Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 222 Hu Yanqiu is sick

Gu Siwei asked: "Aunt Lu, why are you doing this? Is it her...".

"It's okay, it's okay!" Lu Yihui wiped her tears and smiled reluctantly at Gu Siwei.

Gu Siwei still couldn't tell, but Lu Yihui didn't want to say anything, so he didn't ask further.

For almost five or six seconds, neither of them said anything.

Gu Siwei stood by the pool and washed the thermos in his hand.

Lu Yihui said after a while: "Yan Qiu is going to the provincial capital tomorrow."

"Going to the provincial capital?"

Gu Siwei thinks this matter is not a big deal, now he is going to the provincial capital?

But now the question is, what disease does Hu Yanqiu have?

"Do you want me to go with you?" Gu Siwei asked.

Lu Yihui shook her hand: "No need, I just went to check it out, just in case."

Gu Siwei knew that what he said was a bit false, but people didn't want to say it. He was now Hu Yanqiu's friend and quasi-boyfriend, but it seemed that people didn't want him to know about this kind of thing.

Gu Siwei hummed.

With these words, Lu Yihui walked out of the boiling water room.

Gu Siwei washed the thermos and returned to the ward. Lu Yihui had already left, leaving only Hu Yanqiu and the Huang group next to them, chatting with Xu Weiwei.

Several people were chatting about one thing or another. It couldn't be said to be lively, but it wasn't awkward either.

Gu Siwei didn't show his face. After chatting with Hu Yanqiu for a few words, he left the ward on the pretext of going outside to get some fresh air and stood at the end of the corridor outside, wondering what happened.

After a while, Gu Siwei was about to go back to the ward, and found that one of the young doctors just opened the corridor door and walked in with a cigarette in his hand. It seemed that he was going to smoke to satisfy his cravings.

It was easy for Gu Siwei to recognize this person. There was a big black mole on the right eyebrow of his face. It was not easy to remember him.

Gu Siwei thought for a moment, then immediately followed him. When he opened the door, there was an opened pack of cigarettes in his hand.

Entering the corridor, I saw the young doctor taking out a cigarette.

"Come on, whip me!"

Gu Siwei was waiting for someone to do this. When he saw this, he immediately went over enthusiastically, took out a cigarette from his cigarette case and handed it to the doctor.

"Hey, Dachongjiu, what a smoke!"

When the doctor saw Gu Siwei handing over the red cigarette, he immediately reached out and took it, praising him as he took it.

Gu Siwei took out a match, struck it, and lit it for the doctor. While lighting it, he said, "It's just a show. I usually smoke cigarettes rolled by myself at home."

The doctor laughed and said, "It's always like this. When I go out, I carry a pack of cigarettes to show off. I also smoke cigarettes at home. I smoke packaged cigarettes all day long, and how much money do I earn in a month?"

"Yeah, hey!"

Gu Siwei also lit one himself, put it in his mouth and pretended to be fine, and took a sip of it, but he spit it out without reaching the lungs.

"By the way, which bed are you a family member of?"

After chatting for a few words, the doctor also wanted to find a topic. After smoking someone else's cigarette, he had to talk.

Gu Siwei reported Hu Yanqiu's ward number to the doctor.

The doctor said oh.

Gu Siwei pretended to be very melancholy and sighed: "Who would have thought that she would get such a disease?"

"Yes, what a young girl." The doctor also sighed.

When Gu Siwei heard this, his heart skipped a beat, thinking that Hu Yanqiu might have some serious illness. Seeing the doctor look like this was not a trivial matter!

"Is it easy to cure? Is there still hope? Will it affect my future life?" Gu Siwei asked insinuatingly.

The doctor didn't know that Gu Siwei didn't know what kind of disease Hu Yanqiu had. He was also Ma Daha. The doctor in front of him didn't have too much care and didn't even think of Gu Siwei trying to trick him.

"It's really difficult to cure, but it's not confirmed yet. We are a small hospital without examination equipment, but what Dr. Fang said is that it's almost the same. The level is here. In fact, we just go to the provincial capital to have the machine confirm it." one time".


Gu Siwei sighed again: "Do you think it is possible to treat it so that it will not affect your future life?"

"It's impossible not to have an impact. After all, a girl's family may never have children of her own in this life, so how can it not have an impact on her life," the doctor said.

Gu Siwei paused after hearing this. He really didn't expect that Hu Yanqiu had this kind of disease. Could it be infertility?

"Is there any hope of cure?" Gu Siwei asked.

"Hope? There is no hope in China, but I heard from Teacher Fang that there is a drug that can cure it abroad. Although the success rate is not high, but now that foreign countries have blocked us, no medicine can come in, so hope means no hope." said the young doctor.

Gu Siwei heard that there was hope. As for whether it was abroad or not, he didn't care at all.

"What kind of medicine is it? Can I know the name?" Gu Siwei asked.

As he said this, Gu Siwei gave the doctor another cigarette, and finally thought about it and gave the doctor all the remaining cigarettes.

"What are you doing?"

The doctor was a little confused by Gu Siwei.

Gu Siwei looked at him and said sincerely: "Brother, do me a favor and ask Teacher Fang what the name of the medicine is. What if I can find this medicine here? You have to leave me some hope, right? ?”

The young doctor pushed the cigarette back to Gu Siwei: "Ask me and I can help you, but forget it. I haven't asked you yet. It's not okay to take something from you!"

Gu Siwei didn't expect that this was a principled person, so he stuffed the cigarette directly into his pocket.

"Just ask, I'll thank you even if you don't ask," Gu Siwei said.

The young doctor pinched the cigarette butt in his hand: "Then I'll ask!"

Gu Siwei nodded at him and watched the young doctor leave.

After almost half an hour, Gu Siwei thought that the matter was getting dirty. He heard the door to the corridor opened and the young doctor just walked in.

"Aren't you a family member?"

The young doctor was a little annoyed.

When Gu Siwei saw it, he immediately explained: "I am that girl's boyfriend."


The young doctor felt that he shouldn't have said what he said before. His girlfriend might not be able to give birth in this life. He even told his boyfriend, "What do you think this is?"

There is a high probability that the man in front of me will never get along with that girl!

This is what the young doctor is thinking now. As for why he came to this conclusion, it is because in this era, children are only important, and even boys and girls are different. Raising children to protect them from old age and carrying on the family line is not just empty talk. Yes, a couple without a son is called a dead family, not to mention a woman who can't give birth to anything.

It would be okay if he was an ordinary man, but the man in front of him could be said to be first-class in terms of his dress, demeanor and appearance. How could such a man lack a woman around him?

"Don't worry, I just want to know what kind of medicine it is. I still have some connections here. If I can get this medicine, won't this disease be cured?" Gu Siwei said.

At this time, the young doctor felt that he was riding a tiger.

"Forget it, here you go!"

Gu Siwei reached out and took a piece of paper from the young doctor's hand.

"I'm really unlucky today!"

After giving the paper, the young doctor left without looking back.

Gu Siwei said to his back: "Thank you!"

Waiting for people to walk out of the aisle, Gu Siwei spread out the paper and saw an extremely convoluted name written on it.

How does Gu Siwei know what the ingredients are? Anyway, it's enough to have the name of the medicine. As for where to buy it, Gu Siwei naturally has a way.

Putting the paper back into the space, Gu Siwei returned to the ward. Hu Yanqiu was already a little sleepy while lying on the bed, his eyelids fluttering.

Seeing Gu Siwei back, she asked, "Where did you go?"

"I'll go take a look around, who knows there won't be any improvement here," Gu Siwei said nonsensically.

Huang Hong then smiled and said: "This is a hospital, how can it get better! You are so funny."

"Just wander around as you like, it's okay anyway," Gu Siwei said.

Hu Yanqiu said: "You can go back, there is no need to come over tomorrow."

"Huh?" Gu Siwei looked at Hu Yanqiu pretending to be confused.

Hu Yanqiu said: "I will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. My mother said she would take me to the provincial capital to see my second aunt. She said there was a call from there saying that the old man was not in good health. My mother and the others wanted to see me, so they happened to take me with them. go……".

Hu Yanqiu really didn't have any doubts. This girl was so generous that she didn't expect this, but Huang Hong next to her had obviously guessed it, and the smile on her face suddenly froze.

Knowing that Hu Yanqiu's disease was not life-threatening and that there was medicine to cure it, Gu Siwei had nothing to worry about. Even if there was no medicine to treat it, as long as Hu Yanqiu was fine, Gu Siwei didn't care too much about it.

This is the thinking of two eras. In the era when Gu Siwei came from, this was considered a big event, but it would definitely not be that big, because there were many urban youths who were under great pressure in that era. They choose not to get married and have children.

I feel like I am living my life like a joke. I don’t have the energy or the time to raise a child and let him become a talented person.

Therefore, Gu Siwei has no obsession with having a child. Of course, it may be that Gu Siwei is still too young. A man in his thirties has nothing to worry about, so having a child to restrain him makes him a little unhappy.

In short, Gu Siwei doesn't think too much about children now. For Gu Siwei, who is the happiest and most comfortable to be with is still the most important.

"Oh, you're going to the provincial capital. I haven't been to the provincial capital yet," Gu Siwei said happily.

Hu Yanqiu said: "I'm not going to play, I'm going to see my second aunt. But I can stop by and have some fun. By the way, if you have anything you want to bring, as long as it's not big or expensive, I can help."

"Forget it, what I want is big and expensive!" Gu Siwei teased her.

Hu Yanqiu said: "Forget it, but I think it will only take two or three days at most, one day to go and one day to return, and one day in between to see my aunt."

Gu Siwei nodded repeatedly.

At this time, Lu Yihui walked in, saw Gu Siwei there, and saw the smile on her daughter's face, as well as her eyes looking at Gu Siwei, full of affection.

Lu Yihui felt infinite sorrow in her heart, feeling that her daughter and Gu Siwei really couldn't get along now, and no man would ever be willing to have a divorce!

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