When he got up in the morning, Gu Siwei was in good spirits and made a pot of hand-made noodles.

Since he had time and was at home, Gu Siwei naturally couldn't deal with him like he did in Qiao Yi's dormitory, so he was pretty good at making noodles by hand.

The noodles are hand-rolled. This is no nonsense. Gu Siwei really put in the effort. Eggs are added to the noodles and some spinach juice is added, so that the strips cut out will be green.

The toppings are also freshly made. Stir-fried pork and wild lamb sauerkraut, each piece of meat is almost the size of a mung bean. When it comes to your mouth, it is not only rich in meat taste, but also chewy. As for the diced potatoes, there are also Not to mention dried tofu.

The noodles come out of the pot, two bowls and one basin, plus a small food bowl.

The two bowls belong to Gu Siwei and Sicui. They have the same sea bowls, each of which can hold four or two noodles. The large open blue and white bowl is suitable for serving noodles.

Put four or two sides into the bowl, only enough to cover the bowl, then pour two full spoons of sauteed seeds, pour the broth, chopsticks go down and stir, the fragrant green noodles will make people drool on the table .

The basin is hairy.

It’s good that Da Mao is not picky about food. He eats whatever he is given and whatever tastes good to him. Seeing Da Mao eat might actually cure anorexia.

The small basin is naturally made of clay. The puppy is still small, so there are only a few noodles in the basin.

In fact, it’s not that Youshu eats less, but that Gu Siwei makes less noodles, and the people save it for the dogs. Gu Siwei doesn’t do this, but it’s not appropriate not to let Youshu eat enough, so there is too much in Youshu’s basin. A cold steamed bun. Soaking cold steamed buns in marinade is not cruelty to a dog. To put it mildly, none of the folks in Shimo Village ate like this this morning.

Suck! Suck!

The room was filled with the sounds of noodle-sucking and slurping.

The ones who slurped the noodles were brother and sister Gu Siwei, and the one who slurped the noodles was Da Mao. He ate as if he had his own speaker, and the one who slurped the noodles was extremely loud.

The quietest thing to eat is oily mud.

Sicui's mouth was full of oil. She raised her head and wanted to tell her brother that the noodles were delicious, but she found that her brother was in a daze.

At this moment, Gu Siwei was looking out the window.

The sky was already bright, and the rain outside had lightened up a lot. It was not raining heavily, and it already had the flavor of drizzle. At this moment, there happened to be a breeze.

Then there was a different kind of scenery outside the window.

Small raindrops hit the window, and I heard a slight tapping sound, like someone gently tapping the rim of a drum, which was crisp and sweet. The old camphor tree outside the window is now blown by the breeze, gently swaying its branches and leaves, just like its long hair dancing lightly in the wind.

A little further away are the green rice fields, and a little further away are the hills surrounding Calabash Valley. A little further away, it's a bit hazy, and those are the surrounding mountains.

The drizzle was like smoke, which blurred the mountains behind. From a distance, it looked like the mountains were standing between the mist and water. It looked like a fairyland and a dream. Gu Siwei looked at it and said in his heart: This is what I imagined. Home!

"Brother, what are you looking at? Why don't you eat noodles? Isn't it delicious? I think it's delicious."

Sicui blinked, looked at Gu Siwei, and then at the noodles in her bowl that were almost bottomed out. I don’t understand why my brother has noodles on his chopsticks, but his eyes are looking out the window.

She originally thought there was something good to see, but after looking at it for a while, Sicui didn't find anything worth seeing, so she didn't quite understand why she was so stunned while eating.

Gu Siwei came back to his senses and saw Sicui's expression of confusion, so he smiled and said, "I'm enjoying the rain."

"What about rain appreciation? Do you want to give money to the rain?" Sicui was even more confused.


Gu Siwei was amused by his sister: "I mean appreciation, not money. You have money all over your head."

Sicui was a little embarrassed after hearing this and scratched her forehead, but she soon didn't understand.

"Brother, what's so good about rain? I really don't see anything different about this rain from ordinary rain."

"Scenery, look at the gentle breeze and drizzle, the dancing shadows of the trees, what a wonderful scene" Gu Siwei exclaimed as he explained to his sister.

Sicui looked out the window again, her little face was full of confusion.

So she looked back at her brother and asked: "How can this rain be as beautiful as you said? In my opinion, this rain is not only ugly, but also very bad.

Because it keeps raining, the crops in the fields will be flooded. If it rains for a few more days, no one in the village will be able to laugh, and everyone's hard work for a year will be thrown into the river."

Sicui had a worried expression on her face as she spoke. It could be seen that the little girl was very worried about the rain. She was worried about her own fields and the fields of her fellow villagers, because the rain had reduced the harvest, and might even have damaged grains. No gain.

When Gu Siwei heard what Sicui said, he suddenly thought that he really shouldn't eat minced meat.

I only know how to appreciate the rain scene, but I don’t know that such a rain scene can ruin the lives of many farmers and make many people cry without tears.

When I thought of this and looked out the window again, I felt that not even half of the beauty of the rain had disappeared.

"You're right, my brother is full of food and doesn't know the hardships of farmers," Gu Siwei said sternly to Sicui.

Sicui waved her hands quickly: "No, brother is right, I'm just worried about the land at home."

Sicui didn't know what to say. In her heart, her brother was always right. He couldn't be wrong. If he was wrong, it would be someone else.

That's the good thing about Gu Siwei. He can simply admit his mistakes and whether or not he will correct them is another matter. But he admits his mistakes very quickly.

After a pause, he smiled and said: "It's okay. It's normal for people to make mistakes. Not talented people will not make mistakes. Brother knows that he is wrong. After eating later, we will go to the fields to see if there is still water that has not been drained. If there is no water in the fields, No, let’s go to my uncle’s place and have a look. If there’s no problem there, how about we go to the village and have a look?”


Sicui nodded happily after hearing this.

Gu Siwei lowered his head and ate the noodles quickly. Half a bowl of noodles was dragged into his stomach in less than five minutes.

Patting his belly, Gu Siwei said to Sicui, who was clearing away the dishes, "Okay."

Gu Siwei cooks and Sicui is responsible for collecting and washing the dishes. Gu Siwei does not think that Sicui can't do it. In fact, Sicui is not only capable but also does it very well.

After Sicui finished washing the dishes, the brother and sister put on their new raincoats and went to Liu Fulin's place.

When they arrived at the valley of Liu Fulin's family, Gu Siwei found that no one was in the house. He took a look at the fields and found that there were still no people. He looked at the fields and found that the water levels in the fields of the two families were normal, and the seedlings were not given to them. Flooded.

"Where did these two families go?"

Gu Siwei was a little curious.

Sicui, who was holding Gu Siwei's hand next to her, thought for a moment and said, "I must have gone to the village to help."

Gu Siwei thought it was the same when he heard it, so the brother and sister went straight down the river.

When we arrived at the village, we found almost everyone who could work as laborers standing in the fields, including many children who were a little older than Sicui.

Many of the fields on both sides of the village are similar to terraced fields. The spaces between the fields are reinforced with mud and stones, but this type of embankment cannot withstand water.

Not to mention ten days and a half, even if it lasts for two days, this kind of mud embankment will collapse.

Although it is not two days yet, how far can it be from two days? So early this morning, all the villagers who could move went to their fields to drain as much water as possible from the fields. Don't let the water stay in the field for a while.

Now, for the folks in the sixth group, the first thing is to protect the embankment, which is to protect everyone’s fields, and the second thing is to protect the food, so that they can live a solid life in the following days. If there is no harvest this season, Then I really have to take the whole family out to beg for food.

At this time, no one greeted Gu Siwei. Everyone's face was full of worry. From time to time, an old man looked up and looked at the still gray sky above his head.

According to everyone's experience, this rain will last at least two or three days.

If it rains for another two or three days, no one dares to say that their own fields will not collapse. If one's own fields collapse, then other people's fields below will naturally collapse as well.

At this time, everyone is damaged and damaged, and they live together. They are all grasshoppers tied to the same rope. They can't run away and can't kill anyone.

At this moment, Gu Siwei was no longer interested in chatting with others. He took the shovel directly from the hand of a child who was not as tall as the shovel and started to turn it over.

No one cares about anyone else at this moment, they just keep their heads down and work.

Luan Jiandong, who had been paying no attention, didn't even raise his head, and shouted directly at Gu Siwei: "You can't hurry up and take your time... Oh my god, Siwei, I really didn't mean you, I thought it was my family." Where is the child?"

Luan Jiangu, a disciple of Luan Jiandong.

He is only thirteen years old this year. He was the boy who had just been robbed of his shovel by Gu Siwei. After being robbed of his shovel, this boy did not stand idle in the field with a water basin and was scooping water out of the field. Moreover, he was very Working hard, such a young child also knows that as long as he puts in more effort, there will be more hope of saving this field.

"I'm not very good at this job, why don't I find a job that suits me like this?" Gu Siwei didn't care, and he had no time to care about it at this time.

From the moment he stood here, Gu Siwei could see the tension in everyone's body, as well as the silence of impending disaster. Often, if a child makes a mistake, he will be scolded by an adult as a punching bag. After a few words, the children did not reply, but continued to do the work in hand while wiping their tears.

This kind of scene where the whole family works hard for survival is very touching to Gu Siwei. At this moment, Liu Fulin, Liu Dezhu and Guo Shengshou in the crowd are also working hard, even if the place where they work is not their own. land.

This atmosphere infected Gu Siwei.

Luan Jiandong immediately said: "That's not true. You did a good job. It's just that I'm in a bad mood and want to scold my brother."

"I knew you wanted to scold me!" Luan Jiangu shouted back.

Normally, this sentence would definitely win laughter from many people, but nothing he said could bring laughter at this moment. Even Luan Jiandong's apology to Gu Siwei was full of worry.

"Get to work!"

Gu Siwei lowered his head and worked.

Luan Jiandong also lowered his head to work without speaking.

The atmosphere in the entire field has always been like this. From morning to dark, almost everyone only ate two meals. It was a very simple steamed sweet potato, two per person, no more, no less. No one divided the food into different sizes, it was just a mechanical way. Eating hard and working mechanically are so depressing that your heart feels cold.

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