Opening his eyes, Gu Siwei heard the movement outside the house, and at the same time felt the dazzling light shining in from outside. He originally wanted to sleep for a while, but there was really no way to sleep, so he had to get out of bed and wanted to go out and take a look. See what the light is so dazzling.

He stood up, put on a vest, and walked outside in a daze.

It's very bright outside now, not as bright as the sun, but as bright as a gas lamp hanging overhead.

Several shadows were busy under the lamp.

"Why is it so early?"

Gu Siwei got used to it and found that Sun Qiumei and his wife were already busy beside the pot. Looking again, Sicui was also up, and Hu Yanqiu was also up. Everyone was washing rice and boiling water. It was a busy scene. .

Only then did he realize that he was the last one to get up.

"It's getting late. The sun will come out in a while. You should go to the village to pick up people early. While the weather is cool in the morning, everyone should hurry up and collect. Otherwise, it will be too hot when the sun comes out. I want to call you You're here, but I didn't expect you to come out on your own."

Zhao Fangming said to Gu Siwei.

Gu Siwei came back to his senses, cleared his mind, and understood the current situation, so he accepted the task honestly and nodded: "I'll go right away!"

Originally I wanted to wash my face, brush my teeth or something, but after thinking about it, I decided to just make do with it today and just work first.

But when I walked back into the house, I thought about it and took out my teapot and toothbrush, squatted next to the drain and cleaned my mouth.

I washed my face by the way and put a little cream on my face.

After everything was taken care of, Gu Siwei felt that his mood became smoother.

I didn’t change my clothes. Anyway, in the village, in the big hometown, no one cares about what a man wears as long as his buttocks are not naked.

So Gu Siwei just put on big pants and a vest, with sandals on his feet, and prepared to go to the village to pick up the villagers invited to harvest crops.

We got off the cliff and got on the boat, and the journey went smoothly to the entrance of the village.

At this time, the sky in the east has begun to light up a little, and it is obvious that some people in the village are getting up at this time, and everyone is busy. These people are all preparing to work at Gu Siwei's house.

Gu Siwei was originally planning to go door to door to notify.

Who knew that as soon as his boat docked at the shore, someone there would shout: "The fourth dimension is coming, everyone get on the boat!"

Good guy, Gu Siwei vaguely saw people No. 78 walking towards him through the night.

"You all got up so early?"

When he saw someone, Gu Siwei smiled and said hello to everyone.

"Why are you so early? It's almost dawn. I guess you have to arrive at least half an hour ago. Who would have thought that you came so late? You thought we had remembered the wrong date." Yang Chuanjin said to Gu Siwei.

Gu Siwei was a little embarrassed and explained: "I didn't consider this. I must come earlier next time. Everyone, please get on the boat."

Everyone didn't talk much. No one had time to talk nonsense with Gu Siwei now. Everyone was there to work, not to chat.

After everyone got on the boat, he took out the sickle he carried around his waist and placed it on the boat. He then found a seat and sat down.

After everyone was seated securely, Gu Siwei took out the pole and was about to push the boat to the center of the river when he suddenly heard movement on the shore.

"Who didn't come?!"

Luan Jianmin thought who was not on the boat yet, so he asked the person on the shore.

The man who came ashore was Yang Chuanwu.

"it's me!"

"Brother Chuanwu, are you back from the commune? What kind of meeting did I attend with you?"

As soon as they heard that the person coming was Yang Chuanwu, some good people started to inquire.

Yang Chuanwu said: "It's a good thing. I saw you were leaving, so I came here to inform you that there will be a meeting on the wheat field in the village tonight. Every family must come. If you don't come, this good thing will not happen to your family. Don't come." Sometimes he jumps and scolds people."

There was a hint of joy in Yang Chuanwu's words.

"What's going on? It's worth it that you rush over and inform me, why not wait a day or two?"

Seeing Yang Chuanwu running over to inform him, Luan Jianmin couldn't help but become curious, so he asked.

Yang Chuanwu said: "It's a good thing I told you. There are going to be a few workers in our village. Do you think it's a good thing?"


Everyone was shocked. After shouting, they all froze immediately, as if they were collectively choked by someone.

Gu Siwei guessed what was going on. His face turned bitter and the corners of his mouth turned up. He didn't know whether he was happy or unhappy.

Is it obvious? There is no need to think about it. In all likelihood, the lumberyard matter has been settled and we are going to recruit some local people. One is to resolve everyone's disputes, and the other is to find labor.

As expected, Yang Chuanwu then talked about this matter: "What's wrong? Everyone is silent. Do they don't want to be workers, can't bear to live in the village, and want to die of old age in the village? Let me tell you, after passing this village, you can't There are no stores like this. Our team only has two spots in total, and they also said that only those between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five, one year old is not a false year, and they must be in good health, and they must pass a physical examination. If they pass, Don’t even think about those who are twenty-five or less than eighteen, nothing will happen to you..."

Two workers!

This stick stunned almost everyone on the boat. Even if they themselves were not qualified, the children at home were!

So someone immediately jumped off the boat and grabbed Yang Chuanwu directly: "Brother Chuanwu, my dear brother, are you telling the truth? Don't make fun of us so early in the morning, right?"

Yang Chuanwu smiled and said: "Do you think I have time to play with you? I have nothing to do, right? What I said is the truth. This is the meeting I went to the commune for, and people sent by the province came in person. In the field, people have stated the conditions for recruiting people. As long as they are recruited, they will be serious workers, and they will have an iron rice bowl from now on! They will have no worries about food and drink for the rest of their lives, and the country will support them."

Yang Chuanwu was shopping endlessly, while Gu Siwei murmured in his heart: It would be a good time to become a worker now. It will catch up with the wave of layoffs when people are in their forties. Then some people will cry, and they will not be able to cry well. Come!

Gu Siwei knew it, but he couldn't say it. He was not stupid enough to say that. What is the concept of having a worker in your family now? It would be no worse than if you were admitted to the Qingbei University a few decades later.

In short, four words: Guangzong Yaozu.

If you tell them at this time, you can't be a worker. You will be kicked out when you are in your forties. If you don't have any skills, you won't be able to eat hot shit.

Not to mention whether people think you are mentally ill or not, even if they don't think you are mentally ill, they will still have to drown you in the spit. You are blocking the future of the whole family. If not, who will do it to you? ?

"Looking for us to recruit workers? We are all farmers with no skills at all. Why do we want to recruit children from our side? We are not very literate. Also, it can't be something dangerous. People outside don't want to recruit workers." Do you like being a worker?"

One person thought about it for a while and felt that there was something strange about this matter. When would it be the turn of people like them in mountain villages to have such a good job as workers?

Don't talk about it. There used to be places for college, and they were said to be available in mountain villages, but they disappeared in the end. This time, suddenly there were places for workers, and two of them fell to our sixth team.

This is not a steamed bun falling from the sky. This is a meat bun falling from the sky. It is still a big meat bun that weighs more than ten kilograms. Who dares to believe this!

"Fourth brother is right, don't try to trick us again. Can the village remember us for such a good thing? I think it may be a job in the mine. Have you heard about it? The mine in the city went to work a few days ago. Another person died. When they were carried up, they were all dead, and they were smashed into pulp..."

Someone immediately started to think about it and remembered the last mining accident in the city.

"It's not like all the people who worked in the mines are dead, aren't there more people who are still fine? Even if they are missing an arm or a leg, isn't it better for the state to support them than for you to farm the land? Even if people die, your brothers and children can also As for your position, you are still a member of the country. If you think it is not good to work in the mines and are reluctant to leave your children, then go to my boss!"

"Who says I can't bear it? Being a worker is better than farming! Even if you work in the mines, you're still part of our family!"

Gu Siwei was speechless after hearing this. He didn't know what he was feeling at this moment. He knew there was danger but he still rushed to go? What are these people thinking?

But once I think about it, I understand that I am afraid of poverty and hunger. Sometimes death is not so scary compared to these two.

"What are you two talking about? Who said your children should go into the mine? Besides, even if they go into the mine, it won't be your family's turn. Just because you don't want to be a miner," Yang Chuanwu laughed and scolded the two of them. One sentence.

"Oh, Brother Chuan Wu, what kind of trick are you trying to sell at this time? Don't be afraid to tell me. After that, we still have to go to Siwei's house to help harvest the crops. Aren't you delaying things by trying to trick us!"

Yang Chuanwu patted his head after hearing this: "I was so happy that I forgot about it. Siwei, I'm sorry, let me just tell you something."

"It's free, it's free, I'm not in a hurry." Gu Siwei signaled Yang Chuanwu to talk.

"The country wants to build a lumberyard here, and it's a big lumberyard. The main purpose is to cut down our villages in the mountains, then cut them into wooden boards or something, transport them abroad, and sell them to foreigners," Yang Chuanwu said .

"Who are you selling to? Brothers from the camp? Didn't they break up?"

When Yang Chuanwu saw someone interjecting, he opened his mouth and said: "It's none of your business to which country it's sold to. What can you do if you know it? Do you still want to listen? If you don't listen, we'll talk about it tonight."

"Listen, listen, Goudanzi, what the hell did you say!"

"Yes, I'll beat you to death if you interrupt again!"

"Okay, let me continue, don't worry about where you sell it. As long as the factory is running, you will be a stable national worker. You don't care what else he does. And it's close to home. The location chosen for the factory is right over Yangweizi. , and came back as soon as the legs were wrapped around...".

"This is really a great thing!"

Everyone said one after another.

Good thing? ! Gu Siwei really disagrees.

Gu Siwei came here because he heard that clear waters and green mountains are worth the price of gold and silver. How could he agree with the idea of ​​selling wood for money?

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