Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 238 The medicine arrives

This time Gu Siwei took a special car.

It was not Gu Siwei's train, but a train that specifically transported pigs from China to Hong Kong. After reading the newspaper in Hong Kong, Gu Siwei realized that there was a special train transporting pigs from China almost every day. What kind of agricultural and sideline products are transported to Chenshi, and then transported to the port by trucks to provide agricultural and sideline products to Hong Kong residents.

Moreover, this train happened to pass near Gu Siwei's home. Of course, there were dozens of miles of mountains nearby, but it was not difficult for Gu Siwei.

After getting off the bus smoothly, Gu Siwei realized what a special train is and what parents' care is for tourists. Every car on the way has to give way to this train. It's so fast. It only takes a little more than a day. In no time, Gu Siwei arrived at the door from Chen.

You have to remember that this was the 1960s, and such a speed was pretty good now. It was countless times faster than when Gu Siwei went there.

The only drawback is that the smell of pig in the car is too strong.

By the time Gu Siwei arrived at the foot of his cliff, it was already getting dark.


We haven't seen him for more than half a month, and this bastard You Ni has grown a lot bigger. I didn't feel it when I was around him, but I felt it immediately when I went out.

After Youni barked twice, he stopped and looked at Gu Siwei. Soon he discovered that Gu Siwei was the master, and immediately came up to him with his tail wagging and his head shaking.

Even ten or twenty meters away, Gu Siwei could feel Gouzi's heartfelt joy.

Waiting for Yousui to come over, Gu Siwei squatted down and scratched the dog's head twice.

Sicui heard the noise in the room and ran out immediately. When she saw Gu Siwei coming back, her eyes immediately lit up and she rushed towards Gu Siwei.

While I was throwing myself, I was still crying, and I was crying with laughter.

"elder brother!"

Gu Siwei hugged the girl and tossed her in the air twice before putting her down and gently wiped away her tears.

“A bit taller”

Gu Siwei made gestures on his chest, and he didn't know if Sicui had grown taller, but Gu Siwei would still tell his sister that she had grown taller while he was away.

Sicui hugged Gu Siwei's arm and was reluctant to let go.

"Brother, when did you come back? Brother, where have you been?"

A series of questions came out of his mouth, and Gu Siwei didn't know how to answer them for a while.

Gu Siwei said: "You ask slowly, so many questions are thrown out at once, how do I know which one is right?"

"Brother, you've lost weight." Sicui asked the topic she cared about most.

Gu Siwei patted the bag on his back and said, "What's wrong with you? Not only have I not lost weight, I've also gained a few kilograms. I also brought you something."

Gu Siwei brought some clothes to Sicui. They were originally chosen in conservative styles. As long as they don't wear them to the county town, there should be no big problem.

"Thank you brother".

Sicui said.

Sicui has not slept well these days, for fear that something will happen to her brother. Although she knows that her brother is very capable, she is still worried. After all, she is going into the mountains. It was not until she saw her brother back in good condition that the girl Really let go.

"Has the medicine been delivered to you?"

Sicui asked another important question.

Gu Siwei nodded: "It's been delivered, I'm quite satisfied."

Sicui heard this and said: "That's good, brother, we won't help people collect medicine anymore. It's too dangerous to stay in the mountains for such a long time."

"I still want to go. What if I don't go? I still owe someone something," Gu Siwei said with a smile.

After returning to the big house, Gu Siwei took a basin and took a bath in the faquzi outside. Then he put on his big pants and started cooking. After the meal, the brother and sister began to enjoy the cool air.

The theme of enjoying the cool air was Gu Siwei talking about the city of Hong Kong. Sicui listened with her ears pricked up, and the little girl fell into a deep sleep while listening.

On the second day, Gu Siwei changed into clean clothes and prepared to go to the factory.

Driving the boat all the way to the village.

When the villagers saw Gu Siwei, they greeted him warmly and asked where Gu Siwei had been during this time.

Naturally, it was impossible for Gu Siwei to say that he was going to Hong Kong City. If he said that he was going to Hong Kong City at this time, wouldn't he be causing trouble for himself? Well, Gu Siwei had a plan here. He said the same thing as Sicui, saying that someone had placed an order with him. He has been looking for some precious mountain herbs in the mountains these days.

Everyone didn't care, they just listened to the reason. As for herbs and the like, what old mountaineer who goes into the mountains doesn't know how to taste them? So it is nothing new for someone to seek out Siweiding.

After borrowing the animals from Yang Chuanwu, Gu Siwei drove all the way to the factory and arrived three or two miles outside the village. Gu Siwei threw the mule into the space, then performed a large spatial movement, and successfully arrived at the periphery of the factory.

After resting in the space for a while, Gu Siwei didn't dare to go out to eat at this time. Because of Hu Yanqiu, many people in the factory now know him. If they meet a caring person they know, they will definitely do it for Gu. Curious about the speed of the fourth dimension.

I can't say for sure, but just in case, besides, taking a rest in the space to recuperate your mind will make you look energetic when you go to your prospective husband's house, right?

It was almost afternoon, and Gu Siwei took out his backpack, which was full. He carried it on his back and walked towards Hu Yanqiu's house.

"Xiao Gu is here, I haven't seen you here for a long time."

Before he could enter the dormitory area, Gu Siwei was blocked by an aunt who asked with a smile why he hadn't seen Gu Siwei for a long time.

Gu Siwei said: "I went into the mountains. I stayed in the mountains for almost a month. I came here just after I came out."

"What are you doing in the mountains? Aren't you planning to marry Yan Qiu of the Hu family?"

The old lady is quite gossipy.

Gu Siwei decided to satisfy her, so he said: "It's just for getting married. I have to have some money and prepare two similar tables. Otherwise, wouldn't it be wronged for such a good girl like Yan Qiu to go back with me?"

"That's right, that's right. It's good to have two tables."

The old lady was curious again. Is the Hu family going to hold a banquet?

When setting up a banquet, will you invite yourself? What if you invite yourself? How much should you give as a gift?

Good guy, Gu Siwei just mentioned it casually, and the old lady made arrangements for herself.

How could Gu Siwei be interested in continuing to talk to her at the door? Now Lao Gu felt like returning home, and he didn't feel bad if he didn't come back. Now when he arrived at the door of Hu Yanqiu's house, he really wanted to see this person. When he thought about it, When I wake up, my heart feels sweet.

"I go first!"

After saying that, Gu Siwei was already a few meters away.

Before the old lady could react, Gu Siwei had already entered the family area.

It's really exciting to enter the family area. These days, Gu Siwei seems to have disappeared all of a sudden. There are many rumors here, but many people believe that the rural boy named Gu did not tremble for the last time, or did not tremble. Hu's little hens that can't lay eggs.

Now that I saw Gu Siwei come out after not appearing for a long time, naturally my heart became excited all of a sudden.

Let's put it this way, when some aunts see Gu Siwei now, their hearts will probably tremble more than when Hu Yanqiu saw Gu Siwei. Their own little gossip furnace is so hot!

So Gu Siwei would stop at every corridor entrance and have a good chat with these ladies who asked themselves questions.

When they arrived at the last staircase, Gu Siwei was no longer interested in talking to these aunties, because Hu Yanqiu was already standing at the staircase with a smile on his face, just standing quietly.

He was not leaning against the door or against the wall. Hu Yanqiu just stood upright, with his hands folded together in front of his body. He had two big black and shiny braids hanging on his chest, with a thick stream of hair. A pair of big, watery eyes, and a pair of slightly wide red lips under the nose. She lost two points of feminine charm and gained a third point of heroic appearance.

The upper body is a beige checkered dress, and the feet are a pair of white plastic sandals.

The clothes are not fashionable, and the person is not as fashionable as the girls in Hong Kong, but Hu Yanqiu like this instantly tugs at Gu Siwei's heart and catches all his eyes. At this moment, there is no one else in Gu Siwei's eyes.

Walking forward, Gu Siwei stood in front of Hu Yanqiu with a smile.

"You came?"

A simple sentence, like a wife waiting for her husband to return home late. There is no fluctuation in the tone, nor a high pitch, but it goes straight into the heart and stirs up a slight wave of emotion.


Gu Siwei nodded.

Seeing that a few strands of hair around Hu Yanqiu's ears were blown away by the naughty Yuan, Gu Siwei stretched out his hand and gently gathered them up and returned them to their original positions.

Hu Yanqiu did not hide, nor did she look away as shyly as before. She boldly faced Gu Siwei's gaze and responded enthusiastically to her lover with her own eyes.

"Let's go home!"

Gu Siwei stretched out his hand and took Hu Yanqiu's hand.

Waiting for the two young men to enter the corridor, a group of aunts realized what they were doing. Some of them smiled, while others took a sip and cursed in broad daylight in a low voice.

Entering the house, Gu Siwei was startled because he found that his family was quite intact at this time.

"Dad, Mom, Brother Yanming, are you all at home?"

Gu Siwei asked with a smile.

"It's a big week today, so of course we are at home."

Hu Yanming looked at his soon-to-be brother-in-law and said with a smile.

After hearing this, Gu Siwei subconsciously glanced at the calendar on the wall and found that it really said Sunday, so he smiled and said: "I have forgotten the time in my life."

"I'm leaving too. There's still something to do at work. Siwei, I'll come back tonight and let's have some drinks," Hu Yanming invited.

"What to drink".

Lu Yihui smiled and said to her son: "Siwei has just been in the mountains for almost a month. How can I drink when my body is weak?"

Lu Yihui had actually heard the noise outside for a long time. When Gu Siwei said that he had been in the mountain for a month, he believed it.

Gu Siwei smiled awkwardly.

After sitting down and chatting for a while, Gu Siwei saw that he, Hu Yanqiu and Hu Shunkai were the only ones left at home, so he took out the medicine from his backpack.

This kind of thing needs to be seen by the mother-in-law and father-in-law. It is the time to show one's abilities. How can it be done without letting important people see it.

"I got the medicine"

Gu Siwei put the medicine in front of Lu Yihui and his wife: "Can you see if it is this medicine?"

When Hu Yanqiu saw the medicine, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment and asked: "What medicine?"

"The medicine to cure your disease, I asked the doctor over there and said this medicine can cure it..." Gu Siwei explained with a smile.

Hu Yanqiu looked at Gu Siwei and was stunned.

Hu Shunkai and Lu Yihui looked at Gu Siwei with dumbfounded expressions.

Anything else?

It didn't look like he was happy, so Gu Siwei was a little bit murmuring in his heart.

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