Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 163: Figure it out

After almost a few more miles by boat, we haven't left the mountain yet, but we must obey the boat and get off, because if we go down the river, we are not in the town, but in the opposite direction of the town.

When they got off the boat and walked, the speed of these people was really not slow. There was no rest on the way, not even a place to rest. Gu Siwei really wanted to take a rest. It was not because he was tired, but because the sun above his head made him too uncomfortable.

But no one else stopped, and some old men who were several rounds older than Gu Siwei could bear it, so he was even more embarrassed. At this time, Gu Siwei missed sunglasses very much, and now his eyes were dazzled by the sun.

After leaving the mountain, you can see the endless hills in front of you. The hills are not very undulating and are almost like plains. The occasional hills and hills are not a big deal.

Now everything is green and crisp. It seems that the heavy rain a few days ago did not bring much harm to the farmers outside. The crops in the fields are growing quite well.

When the group arrived at the gate of the township government, they were stopped by the old man guarding the gate.

"Hey, what are you doing, each of you? You think this is your home and just rush in?"

The old man jumped out of the door in an instant, with a straight face and his goldfish eyes, and shouted at the villagers. He looked like a dog fighting for power, and he looked like he wanted to eat people.

The village chief who led the team did not look down upon him, nor did he give him a good look. He stretched out his hand and pushed the old man away.

The old man's anger just rushed to his face, and he turned back angrily after hearing the village chief's words.

"What did you say? Come back here."

A young man heard the old man spitting, so he went over and grabbed the old man's neck: "I'll kick you idiots to death, believe it or not?"

The old man said with a shy smile: "I didn't say anything, I was scolding myself."

"Scold yourself in front of our faces, and you will know next time if you are ignorant." The young man pushed forward angrily, and at the same time let go of his hand.

The old man fell down on his butt, got up, still smiling, shrunk his head and went back into the house.

"These idiots... are so arrogant."

Through the window, a group of people sitting in the office in the countryside saw the old man like this. They were annoyed that this old guy was nothing. Secondly, they couldn't stand the arrogance of these unruly mountain people. However, they had nothing to do. These people's lives were miserable. The instability and harsh conditions have fostered their fierce and united character. Not to mention the countryside, even the county generally has nothing to do and does not provoke these mountain people. The reason is simple: troublesome.

They can't be beaten or scolded, and there is no way to suppress them. The county has only one way to save trouble. As long as they don't cause trouble, they can say anything and give them some food when they have surplus.

Everything has been going smoothly since then.

After entering the courtyard, the village chief greeted them, and everyone found a place to sit down. The village chief went to meet people from the village, and he had to have a contact person when he came to pick up the food.

As for who this contact person is, Gu Siwei doesn't know. He is just a villager and has nothing to do with the leader.

Along with everyone, we sat on the steps of the corridor.

The township government at the moment is not like it was a few decades ago. There was a small building with several floors. It is now a bungalow, and it is also the room where the little devils stayed. I heard that it used to be a stable and was later converted into an office.

Simple, even compared to decades later, it cannot be described as simple. It is simply simple. The glass on some windows is broken and they are all glued together with paper.

Gu Siwei was quite curious when he saw this method, and thought: How can paper be used to repair glass?

"Gu Siwei!"

While Gu Siwei was thinking about repairing glass with paper, the village chief stood at the door of an office and yelled at Gu Siwei.

The middle-aged man following the village chief saw Gu Siwei standing up from the crowd, and asked the village chief: "Is this Gu Siwei?"

"Yeah, Group 6," the village chief said casually.

The village chief has heard of Gu Siwei's name, but has had little contact with him, and he doesn't really like people like Gu Siwei. He always feels that he is too pushy and has an unstable personality.

The village chief would not admit it. He was a little jealous of Gu Siwei's appearance and ability. When Gu Siwei was Gu Siwei, the village chief was the most handsome man in the village. Now that Gu Siwei is here, all the old ladies in the village have nothing to talk about is Gu Siwei from the Sixth Team.

The standard in the village is set. As long as the skin is better, it is the first. In fact, there is nothing to say. Among a bunch of crooked melons and bad dates, the one who looks like a date is a handsome guy)

"He is truly a talented person."

The man standing behind the village chief smiled and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, but there was no smile in his eyes. It was clear that his face was full of disdain and contempt.

Gu Siwei didn't know what was going on, so he came to the village chief, said hello to the village chief, and then nodded to the man behind the village chief as a greeting.

The man was a little dissatisfied. He felt that you, a villager, didn't call me first when you saw me. What's the big deal if you just nodded? If you, kid, ask me for something, I won't teach you how to behave.

He thought so in his heart, but it didn't show on his face. Instead, he smiled at Gu Siwei.

Otherwise, social relations are complicated. Gu Siwei provoked someone just because he nodded. Do you think it was unfair or not?

"Well, Xiao Chen, take this Gu Siwei to Comrade Xu from the county."

The man stopped a young man and told him to take Gu Siwei to meet people in the county.

Gu Siwei was confused. He didn't know why he had offended the people in the county again, but since they were all here, he should go and have a look. Anyway, not many people in the world could do anything to him.

So Gu Siwei followed the young man.

The young man took Gu Siwei to the back of the office building, then left the township government and walked along a small dirt road for about two or three minutes before arriving at a small courtyard surrounded by trees.

The small courtyard looks a bit like a family courtyard, but not exactly like it. It looks more like a dormitory, but there is no one there now, and it feels quite desolate.

"You go in!"

When he came to the door, the young man knocked on the door first, but heard no movement inside, so he reached out and pushed the door open. When he saw that there was no one inside, he motioned for Gu Siwei to go in.

Gu Siwei looked confused. After walking in, he saw that the young man did not follow him in, so he asked, "Aren't you coming in?"

"Just wait here."

After saying that, the young man turned around and muttered something before leaving. He didn't hear clearly what he was muttering.

Gu Siwei was quite curious. He stood in the room and took a look and found that the furnishings inside were extremely simple. At this time, in the countryside, the mayor's home was probably like that. Even the decoration of Gu Siwei's home was not as good as that of Gu Siwei's home, so it was extremely simple here. , a wooden single bed, the quilts on the bed were folded neatly.

Next to the bed is a writing desk, an old-fashioned one painted with dark red paint, a bit like the cherry color planted by Gu Siwei. There is a piece of glass on top, and there is nothing under the glass. It seems that this is not someone's permanent residence.

There were several bags at the corner of the bed. After doing farm work for such a long time, Gu Siwei guessed when he saw the appearance of one of the bags. Nine times out of ten, it contained rice. It was difficult to guess what kind of rice it was. Well, rice can't run away anyway.

The remaining two are hard to guess. They might be corn, peanuts, or something else. In short, most of them are grains.

Just as Gu Siwei was thinking about it, a figure appeared at the door.


Gu Siwei turned his head when he heard this, and now he was even more confused, because he didn't know this person at all.

This man was about forty years old, with a shoe-pick face, and the center of his face was sunken in. He looked like Zhu Yuanzhang, who had been vilified in the Qing Dynasty.

Although there was a smile on his face, Gu Siwei felt unhappy when he saw him for the first time. As the old saying goes, the appearance of this man does not look like a good person, especially when he smiles, his face twitches and he It is the so-called smiling face but not smiling face.

"Gu Siwei?"

But this man recognized him and called out Gu Siwei's name.

"Who are you?" Gu Siwei asked.

"I am from the county..." The visitor introduced his work unit, and then introduced himself: "My name is Yuan Shikai."

Upon hearing the introduction of Yuan Shikai, a shadow of a person jumped out of Gu Siwei's mind. Who is it? Zhao Minglan.

Because apart from her, Gu Siwei didn't know anyone who worked in the county and could be called a leader. Now this crazy woman is quite powerful. She was knocked down before, but now she has become a talking point. people.

"Our leader appreciates you very much and wants to transfer you to work in the county."

Yuan Shikai didn't bother Gu Siwei either. He felt that today's matter was just a formality. Who could withstand the temptation of entering the city? What's more, you still haven't paid anything. As for the little things the leader wants, is that a big deal? !

If Yuan Shikai didn't know what he was worth, Yuan Shikai would have recommended himself to the pillow mat, and also used the thick eyebrows and big eyes of the mountain bear in front of him?

"Going to the county? Still working?"

Gu Siwei really wanted to laugh, why when he got here, everyone told him that the city was good, the city was good, and they tried their best to get into the city. He really didn't want to go into the city. Anyway, he had enough of the smell of gasoline. .

"I heard that there was a disaster in your village. It was quite serious, wasn't it?" Yuan Shikai sat down.

Sitting down, Yuan Shikai now felt that his advantage over Gu Siwei was becoming more and more obvious, and he directly treated Gu Siwei as a subordinate.

"That's right, the crops have been destroyed. It is certain that there will be no harvest this year. At least there will be no harvest from spring planting," Gu Siwei said immediately.

Is this the case? Obviously not. Not to mention everyone here in the Sixth Team is happy now. As for the other teams, although the damage will probably not be huge, plus their terrain is much better than the Sixth Team, so they have survived a year. It shouldn't be a big problem.

If not, then why is it said to be very big?

What if you tell your superiors: Everyone is doing well this year, and the grain harvest is bumper. One household harvested more than 500 kilograms more than last year!

So how do leaders usually respond? Oh, let's do this. It's very difficult in other places. You can use the extra 500 jins to support other fraternal units with 300 jins.

Regardless of the fact that farmers have not read any books, they are very familiar with this skill, so everyone insists that the disaster will be quite serious, and the family will not be able to open the fire.

Otherwise, what are you doing here today? Isn't it just to carry food?

"There is tension in the county, but don't worry about your family. If you follow the leader, you won't have enough to eat..." Yuan Shikai looked at Gu Siwei and said calmly.

Obviously this was an attempt to take advantage of Gu Siwei.

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