After leaving the drugstore, Gu Siwei thought about it for a moment, then turned around and returned to the hotel. Halfway through, he looked back and found that Pan Baofeng had not followed, and he felt better.

Just when Pan Baofeng gave up before Gu Siwei, Pan Baofeng was already standing in the drugstore, grinding with the pharmacist just now.

"Just tell me what the gentleman who just went out wants to buy."

As he spoke, Pan Baofeng took out a note from his pocket and stuffed it into the pharmacist's pocket.

"What are you doing?"

The pharmacist looked down upon the money Pan Baofeng gave him. This small amount of money was not enough for him to have a bowl of porridge in the morning.

Pan Baofeng was a little reluctant because he didn't have much money himself and had just returned from China and hadn't worked for a few days.

After hanging out with the pharmacist for a while, he gritted his teeth when he saw that the other person never let go. Pan Baofeng took out all the money in his pocket and stuffed it into the pharmacist's pocket.

"Well, this is the medicine that the gentleman asked for just now."

The pharmacist then wrote down the name of the medicine and pushed it in front of Pan Baofeng.

How could Pan Baofeng know this? After getting the name of the medicine, he asked: "What does this medicine treat?"

"Diseases related to women's bodies are quite expensive, costing hundreds of dollars per box. One box is only enough for one week, and you need to take it for at least two or three months. The gentleman just now seems to be able to afford it," the pharmacist said with a smile.

As a pharmacist, this person's eyes are quite poisonous. It is not difficult to judge a person's economic level by the expression of the person who buys the medicine. But when the gentleman just heard the price of the medicine, he frowned. , and there was no unnecessary reaction, which showed that the price of the medicine was within his tolerance.

What? What some people don’t think is expensive is medicine. As long as it is not life-saving medicine, who doesn’t think it is expensive if it exceeds 100 yuan?

Pan Baofeng thought for a moment, turned around and left the pharmacy.

Holding the piece of paper, Pan Baofeng began to think about it. What good ideas could he come up with? However, this man had a bad mind and was really not timid at all. After making up his mind, he started his plan.

Gu Siwei was still genuinely happy that Pan Baofeng no longer pestered him. He returned to the hotel, inquired about it, and then went out with a small jar.

First, I asked pawnshops, but the prices they gave varied. Some pawnshops didn't even pay as good as Gu Siweidui's little yellow croaker.

Even if it was the highest bid, Gu Siwei didn't take it seriously. You paid the highest price of more than a thousand yuan for a thing that was hidden like a treasure. Isn't this a slap in Tao Dabin's face.

But many people told Gu Siwei that the price of this thing on the market now is actually because people brought too many things when they came from the mainland, resulting in the low value of many antiques.

Gu Siwei wanted to scold her.

Once again, I came to a small auction house run by a Chinese. The auction house is not big. The second floor of the five-story building facing the street is decorated in a nice and antique style. One look at it makes people feel that the boss is a man of substance.

The most important thing was to stand at the door and look inside, and found that there were several cages of birds in the room. Gu Siwei didn't recognize them all, he only knew the thrush, myna, and a cockatiel. He was so clever that he was blinded.

In addition to these, Gu Siwei also saw gourd jars containing crickets and many cultural toys.

As soon as Gu Siwei stopped at the door, a young female employee with a perm on her hair came over to Gu Siwei.

"Sir, how can I help you?"

Speaking fluent Mandarin makes you feel more at ease!

As for why we say "grandma hair", that's because I don't know what to think. Many women in this era like to put their hair on the top of their foreheads. This reminds Gu Siwei of the old neighbor's grandma Chen, so Gu Siwei calls this hairstyle " Grandma head.

Gu Siwei said: "I have something I want to ask about the market situation."

When Gu Siwei opened his mouth, the female staff member knew that Gu Siwei was an outsider, but she didn't have any bad intentions, because the owner of this store operated with integrity and did not cheat customers.

Gu Siwei said directly.

"Where can you please come in?" The female staff asked Gu Siwei to come in.

The female staff led the door, and what greeted her was a very wealthy middle-aged man in his fifties. He was not tall, about 1.7 meters tall. He was a little fat and had a big belly. He could tell that he had lived a small life. Not bad.

Although he is fat, his fatness is quite appropriate. At first glance, people will feel that this person is kind-hearted and kind-hearted, which makes people feel good at first sight.

"Boss, this gentleman brings something."

Seeing the boss coming out, the female staff said something, and then introduced Gu Siwei that this is our boss, then turned around and poured tea for Gu Siwei.

"I, Yu Wei, may I ask what you call me?"

"My name is Su Siwei"

This is the name of Gu Siwei in his new identity. The surname is not a random guess, but follows his mother's surname. Gu Siwei's mother's surname is Su, so it is not too much to call him Su Siwei, at least it is not a random surname.

"Hello Mr. Su".

After two introductions, we started chatting.

"Can I see your belongings?"

After chatting for a few words, Yu Wei came to the topic.

Gu Siwei lifted the things up, placed them directly on the coffee table between the two of them, and opened the cloth bag.


Seeing the thing, Yu Wei took a breath: "Good thing!"

This good thing made Gu Siwei stand up. When many people in front looked at it, half of them disdained it, while the other half said it was just average.

What these people deceived was that Gu Siwei was a novice.

No matter what time it is, the antiques industry is always under siege. It will trick you without negotiation, and you will pick up on the jargon. To put it bluntly, it is just taking advantage of the information gap to defraud you of the good things in your hands, and then sell them at a high price.

For the first time today, Gu Siwei cheered when he saw something.

No matter what, such a person still makes Gu Siwei think: This person is not bad!

Yu Wei took the jar and looked at it carefully. As he looked at it, he opened his mouth and said, "I haven't seen something like this for many years. Look at this painter. It's something for the royal family...".

Gu Siwei stretched his head and listened to him while thinking about this thing.

He took this jar out because he thought it was the cheapest. Gu Siwei's judgment was based on the year. On the bottom of the jar, it was written, "Made in the Qianlong Period of the Qing Dynasty."

The rest, some from the Ming Dynasty and some from the Qing Dynasty, are all earlier than this one anyway.

As for the real price, Gu Siwei really doesn't know if this one is the cheapest.

"Good stuff!"

Yu Wei put down the jar and said to Gu Siwei: "Mr. Su, this thing is really good. I have been here for more than ten years and this is the first time I have seen this thing."

"Then please estimate the price." Gu Siwei didn't hesitate and asked the price directly.

Yu Wei thought for a moment and said: "If you pay, I will pay this price for this jar."

He raised five fingers.

"Five thousand dollars?"

Gu Siwei smiled.

This is not a happy smile, but a mocking smile.

When Yu Wei saw it, he knew that Gu Siwei had misunderstood, and he opened his mouth and said, "It's five thousand US dollars!"

At this time, if five thousand US dollars were converted into Hong Kong paper, it would have to be multiplied by seven points, which is almost more than thirty thousand yuan. If you think about the cost of an ordinary house at this time, it costs more than six thousand, and you will know how much purchasing power five thousand US dollars has. .

Gu Siwei still shook his head, sighed, and said nothing.

Five thousand dollars!

Gu Siwei didn't have any motivation to sell anymore.

Although he knew that this was a lot of money, as someone who came here decades later, the God of Gamblers in Hong Kong movies was worth one billion, and the antique of me fucking a mistress was sold for five thousand dollars?

I’m too embarrassed to mention this to anyone!

"If you feel it's not suitable, we can discuss it again."

Yu Wei was also a little embarrassed.

Not too embarrassed to do business?

Yu Wei is really such a person. Originally, he has the temperament of a young master. In this life, he despises wealth and values ​​righteousness. Of course, if you want to despise wealth and value righteousness, you must first have money at home. If you don't have money, you should be light on a cent of wealth.

Yu Wei fits the bill quite well. I used to be a warlord, not too big but not too small. I have a good relationship with Chang Guangtou. He has no other shortcomings except that he is greedy, lustful and can run fast in battles.

Yu Wei doesn't have the same problems as his father. It's best for him to play alone, not with women, but with toys.

He plays with all kinds of flowers, birds, fish and insects, and not only does he play, but he also becomes famous. Young Master, first of all, he has time, and secondly, he has spare money, plus there are so many good things to watch, it is difficult not to become an expert in such a game.

Later, Mr. Yu Wei arrived on the island, and his life was not bad. Anyway, he was not often bald. But Yu Wei didn't like island life very much and felt uncomfortable, so he ran to Hong Kong City and opened an antique shop. It was mainly for fun, and he didn't really want to do any good business. It was just to pass the time. .

Who would have thought that Yu Wei would actually be waiting for something good today, a painted jar made by Qianlong. It is not big in size, but the painting is very good. Even if it is twice the size at auction, he has never seen anything like this. This is definitely not the level of ordinary painters. It should be painted by a painter with both porcelain skills.

So as soon as he saw this jar, Yu Wei fell in love with it.

"It's not that I'm not satisfied, but it's too far behind," Gu Siwei said.

Yu Wei said: "The price here is almost like this."

"I know, so I sighed. To be honest, I asked a few of them, and the highest one gave me one thousand, which was Hong Kong money," Gu Siwei said.

After hearing this, Yu Wei said angrily: "This is too ridiculous! This thing costs a thousand yuan, how can they... forget it, there is no businessman without treachery."

Gu Siwei was happy to hear him say that no businessman would be a traitor.

Yu Wei understood what Gu Siweile was about, and he opened his mouth and said with a smile: "I am not a businessman. I opened this shop just for fun. I usually have some friends come over to sit, have tea, play with birds and other things to have fun." .

"Look, if this is not the case, I will contact you to see if anyone is willing to offer a higher price. If not, if you are willing, I will add another five hundred dollars. If you are not happy, forget it. A gentleman does not take away what others have. like".

Yu Wei liked this thing so much that although he wanted to buy it, he really had no interest in defrauding Siwei of it. Mr. Yu was too high-spirited to do such a thing.

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