Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 170 Strange customs

Naturally, Gu Siwei and Song Rui had something to say.

"Why are there so many?" Gu Siwei asked Song Rui with a smile: "You won't have any trouble there, just give me so many tanks."

Song Rui smiled and said: "What trouble can there be? The vat is so easy to break. Isn't it normal for a few to break? And it's a coincidence that you came today. It happened that the convoy was going to deliver the vat to the sauce factory in the city. , I am very familiar with the shipping company, so I reported some losses."

In fact, Song Rui felt a little guilty because Gu Siwei was so generous. Not only did he treat himself to dinner, but he also allowed himself to take some things home.

Song Ruidao is also a very particular person. Gu Siwei thought of it for him. He also decided to think about it for Gu Siwei. Since you want a tank, I will pick the best one for you. Not only will I give you enough, but I will also give you the most. .

All the opinions are just opinions. In essence, Song Rui is just returning a favor to Gu Siwei.

As for why Song Rui is like this, the salesperson is unhappy, eating both the factory and the customers. It will be possible in the future, but it is really not possible now, especially in ceramic factories. The cylinders they make are either bought by families or by factories.

Factories are all state-owned, so sales between state-owned and state-owned enterprises is not a big deal.

As for private individuals, there are a few private individuals like Gu Siwei who even treat guests to dinner. Who would be willing to give it up if they have the money to pay for the meal and come back in a pot?

If Gu Siwei had no space, he wouldn't be able to treat Song Rui to a meal just for a few jars, let alone eat and drink.

It was Gu Siwei who did it, and Song Rui was really thoughtful. Not only did he replace the good tank Gu Siwei picked with a better first-class one, but he also gave a lot of gifts.

Gu Siwei didn't understand that all the things people said were excuses. The real reason was that they thought well and understood how to deal with people. This was a reward for themselves.

Thinking of this, Gu Siwei took Song Rui further away and asked him to wait.

While waiting for Gu Siwei to come back, there was a cloth bag in his hand. Inside the bag was some meat. It was not the wild boar meat that Gu Siwei killed, but what Zhao Minglan asked those two fools to deliver.

"Take this thing back for your children and sister-in-law to try. It's not a valuable thing," Gu Siwei said.

Song Ruidao was also a wonderful person. He was not polite at all. He took the things with a smile, tightened the pockets and put them directly on the luggage rack behind his car.

"I won't be polite to you anymore. The whole family is waiting to eat with their mouths open," Song Rui said with a smile.

Gu Siwei said: "You shouldn't be polite. If you are polite, you are treating me as an outsider. You should go back too. It's getting late. If you are out of town and out of town, I won't treat you to dinner. When we have time, we brothers See you again."

Song Rui said: "Well, that's it. If you come here, you must come to my house. If I know that you don't come to my house, we will have no friendship in the future."

"Don't worry, I'm definitely going to make trouble at home."

Song Rui's performance made Gu Siwei feel that this person could be friends with him. As for other aspects of him, Gu Siwei didn't care. If you want to choose a perfect friend, you won't be able to make friends.

The two exchanged some more pleasantries. Song Rui pushed the car for two steps, got on the bicycle and rode a few steps away, then waved his hand at Gu Siwei.

"Go back! Don't give it away."

Gu Siwei waved at him, then suddenly remembered something and stopped him quickly.

"Wait, there is something else."

Gu Siwei took two steps.

Song Rui put one foot on the ground, supported the bicycle and asked, "Is there anything else?"

Gu Siwei asked: "Do you have a cousin in this village?"

"Yes, why do you fall in love with her?"

Song Rui thought that this was a good thing. If Gu Siwei could give something so generously, it must be from his family. It must be a good thing that his cousin got married to this person.

Gu Siwei waved his hand quickly: "It's not your cousin, but another girl. The one with her is wearing a basket of plaid clothes today...".

Nowadays, people don't have many clothes. Gu Siwei thought that the expression was a bit general. Who knew that Song Rui would know who it was before he finished speaking.

"You're talking about Zhou Lanbing, right? She's the girl with a small gap in her chin when she smiles."

"It seems so. Her face is a bit square and her forehead seems a bit big." Gu Siwei thought for a moment based on his memory. It seemed that this girl looked like this.

Song Rui smiled and said: "That's right, it's her, Zhou Lanbing, her father's name is Zhou Guangtian, by the way, you have a crush on her? What do you think? My cousin is much prettier than her, and that girl... …There’s something wrong with me, it’s just that I’m different from others, and sometimes I’m a little bit 250 or something.”

As he spoke, he pointed at his own brain, indicating that there was something abnormal in this girl's head.

When Gu Siwei heard this, he thought to himself: Hey, isn't this what happened? The person who likes her has a different brain circuit than others.

"It's not that I'm attracted to this girl, but that one of mine. Forget it, I'll point it out to you." Gu Siwei stretched out his hand and pointed at Liu Dezhu: "Here, that's the one."

"To be honest, your guy doesn't seem very smart," Song Rui said with a smile.

Gu Siwei said: "I'm just here to help you find out. I can't take care of anything else. This girl has an father, and this one has a grandfather. I just want to find out their names."

Song Rui laughed and said, "This can't happen."

"Why?" Gu Siwei was stunned for a moment.

Song Rui said: "The girl's family has an elder brother, and the elder brother is not asking for a wife. In their family, nine out of ten Zhou Lanbing wants to change relatives or change relatives, unless you have a younger sister. Otherwise this wouldn’t be possible.”

Gu Siwei was a little stunned. He could understand the marriage change, literally, but what the hell was this marriage change?

"What is a relative transfer?" Gu Siwei had a strong thirst for knowledge.

Song Rui said: "For example, I have a younger sister, you also have a younger sister, and there is another person who also has a younger sister. In this case, my older sister will marry you, and your younger sister will marry you. That person's sister or elder sister married me. Isn't this just a complete circle? This is called a second marriage.

People who transfer like this are usually from two or more families who are related by blood, and they do this because they cannot change relatives."

"I can't even think of this..." Gu Siwei sighed a little.

Song Rui laughed after hearing this and said, "There are even more outrageous things. Have you ever heard of a debt?"

"What's the debt?"

Gu Siwei thought: Could it be borrowing money?

Song Ruidao said: "If you can't afford a wife, you rent someone else's wife's belly to give birth to a child. A woman can only return to her husband's house after giving birth to a child in the renter's house."

"Feudal society is really quite..." Gu Siwei had never heard of this.

Song Rui laughed after hearing this: "Only in feudal society? Okay, let's talk about these nonsense and other nonsense with you. Come to my house for a drink when you have time. If you like to hear it, I can talk to you about it. Stay”.

"Okay, who cares to listen to this? Go back early and be careful when riding on the road," Gu Siwei said.

"I'm back".

After saying that, Song Rui pushed hard and the car continued to drive.

After leaving the village, Song Rui waited until there was no one around, got out of the car, opened the back pocket and took a look. After reading it, he said: "This guy is really very particular."

The things Gu Siwei gave are all good things, and they are all full of oil and water. Don't underestimate these things. If you eat them in the Song Rui family's economical way, there will be no problem at all for two months.

In a great mood, Song Rui hummed a little tune and got into the car and rushed home.

Gu Siwei got on the boat and told Liu Dezhu the girl's name and the situation at home. As for what Liu Dezhu did, he had no control over it.

After hearing this, Liu Dezhu was not as disappointed or anxious as most people. This silly boy looked cheerful as if his wife had just married into the house.

When the boat started to sail, Gu Siwei finally realized: "You silly boy, how old are you now, and you are thinking about other girls?"


Liu Dezhu said with a silly smile.

Sun Laibao, who was rocking the oar in the back, laughed and said: "Where is he so young? When my wife and I got married, I was one year older than he is now. He was discussing it and deciding on a date. The fastest. It won’t be until next year, so it’s almost done.”

"You guys are really good." Gu Siwei felt speechless.

"What are you going to do if you don't get married? Having children as soon as possible and helping the family is the right thing to do. Brothers Siwei, we are not like you who are educated and particular about this and that. We just find a woman to live with and have children, so as not to cut off the family's incense. This It’s a big event, nothing can compare to such a big event,” Sun Laibao said with a smile.

Gu Siwei had nothing to say.

Stupid? !

Gu Siwei didn't think there was anything stupid about these folks. Their goals were clear, and Gu Siwei even felt that they were clearer than the life goals of many college students decades later.

Listen, marrying a wife and having children are such simple goals in life.

This matter was discussed halfway along the way, and the cylinder issue was brought up halfway later. They all understood why Gu Siwei bought so many cylinders.

Gu Siwei didn't want to buy so many pots. The quantity he originally bought was enough. Who knew that Song Rui was so particular that he would get so many extra pots for nothing.

However, there is no harm in having too many tanks. Even if you can’t use the pickles, you can still hold rice. If you can’t hold rice, you can still hold water. If it doesn’t work, you can also put some sundries in it.

Anyway, it’s not like Gu Siwei lived in the cave, so he had to put in some things that were not commonly used.

The boat was going against the current, so it was moving slowly. It wasn't until the sky got bright that everyone saw the shadow of the village. It would still take an hour to reach the village.

When we arrived at the village, it was much easier. There were grass flowers and square boats and we arrived at Silver Pine Cliff as fast as we could.

When you get to the bottom of the cliff, if you want to lift these jars up, you have to use a hanging rope. As for the small jars and jars, you can carry them on your back or use a basket to hoist them up.

In short, it’s all a solution!

After busy transporting all the tanks to the cave, Gu Siwei invited the two families to have a meal at his place, and the purchase of the tanks was considered completed.

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