to say that I wasn’t hungry, but when I mentioned it, my stomach felt a bit unsatisfactory. It kept rumbling. It’s not surprising that I was hungry. I ate solid food at seven o’clock in the evening. What time is it now? It’s two o’clock in the middle of the night. So if I’m not hungry? Gu Siwei is a monster.

Comrade Qiao Yi said: "I'm hungry too. I'm very hungry. I can't sleep and my chest hurts."

Gu Siwei asked: "When did you have dinner?"

"It seems like I haven't eaten yet," Qiao Yitong said.

When Gu Siwei heard this, he turned around and looked straight at the disciple lying on the small bed not far away: "How can this be done? No matter how studious you are, you can't work so hard. Your body is your capital. If your body collapses, , even if you have all your skills, it will be in vain. Wait a minute, I will order some noodles for you, do you have noodles at home? "

Qiao Yitong nodded: "Yes, the noodles are in the cupboard."

Gu Siwei knew where the noodles were, so he went to the cupboard and opened the door, took out the noodles and put them aside. He went out to get some tap water and put them on the kerosene stove.

Gu Siwei has not seen this thing for decades, but now there are quite a lot of it. Many single households have such a thing in their homes. It burns kerosene. It looks like a square jar with four sides. There is an L-shaped iron sheet that wraps the can and extends about ten centimeters from the mouth of the can. The top is an iron sheet with a square round hole, and there are iron supports on the four sides to hold the pot.

This thing is just a makeshift thing for Gu Siwei. Whether it is cooking or stir-frying, Gu Siwei likes large grass pots and feels that only the food cooked in wood-burning pots is fragrant enough.

This kerosene stove is so convenient, but it’s really not good at cooking a pot of authentic rice!

There is almost nothing in Qiao Yitong's home, not even anything green at all. A single man's dormitory is just like this, and it is a rare thing to keep it tidy.

It does exist in the fourth-dimensional space, but it is difficult to take it out.

Silly apprentices can sometimes be smart, so Gu Siwei only boiled water to cook noodles, and while waiting for the water to boil, he cracked four wild eggs he had brought.

Turn off the heat and wait for the wild eggs to solidify, then turn on the heat again and wait to add the noodles.

After the water was turned, a little soy sauce was added to the noodles, a little salt was added, and a little MSG was added. Now the soy sauce noodles for midnight snacks were cooked.

There were two bowls in the enamel basin. One bowl was full for Qiao Yitong, and half a bowl for Gu Siwei.

"Master, how good is this? Eat more."

Seeing so many noodles in his bowl, Qiao Yitong became polite and wanted to give some noodles to Gu Siwei.

Gu Siwei said: "Okay, don't do this. I want to give it back to you? I have enough. It's not a good thing, and I still push it around."

Qiao Yitong was found out, so there was no embarrassment. Although the two were called master and apprentice, their behavior was much more casual than that of a master with a young apprentice.

Chiliu, Chiliu!

Picking up the enamel basin, Qiao Yitong ate the noodles like a tiger descending from the mountain.

Seeing that his mouth was wider than his waist, Gu Siwei immediately said: "Eat slowly, there is no one to compete with you."

"No, I'm too hungry!" Qiao Yitong said.

Gu Siwei looked at him for several seconds, and then said to Gu Siwei: "I think you should get married soon, otherwise your body will not be able to bear it. After you get married, someone will cook for you. , How can you learn like this? Didn’t I tell you, learning this thing is about perseverance, not risking your life! Anything that makes you risk your life is not a good thing, this is the discipleship of our Gu family! "

Qiao Yitong only has noodles in his eyes now, so he has no time to listen to Gu Siwei's nonsense.

In five minutes, a large bowl of noodles, which was almost six taels in weight, was shaved clean by Qiao Yitong.


After eating, Qiao Yitong burped beautifully.

Putting down the bowl, Qiao Yitong stroked his belly, feeling silly and happy.

Gu Siwei ate slowly. Seeing Qiao Yitong looking at him, he said, "Come on, eat another egg."

"Master, I've had enough. A big bowl of noodles with two eggs is almost up to my throat." Qiao Yitong really couldn't eat any more.

Seeing that he had said enough, Gu Siwei took the eggs and ate them slowly.

Qiao Yitong remembered it at this time and asked: "Master, what are you doing here this time?"

Generally speaking, Gu Siwei would come to the factory if he had nothing to do. The reason is very simple. The journey is so long, and Gu Siwei's character is a bit lazy, so there is nothing to do here.

Could it be that it’s really just to eat street snacks? If you want to eat good food, Gu Siwei can just make it yourself.

"Of course I have something to do. I've got a plow here. Then you can help me make some parts. It's a test for you," Gu Siwei said.

After hearing this, Qiao Yitong smiled and joked to Gu Siwei: "Master, your exams are really practical."

In the name of taking the exam, Gu Siwei has a one-handed wok, a double-eared wok, and a small stew pot at home. As for kitchen knives, there is no need to mention them.

After hearing what Qiao Yitong said, Gu Siwei said, "What, do you have any objections?!"

"No, no, you said".

Qiao Yitong was just joking. For Qiao Yitong, he learned more from Gu Siwei than he had learned in the previous years. Many of the problems that the masters didn't know seemed to be no problem in front of Gu Siwei. Difficulty.

Qiao Yitong, his apprentice, had no idea that his teacher was just as far ahead of the times as a high school physics student was in Newton's time, directly ahead of the entire era.

After Gu Siwei finished sucking a bowl of noodles, he took out the simple drawing he drew and told Qiao Yitong the disassembled parts.

While talking, he answered Qiao Yitong's questions, and then listened to Qiao Yitong's explanation of what processing methods and processing steps he planned to use. If something was wrong, Gu Siwei pointed it out again and asked why.

As a master, Lao Gu is indeed a bit lazy, but when he teaches his disciples, he does not hold back at all. It is not a spoon-feeding style of teaching, but a guidance or questioning style of teaching.

After having their stomachs full, the two of them no longer felt sleepy. It was not until dawn that a rooster crowed outside. Then they realized that another four or five hours had passed and they could have breakfast soon.

There was no other way, so the two of them ate another pot of noodles. After finishing the noodles, they went back to bed to catch up on their sleep.

Gu Siwei slept until the afternoon. When he got up, Qiao Yitong was no longer in the dormitory. He probably went to work. People nowadays are hardworking and hardworking at work. Old Gu really couldn't compare to him. If he was asked, he could not He would not go to work no matter what his life or death.

Gu Siwei, who was fine, went to Xu Congwen's place and gave him the things he had brought to him.

After having a meal at Xu Congwen's house, and returning to Qiao Yi's dormitory in the evening, the master and apprentice started their study mode again.

Another night like this, almost no sleep.

It was morning again, and now that Qiao Yitong had asked almost all of his questions, Gu Siwei threw off his legs and returned to the village with the big green mule.

When he came out of the factory in the morning, Gu Siwei felt that something was wrong with God, because the sky was a little gray and unusual.

This knowledge was taught by Liu Fulin. The old man said that it rains quickly in the dark and long in the morning.

This means that usually if it gets dark in broad daylight, it means there will be heavy rain, and usually it will pass after a while. Now that it is summer, it is quite normal to have some heavy rain.

But it's not good to be so gray, because once it rains, it may last for several days or even ten days.

This is fatal to the crops, because the crops in many people's fields in the village are now about to head. At this time, if it rains for a few days, at least 10% or 20% of the harvest will be lost. If it rains for more than ten days, then It will be fun to watch.

Back in the village, as soon as Gu Siwei entered the village, the raindrops started to fall.

Gu Siwei sent the mule back to the barn.

"came back?"

Old Man Sun, who was looking after the livestock, was smoking a dry smoke and looking at the sky outside the shed with a worried expression.

The raindrops are falling, but the sky is still gray, and there is no thunder or lightning, which is particularly worrying.

"Well, Dad Sun, what are you looking at?"

Gu Siwei tied the mule to the trough and put some hay into the trough for the mule to eat.

Old man Sun said: "This rain is really worrying."

Gu Siwei didn't know what to say, so he could only comfort him and said: "Maybe it will stop tomorrow morning, don't worry."

"hope so!"

Old man Sun also knew that this was Gu Siwei trying to comfort him, so he responded feebly.

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