Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 160 Picking Honey

Gu Siwei supported Hu Yanqiu and waited for a while. There seemed to be no movement above.

Looking up, Gu Siwei found that Hu Yanqiu hadn't moved at all. The pole in his hand still looked the same as before.

"I said what are you doing? Why are you so stunned? Try to see if you can reach it." Gu Siwei urged Hu Yanqiu.

After being urged by Gu Siwei, Hu Yanqiu came back to his senses, stretched out the pole in his hand and pointed it at the stone wall.

"It's still a little bit short." Hu Yanqiu tried a few times and found that he couldn't reach it at all. He was still missing at least half a dozen centimeters.

Gu Siwei turned his head and looked at it and said, "How about I come?"

Hu Yanqiu was startled by his words and said quickly: "I don't have the ability to carry you up."

Gu Siwei was immediately happy: "Who said you should carry me? I have to be so naive to think of this, I mean Da Mao. Hahaha, you are so funny."

Hu Yanqiu felt a little embarrassed and said, "I was wrong. I thought you were going to use this matter to cause trouble again. Okay, let me go."

Afterwards, the voice became quieter and quieter, almost inaudible.

Hu Yanqiu really didn't expect that Gu Siwei would carry her on his shoulders. This made her especially want to know what this man was thinking. Most men now would not do this, because in the eyes of many men, this is It's not a good thing to let a woman ride on your neck.

Not only men think so, but many female comrades also think so.

Hu Yanqiu didn't know that Gu Siwei came from decades later. At that time, there was no such thing. It was normal for a man to carry his girlfriend to watch the flag raising or performances. No one would make irresponsible remarks about this matter. , he didn't even think of this happening.

Not to mention the humiliating feeling of being ridden by a woman on his neck. To him, it was just a matter of carrying someone on his back. It was as simple as that. It was just that Hu Yanqiu was a girl.

Gu Siwei slowly squatted down, put Hu Yanqiu down, and started calling Da Mao.

"Da Mao, Da Mao, come here, where did the people die?" Gu Siwei shouted twice, and then he saw Da Mao running back from outside.

"Come here, stand over here! Hold on to the wall and don't move, or you'll knock me down and watch your skin carefully."

Gu Siwei motioned to Da Mao to stand in front of the stone wall, with his hind legs halfway up and his front legs touching the stone wall, pressing his body against the stone wall.

Da Mao lay down on the stone wall and suddenly reached a height of more than 1.8 meters.

It's a pity that this meter and eighty meter can't be used completely, because no matter how cruel Gu Siwei is, he can't step on Da Mao's forehead to pick honey. At most, he can only step on Da Mao's shoulders.

Even if Da Mao is willing to let his head be stepped on, Gu Siwei must have the courage. As soon as Da Mao turns his head, he will fall off. Isn't that fun?

Seeing Da Mao lying down, Gu Siwei climbed on Da Mao's shoulders.

Da Mao suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. Isn’t this nonsense? Who is used to having people crawl up his forehead? So Da Mao wanted to move.

Just as he was about to move, Da Mao was kicked on the forehead.

"Be honest, if you throw me down, let's see how I deal with you," Gu Siwei said as he continued to climb up.

Now Da Mao was honest and lay on the stone wall without daring to move.

Gu Siwei stood on Da Mao's shoulders smoothly. Coupled with his own height and wingspan, if he had a tool in his hand, it would be very safe to reach the honey on the wall.


Gu Siwei stretched out his hand towards Hu Yanqiu.

Hu Yanqiu quickly handed the pole in his hand to Gu Siwei's hand.

"Pick up the small wooden basin. Can you catch the honey when it falls?" Gu Siwei was a little doubtful. Just when he was about to poke the honey nest, he remembered to ask Hu Yanqiu.

Unexpectedly, Hu Yanqiu was quite confident about this matter, so he opened his mouth and replied: "There should be no problem. We used to throw it away like this when loading goods. If it doesn't work, just try it twice."

"That makes sense!"

Gu Siwei turned around and used the pole in his hand to hammer the hive.

These bees were straight bees with good tempers. Even if Gu Siwei pestered their nests, these little things didn't panic much. They just flew around the pole and had no intention of attacking Gu Siwei.

Hu Yanqiu discovered this situation and immediately said: "These bees still don't sting people? It's really strange."

"Looking at what you said, you have to let them sting you, don't you? Think about it, if they stung people very hard, these monkeys would have jumped up with their heads in their arms, and what kind of honey would they be brewing?"

"Yeah, why didn't I think of it, it turned out to be this reason?" Hu Yanqiu said with a smile, and he didn't know whether he was sincere or just casually praised Gu Siwei.

After poking twice, a piece of the honey nest became a little loose, and half of the honey nest began to sway with the movement of the pole, and it was about to fall off.

"Attention, attention, the first piece is coming."

Before Gu Siwei could finish his words, the first piece of honey nest fell.

Needless to say, Gu Siwei said that Hu Yanqiu, who was holding a small wooden basin in his hand, had already prepared it. When he saw the honey nest falling, he immediately used the basin in his hand to catch it.

very perfect!

Hu Yanqiu was almost waiting for the honey nest in the straight line where it landed.


After a sound, the honey nest that fell into the basin was broken into two pieces, one large and one small.

"I caught it!"

Hu Yanqiu happily lifted the basin.

Gu Siwei gave Hu Yanqiu a thumbs up, and then said: "Awesome, he is indeed a hero among women. But don't be proud, there are still others down there."

"Is this enough?"

Hu Yanqiu took a look at the honey nest in the basin. It was almost as big as one and a half her face, and as wide as one and a half her index fingers.

This is honey, it’s sweet, and most people can’t eat much of it.

"It's not enough. You'll have to take some back later. Qiao Yitong will also take a share. Old man Tao Yisheng's share will definitely be indispensable. If this piece is not enough, get another piece."

As he said this, Gu Siwei began to prepare to stab another piece.

Then I remembered something before the bucket, and said to Hu Yanqiu: "Give Da Mao a piece as a reward, not too much, just a small piece, let him taste it."

After hearing this, Hu Yanqiu immediately stretched out his hand, broke off a piece from the honey nest, and put it directly to Yi Mao's mouth.

As soon as Da Mao smelled this smell, his ears started to dance. It was not that he had never eaten honey, but he didn't eat much. Monkeys can climb up there. How can he climb a rock wall, that is, wait for the monkey to fall down and pick it up? After ordering some leftovers and discovering monkey wine, Da Mao became more confident.

Hu Yanqiu broke off a piece, but it wouldn't work in Da Mao's mouth. No matter how much honey you give to the bears, they won't find it too much, let alone just one piece.

Da Mao almost ate the ginseng fruit at the same speed as Zhu Bajie. Woo, he swallowed the piece of honey nest in his stomach.

After eating, Da Mao growled and whined proudly at Hu Yanqiu, obviously wanting Hu Yanqiu to give it more honey.

Hu Yanqiu did not respond, and Da Mao received another kick from Gu Siwei on the forehead.

"Stop making such a fuss with me and be honest! Stop feeding it. The more you feed it, the more embarrassing it will be."

Without having to lower his head, Gu Siwei guessed that Hu Yanqiu's hands must be breaking off the second piece of the honey nest.

In fact, it was exactly what Gu Siwei thought. Hu Yanqiu not only broke it off, but also broke it off in a big way. Ignoring Gu Siwei's words, he put the honey nest to Da Mao's mouth again.

Squeak~! Squeak~!

The monkeys who came over happened to see this scene and immediately became unhappy. All the monkeys pointed at Da Mao and squeaked at Gu Siwei, as if to say: Boss, look, Da Mao is eating your honey.

Gu Siwei looked back at the monkey and was about to speak when he found Qiao Yitong, Sicui, and the old man Tao Yisheng who was following behind him.

"Brother, there is actually a cave here? Ah, there is also honey, oh, so much honey, oh, it's a pity that you can't sell it for money. I heard that wild honey used to be very expensive...".

Tao Yisheng laughed and said, "You two are really brothers and sisters. You are like the biological brothers and sisters. You are stingy compared to the other and think about money in everything."

"We are brothers and sisters," Gu Siwei said with a smile.

Sicui nodded and said: "Well, that's for sure. My brother's name is Siwei and my name is Sicui. We are destined to be brother and sister."

"I was wrong, I was wrong." Tao Yisheng readily admitted his mistake, even laughing so happily.


The second piece of honeycomb fell off.

Hu Yanqiu's work in the store was really not in vain. He once again caught the honey nest firmly, and this time the fallen honey nest landed directly in the center of the pot, which was no more and no less.

"Sister Yan Qiu is so awesome," Sicui praised.

Hu Yanqiu smiled and was about to say something when he realized something was wrong. He opened his mouth and asked, "Where is my brother? Is he not with you?"

Sicui said: "He is still sleeping in the bed. No matter how you scream, you can't wake him up. Finally, Brother Yitong said that we should come over first. He is probably still asleep."

Hu Yanqiu smiled and said, "That's right. As long as he has nothing to do, he won't wake up until about ten o'clock. But we can't let him wake up too much today. We'll wake him up later. We have to go home. ”.

After saying that, he said to Gu Siwei: "That's enough. Don't pick any more. There's nothing to put it in. Just take some back to taste. I'll bring some bottles to put in when I come next time."

"You are still planning to eat up all the honey nests. I told you that the first time is a taste of something new, but you will be charged for the second time."

Gu Siwei made a joke and slid down from Da Mao's shoulders. It was a bit slow when he went up, but when he came down, Gu Siwei was quite silky, and even his movements were a little handsome.

There was honey to eat, and Da Mao didn't care if anyone was on his shoulder. Even if Gu Siwei had come down, he still kept his original appearance, lying on the wall and chewing the honey nest.

"Where is the cave?"

Qiao Yitong doesn't care about honey. He doesn't like sweets, so he doesn't care about whether the honey is sweet or not. He is now more interested in stone caves than eating honey.

Seeing Gu Siwei pointing behind him, Qiao Yitong passed by.

After a while, Qiao Yitong's voice came: "Ah, it's so cold here. It would be nice if I put a watermelon here to chill it."

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