Although he was prepared in his heart, Gu Siwei was still full of disappointments along the way. As a person born after 1990, he remembered that the city was full of high-rise buildings. Even in the small county town where he lived when he was a child, residential buildings had dozens of floors. It's not uncommon, but I've never seen a building with more than twenty floors along the way, let alone twenty, ten floors are rare.

Along the way, you can see the gray two-, three-, and five-four-story factory buildings in the city. Walking outside, you can see the rural houses with earthen walls and thatched roofs.

It's so common to see people with either blue or green patches on their bodies. It's almost impossible to see someone without patches on their bodies. Even if you can't see it, they must be wearing it.

In short, Gu Siwei now really felt why this country would not be called development in the future, but would be called take-off.

Gu Siwei thought this was disappointment, but when he arrived at the place, Gu Siwei was even more disappointed. Looking at the empty sea, Gu Siwei looked around eagerly.

Da Fei is here!

Here's the speedboat!

Even if there is no such thing, there must be a few boats. If there are no boats, there must be a few people with tires and other things.

In the end, there was nothing. Except for soldiers with guns and live ammunition appearing nearby from time to time, the sea was empty.

Gu Siwei was hiding like many others, looking forward to the arrival of night.

"Brother! It's your first time, right?"

It got dark and many people went into the water.

But Gu Siwei didn't do that. He took a good rest and waited until early in the morning before preparing to go there.

Gu Siwei hid in the dark and stretched out his head. At this time, a dark figure appeared nearby, walking towards the sea, sneaking very fast.

No need to ask, another stowaway has taken action.

Gu Siwei was thinking about whether he should pretend too, but suddenly someone appeared from behind.

Gu Siwei turned around, and by the moonlight, he found that behind him was a young man in his twenties, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He was about 1.78 meters tall. At this time, this head was considered tall, although Gu Siwei was tall. There is a slight difference in height compared to Siwei.

"How many times have you stolen there?"

Gu Siwei replied casually.

The man said: "Well, this is the third time."

I am!

Gu Siwei thinks this is new. Everyone has gone to capital. Why do you have to go to capital a few times? Why are you so addicted to crossing the sea?

"Something happened over there, and the news has almost passed. I'm ready to go again."

The young man didn't hide things and told them directly. Not only did he not hide things, he seemed to be proud of his actions.

Gu Siwei really has no interest in talking to him. He wants to cross the sea. Gu Siwei has many abilities. Do you believe it or not? Let me show you what it means to float on water with iron legs? !

I replied to this guy because he spoke Mandarin, which is not a serious Mandarin style. Gu Siwei could understand it. What he said was Mandarin from the Central Plains, which is closer to Mandarin. If it were changed to Cantonese or something, Gu Siwei could understand it. He was blinded.

Now Gu Siwei doesn't have a very good impression of the people nearby. The people here are a bit xenophobic. As long as you don't speak the local dialect, they won't talk to you and will even report you. They just don't know if Gu Siwei is unlucky. It's good to see that it's normal. In short, at least this time, Gu Siwei doesn't have much favorable impressions of the people in the nearby village.

Gu Siwei didn't know. People here didn't speak Mandarin, and they couldn't understand what he said. But they knew he was trying to sneak across the border, and it was normal for some people to report him.

"Do you want to go to Hong Kong to make money?"

The young man seemed to be quite curious about Gu Siwei, and was a little entangled in Gu Siwei's intentions.

Gu Siwei said: "What are you doing there?"

"Of course I make a lot of money. I earned eight thousand yuan on this trip, eight thousand yuan!"

The young man made a horoscope sign at Gu Siwei, and he couldn't hide the pride on his face.

It's a pity that the young man's flirtatious look was shown to a blind man. Want to shock Gu Siwei with eight thousand dollars? There is still a long way to go. When Gu Siwei had the most money, he had hundreds of thousands in his bank card. Although money is different from money, the numbers really don't shock Gu Siwei.

"Hong Kong money!"

Seeing that Gu Siwei didn't care at all, the young man emphasized it.

"Oh, what a cool coin!"

Gu Siwei's answer was quite perfunctory.

When the young man saw it, he became even more interested in Gu Siwei.

"By the way, do you have any relatives at home there?"

"Why do you ask?"

Gu Siwei is now a little annoyed by this chatter: I am preparing to cross the sea here, and you are doing nothing here. If you want to swim, you can go swimming, if you want to take a boat, you can take a boat. There are so many things.

"It's okay, just asking casually, how about you come with me later, I know the road and the people here, I don't want your money, but when you get there, you can make money and score some points with them, and the time won't be long either. Five months, or go to work in the factory they introduced...".

The young man talked.

Gu Siwei didn't know the current situation in Hong Kong. What he knew was still what was in the movies, and it was still a movie in the 1980s, which was far from what it was back then.

"Still have a job?"

After much thought, Gu Siwei found out why his waist hurt a little.

Are there any good people in this gang of smugglers? Gu Siwei didn’t believe it even if he said it.

"No need, let's go our own way."

Gu Siwei really had no interest in continuing with this person, so he took off his clothes and ran towards the seaside like others, holding them in his hands.


Just when Gu Siwei entered the sea, suddenly a burst of flashlights lit up in the west.

"It's broken, the troops are coming"

Someone in the sea shouted, so almost everyone swam desperately towards their goal.

Gu Siwei didn't panic here, and slowly flopped in the water. The last tossing seemed to be a bit difficult, so Gu Siwei built a wooden raft for himself.

Regarding how to play with space, Gu Siwei is really an expert. People come out of the raft and people enter the raft to collect. From here to the beach in the harbor city, Gu Siwei didn't get much water on his body except when he went into the water.

Waiting for Gu Siwei to arrive here, he got into the space and slept for a while. When he came out again, he found that there were six or seven people nearby.

Wow! Woohoo!

These naked people could tell at a glance that they had swam here. As soon as they arrived at this place, they immediately started crying. Some of them were companions who died in the sea, and some were separated from their relatives while swimming.

In short, everyone has his own suffering.

Of course, the most happy thing is that those who shout here seem to be in heaven all of a sudden.

Gu Siwei met quite a lot of people on this trip, almost seven or eight people.

Then the police came, two large gray iron vehicles stopped, and immediately several military uniforms jumped out.

What Gu Siwei didn't expect was that the police were not here to arrest anyone. After they came down, someone shouted with a loudspeaker, don't panic, we are the police, and everyone can get their identity documents in any way.

The police actually used loudspeakers to teach people who had just arrived how to register and how to apply for a Hong Kong ID card.

Good guy, it really feels like Siwei’s future kind of citizen’s affairs will be solved in one hall.

This time, Gu Siwei was confused: Is it so easy to get a Hong Kong certificate now?

Even in the era when Gu Siwei came, it was quite difficult to get a Hong Kong ID card, so Gu Siwei thought that it would be similar now, at least it wouldn't be easier than in the future.

But the fact is exactly the opposite. At this time, Hong Kong City implemented the policy that as long as you can swim over, you are a Hong Kong citizen. The real repatriation was in 1980 when Hong Kong City’s resistance policy was cancelled. Before that, it was possible It is easy to become a naturalized citizen, especially before 1974, as it was undefended.

In the 1950s and 1960s, when Hong Kong was undergoing great development, all industries needed manpower, so as long as you landed here, you were from here.

Unlike many people who immediately felt happy after landing here, Gu Siwei was just curious and looked at the Pearl of the Orient of this era curiously.

Well, it's pretty desolate here.

The police came over quickly and pulled Gu Siwei towards the iron car.

"Get in!"

Gu Siwei was neither panicked nor afraid. He was like a curious baby when he found someone speaking to him. It was not in Cantonese but in a serious accent near the capital.

Gu Siwei glanced at him curiously.

This man glanced at Gu Siwei, stretched out the baton in his hand and pointed it, gesturing for Gu Siwei to get in the car.

Gu Siwei thought for a while and felt that it would be good to get a certificate, since he was also a dual-certificate person!

Just like that, Gu Siwei followed the team, about seven or eight of them, into a gray leather car.

I don’t know how long they walked on the road, but Gu Siwei and others were pulled into the city by a car. The road was surrounded by tall buildings, and the few bumpkins who were traveling with Gu Siwei were shocked.

Gu Siwei felt that there was only one sentence: That's it?

At this point, in Gu Siwei's eyes, the Hong Kong city was almost the same as a small county town in his hometown. It couldn't be any more. To say it was a prefecture-level city was an exaggeration.

In the 1960s, how could the Hong Kong city be compared with the metropolis of a few decades later? Many iconic things were still invisible, so it was natural that they would not be able to catch the eyes of Siwei.

Finally, when he arrived at the police station, he asked a lot of questions. When he was waiting to come out, Gu Siwei had an extra certificate in his hand, and he suddenly became a Hong Kong citizen.

So easy, so convenient!

After applying for the certificate, as soon as he walked out the door, Gu Siwei saw several people coming to greet him at the door.

Someone came over and said, "Brother, are you looking for a job? Our factory pays well and pays a lot of money. The boss is also from the mainland. There is money everywhere here, but you are not familiar with the place...".

In a daze, Gu Siwei felt like he was back to his eighteenth year. At that time, he had just come out of school and went to a big city to work with a simple luggage. It was the first time he went to the recruitment site and met such a person.

I don’t have a good impression of these people, Gu Siwei. What they say at this time is just ridiculous, but when you enter the factory, you find that these grandsons are either deducting this or that. In short, if they don’t make some money from you for a month, they will not It will be comfortable.


Do you want to get the money they promised? Then you are really overthinking. Based on Gu Siwei's social experience, 90% of the private bosses he met were bastards, and the remaining 10% were not even as good as bastards.

"Do I look like I'm looking for a job?"

Gu Siwei's words immediately stunned several people around him.


The few people who came back to their senses glanced at Gu Siwei and continued to greet others.

Gu Siwei is quite surprised why few people he meets speak Cantonese at this time. Gu Siwei doesn't know that people from all over the country are pouring into Hong Kong at this moment. Here you can hear the dialect of the devil and the capital. , you can even hear Sichuan dialect. As for why, think about the Seven Little Fortunes who are studying art at the moment. They all speak serious Mandarin. You will know that in Hong Kong at the moment, if you speak orthodox Mandarin, it is impossible to communicate at all. obstacle.

Gu Siwei walked along the road. Since he did not choose to work in a factory, there was naturally no car to pick him up. Gu Siwei was not in a hurry when he arrived. He looked around curiously while walking along the road.

Now this place is considered a very prosperous area, there are many pedestrians around, and Gu Siwei's outfit undoubtedly shows that he is a newcomer.

Just when Gu Siwei was looking at the pedestrians on the road, the pedestrians on the road also looked at him.

"That, that!"

Suddenly Gu Siwei heard a sound, turned his head and saw a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, his head sticking out of a broken truck.

I am! The ghost lingers.

Who else could it be if it wasn't the chatty one I met before swimming?

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