Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 236 Lao Gu with good self-control

As night fell, the Kowloon Walled City was more chaotic than what Gu Siwei had seen in the movie. The variety of people really made Lao Gu feel nervous - his eyes were opened!

It's a small place, with lights and signs everywhere, and wires hanging out everywhere. All kinds of small advertisements are really all over the wall. There are almost families crowded inside, and you almost have to walk sideways.

There are people selling snacks and meat everywhere here, and you can see people lying on the bed smoking dirt everywhere. This is the first time Gu Siwei has seen this in real life.

As for fights and the like, they were even more common. Gu Siwei knew how to do it, and he saw four or five people getting up. Some were using knives, some were using guns, and some were even stabbed through the belly.

This is a paradise for criminals and a hell on earth.

Gu Siwei was hunched over at this time, deliberately making his height less obvious, but even so, he was still half a head taller than ordinary people.

At this moment, Gu Siwei is sitting in a small shop, eating a bowl of wontons. This side is called wontons, and Gu Siwei's side is called wontons.

The taste is quite good, the filling is good, the meat is fresh enough, and it is a domestic native pig.

"Sister-in-law, your wontons are good. They taste good, like the taste of Jiangnan." Gu Siwei praised aloud.

The wonton seller was a middle-aged woman in her forties, wearing a short floral apron and sitting not far from Gu Siwei, wrapping wontons.

Hearing the customer praising herself, the middle-aged woman smiled and said: "My hometown is from Jiangnan, and I've had this taste since I was a child. Doesn't the country in China supply pork to Hong Kong? I go to buy it very early every time. It’s still the flavor that we brought in from the pig buns. It’s a pity that we don’t have the pigs from our hometown. If we use the pork, especially the pork belly, it would be delicious..."

Gu Siwei smiled.

At this moment, there was a sudden panic, and everyone gave way. Some passers-by who were originally at the door squeezed directly into the wonton shop, which made the already crowded wonton shop even more crowded.

The visitor squeezed directly into Gu Siwei's arm, and the wontons that were originally in the spoon flew out and fell directly on the body of a customer next to him.

"sorry Sorry!"

Gu Siwei apologized repeatedly.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, we don't care."

This guest opened his mouth and spoke in Mandarin Chinese. Normally, Gu Siwei would be able to talk a little bit, but he really wasn't in that mood at the moment.

Because there were sounds of people saying hello outside.

"Brother Scarfish!"

"Scar, my dear, when are you going to pay back the three hundred yuan you owe? It's almost time. If you don't pay back, I'll use your daughter to pay off the debt. I'll personally teach her by then and make sure she lets her do whatever she loves! If you can get me, It’s my daughter’s luck to do it in the stable!”

A rough male voice rang out, the sound was unpleasant, like fingers scratching on the glass.


A burst of obscene laughter rang out, and others echoed it.

"Why don't you thank Brother Scarfish for teaching your daughter how to do things! As long as you serve Brother Scarfish well, then the little money your family owes will still be a problem?..."

Gu Siwei looked around and found that most of the people around him acted as if nothing had happened, and acted as if they had not heard anything. Some people shook their heads, which was very cautious.

At a glance, you can tell how much he is bullied by these people.

The biggest shortcoming of us Chinese is our tolerance, especially when it doesn't involve ourselves.

However, Gu Siwei did not come here today to save others from some misfortune. He had no such interest, nor did he have such a big ideal of revenge. The reason for his coming here was very simple - revenge.

Revenge when there is a grudge, and revenge when there is a grudge.

Although Pan Baofeng is not Gu Siwei's younger brother, Gu Siwei can't stand it if you catch a filial son and bully him to death.

Also, Gu Siwei despises the most ruthless ones who bully his compatriots. When he sees the British and Sun Tzu-like gangsters. They can treat their compatriots as human beings, and Gu Siwei naturally treats them as human beings.

Waiting for this group of people to walk over arrogantly, two or three minutes later, Gu Siwei paid the bill and left.

Early the next morning, after having breakfast, Pan Baofeng, who lived in the ward, heard the nurses in the hospital gossiping about the Kowloon Walled City.

Pan Baofeng is very satisfied now. Even if he is living in the hospital, he feels satisfied. He has never lived in such a good place in his life!

Now I eat well, sleep well, and my legs feel much better. At least the bone-setting doctor here seems much more reassuring than the Caotai team.

"Hey, big news, big news, have you read the newspaper? Last night something happened in the Kowloon Walled City..., I heard someone used a heavy weapon...".

A young nurse grabbed a colleague and whispered.

"Moving the guys? It's so normal for them to have guys, isn't it weird?"

This place originally had some of Lao Chang's defeated troops, so there are still some ordinary guys. As for heavy weapons, there are really no heavy weapons. If there is a British guy, they must not hesitate. They don't dare to attack the north. They can't bully Chang. Bald?

"I heard that a lot of people from Lianhe died. One of the halls was raided, and those people threw thunder in after they finished their work..."

Pan Baofeng was dumbfounded and asked the little nurse.

"That, that".

"What's the matter?" The little nurse saw Pan Baofeng doing that to her, so she walked over with a smile.

"Is the Lianhe you are talking about the same Lianhe where Scarfish is here?" Pan Baofeng asked.

"How do I know? But it seems to be called Lianhe." Then the little nurse thought for a moment and said, "I'll find you a newspaper. Are you literate?"

Seeing Pan Baofeng nod, the little nurse ran to find a newspaper for Pan Baofeng.

Is Pan Baofeng literate? It would be strange if Gu Siwei was around now. Pan Baofeng is literate. This is the result of Chinese people's literacy education.

Pan Baofeng got the newspaper and was stunned when he saw it. It was Lianhe whom he owed money to, and the entire hall was swept away, and the sweep was quite clean.

The report showed a black and white photo in the middle. Even the black and white photo can make people smell the bloody smell on it: Those who harm their compatriots will die!

Who did it?

The gang fights here are big blades and a box. They are considered heavy weapons. But this time, the newspaper said that the people in the slaughterhouse directly used micro-blade. The newspaper simply used it. A war broke out in the Kowloon Walled City as the title.

Not only were the media going crazy today, but the police were also going crazy. It didn't matter that the police were going crazy. Even the heads in the walled city felt a chill on their necks. This kind of movement was really quite big.

Their information is much more detailed than that of the police. Some of them have served in the military. From a distance, they can tell what kind of gun it is by hearing the sound. Good guy Thompson's voice really penetrates into the hearts of these veterans under Chang Baldy. .

This thing is acceptable after thinking about it, but what the hell is Lei Zi? This thing is really fucking deadly. Is this thing used in gang-to-gang fights?

This thing was used to go directly to the Qing Dynasty, and the fact is that it is also the case. The hall that was swept away was even eaten, that is, a white paper fan was eaten to the stomach. It did not show up yesterday, and everything else... The meat was mushy.

When these people do bad things, they are cruel to others, but when they see someone treating them like this, who doesn't tremble in their hearts?

try to find! We have to dig three feet into the ground to find this scourge, otherwise you guys won’t be able to sleep, and there won’t be five or six people around you who dare not close their eyes!

Pan Baofeng didn't know whether he should be happy or not. Now he didn't have to pay off his debt. It wasn't just him. The moment it happened, some people in Kowloon Walled City who got the news secretly cheered.

Some of them still hope that these heroes would do the same to their creditors.

It seems that these people's cries have been heard. In the next two or three days, the Kowloon Walled City will be very lively. Those who harm their compatriots will die!

This sentence is like a knife, hanging on the foreheads of many bosses, and it is a bit scary to think about it.

The entrance to Lianhe Hall was swept away one after another, and the place was cleared again and again. The last time all the double flowers in Lianhe Hall were gathered, and they were matched with guys, real guys, and then there was no more for these people.

The momentum was so high that some heroes from the world were invited to help. If you have money, there will be people. Some desperadoes felt that they were important, so they came over and happily prepared to get money.

In the end, I did get money, but it was paper money that was burned to them.

Nowadays, many big guys are not so arrogant, and they don't dare to mention any fatwa. For a while, the whole chaotic place feels a little peaceful, and the public security is very good.

Gu Siwei was very happy, so happy that he almost wanted to take back the antiques he kept at Yu Wei's place and not sell them.

Now Gu Siwei finally understands why people say which business is the best to do, one is a business without capital, and the other is a monopoly business.

The money comes so fast and it feels so good. If it were an ordinary person who couldn't stop and resist this temptation, that would be me, Lao Gu!

When Lao Gu thought of this, he felt a little proud.


Happy times are always short-lived. After his pockets were bulging, Gu Siwei gave full play to the old hobby of us Chinese - buying land!

Wanting to buy a few pieces of land in the countryside, Gu Siwei planned to plant fruit trees here. At this time, it was not only the wealthy people in the city center who were vying to run out. Many people felt that the Hong Kong city had no future, and there were also farmers. That kind of people.

Anyway, some people just think that the moon in foreign countries is round, especially in Canada and Australia.

So Gu Siwei was willing to pay, and there were people there who wanted to sell it, so about ten acres of not-so-good rural land fell into Gu Siwei's hands.

Although the place is a bit remote and will no longer be prosperous in a few decades, Gu Siwei just likes this quietness.

After coming here for a long time, Gu Siwei's homesickness is getting stronger and stronger, so he is preparing to go back to his hometown. He still has to come here. Gu Siwei thinks that he should regard this place as his own vacation area. It's okay to come here and relax for a while. Okay, especially these are much more fun than Shimo Village.

The people are also enthusiastic!

The most important thing is that some people here are rich enough.


Is there something going on?

People always need to relax, change their lives, and have fun. This is the same as traveling.

But what Gu Siwei didn't know at this time was that he felt that he had bought a piece of leisure, but he had also bought trouble.

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