Gu Siwei opened the door and said "Hey!"


Qiao Yi and this boy were holding a bowl and sipping noodles. When they saw Gu Siwei come in, half of his face was hanging on his lips and half of his face was biting it, with a look of curiosity on his face.

"Why do you look at me like that?"

As he spoke, Gu Siwei stretched out his head to look at the boy's bowl, and then said: "Eat soy sauce noodles again. I tell you that this food has no nutrition. The sausage I brought you last time is cut into pieces when you eat it. At least Why don't you just crack an egg or something, don't try to save trouble! How can you eat soy sauce noodles all the time when you are so devoted to work!"

Gu Siwei is still concerned about this apprentice. After all, he may be his only apprentice in this life.

Qiao Yitong swallowed the noodles into his mouth: "Master, you haven't been here for a long time. Also, I heard that you are getting married to Yan Qiu, and I also heard that Yan Qiu has health problems. I also...".

"Okay, let's just ask, I'm not leaving tonight."

Gu Siwei said and sat down on the bed, smelling the noodles that Qiao Yi was eating. Gu Siwei felt that he was a little hungry again, so he lit a fire, groped around in the basket and took out something. Start preparing to continue cooking noodles.

When Qiao Yitong saw that Gu Siwei wanted to cook noodles, he went out with the bowl and came back with the bowl after a while. The boy poured the remaining noodles to the cat next door and waited to eat Gu Siwei's new noodles.

Gu Siwei didn't say much here, and answered Qiao Yitong's questions while cooking noodles.

"There is nothing wrong with him. If he is in good health, he will live a long life," Gu Siwei said with a smile.

Regarding the fact that Hu Yanqiu was judged by the doctor to be unlikely to have a child, Gu Siwei didn't want to say more, let alone make any boast. He just regarded it as a minor matter and was not willing to mention it to others, even Qiao Yitong, his apprentice. Not interested in mentioning it either.

Qiao Yitong still heard some rumors, but he was focused on work and was not too worried about these things. After listening to Gu Siwei's explanation for a while, the matter was over.

Next, the master and the apprentice talked about mechanical matters. Qiao Yitong is different now. He belongs to the technical backbone of the company. Of course, it is hard to say whether it is because of his father, but Qiao Yitong is now With this ability, he can be considered a master craftsman in the factory.

This is really the only good thing about factories in this era. Those who are capable are teachers. At this time, many technicians have the habit of learning, that is, they are eager to pursue knowledge.

The noodles were cooked, but the master and the apprentice did not eat them immediately because Gu Siwei encountered a problem of interest, so the two discussed it together, and Gu Siwei gave his own plan.

When the two of them thought about the noodles, they found that the noodles were already lumpy. The two of them had no choice. There was no way to cook the noodles. If they were cooked again, they would become noodle soup. It was not easy to throw them away. Each person had a large amount. It would be a pity to throw away the bowl of noodles, so the two of them got a bottle of chili sauce, mixed it up and ate it like noodle dumplings.

After eating, the two continued to talk about machinery until almost two o'clock in the night, and then fell asleep one after another.

The next day, when Gu Siwei opened his eyes, Qiao Yitong had already gone to work. As for Gu Siwei, he naturally got up, washed up, and leisurely went to his usual stall for breakfast.

After breakfast, Gu Siwei went to Hu Yanqiu's house again. Today, everyone has to discuss the details of the wedding.

As soon as I entered the house, I found that the house was full of seven or eight people.

"Siwei, come here, this is Yanqiu's third aunt, this is Yanqiu's younger aunt...".

When Lu Yihui saw Gu Siwei entering the house, he introduced his relatives to Gu Siwei.

Gu Siwei called people one by one.

There were so many people, and they were all elders of Yishui'er. Gu Siwei definitely couldn't sit on the sofa. Besides, there was no room there.

When we arrived, Hu Yanping, a smart boy, saw that there was no place to sit next to his brother-in-law, so he immediately brought a small bench to his brother-in-law.

Gu Siwei took over the bench and sat down.

"Siwei, we took a look here and found that next Saturday and next Sunday are both good days, what do you think?"

Gu Siwei looked up and said with a smile: "Little aunt, I think it's best to move forward. Now the folks have time, and they will be busy in a while. Also, I will be early too I want to marry Yan Qiu back home."


The elders around him couldn't help but chuckle after hearing this.

Relatives all know about Hu Yanqiu's situation. There are almost no people who don't pay attention to their children, so none of the relatives have any intention of finding fault. Besides, Hu Yanqiu's relatives are all well-educated, and none of them are messy. Therefore, no one today thought of giving Gu Siwei, the prospective groom, any power or anything.

Not only did he not give him any authority, but he also took special care of Gu Siwei's thoughts.

This is very comfortable.

Speaking of which, Gu Siwei saw Hu Yanqiu coming out and asked, "I think next Saturday will be better, what do you think?"

At this time, Hu Yanqiu returned to his previous generous nature. Hearing what Gu Siwei said, he nodded and said: "Well, let's do it next Saturday. There won't be any good days any closer, and Saturday is also convenient. Let's go to the evening." I happened to be free at that time, and I didn’t have to go to work the next day so I could have a few drinks.”

"Saturday then".

After Gu Siwei finished speaking, he said to the elders: "Then let's set it on Saturday?"

The elders naturally had no objections. Everyone hoped that Hu Yanqiu and Gu Siwei could live a good life.

If it were in the past, if Hu Yanqiu married Gu Siwei, relatives would murmur something in their hearts even if they didn't say anything. But now Gu Siwei's disadvantage is that he has a rural household registration, and Hu Yanqiu's disadvantage is that he may not have any heirs in the future. This On the contrary, everyone thought it would be great if they could support these two people throughout their lives.

But no one would say this, as it would offend others, but in fact, if you think this way, you will say this when you sigh with your family behind your back.

In short, the two children are now a good match.

How could the young couple Gu Siwei and Hu Yanqiu have thought of this? They have no time to think about anything else now. They are happily thinking about getting married and living together in a little while.

The next step was to discuss the dowry.

Gu Siwei found that he couldn't get in the way at all, let alone Gu Siwei, and Hu Yanqiu himself couldn't get in the way either.

Each of the relatives had to give Hu Yan something to lick. As a result, there were many relatives. Soon, Gu Siwei's family would have a few more quilts, blankets, and sets of quilt covers.

In addition to these, there are other boxes, washbasins, stands and the like, which made Gu Siwei nod his head.

But there was no room for him to talk about this, because it used to be called dowry, and only close relatives were eligible to add dowry when their nieces or nephews got married.

Although the family's life is not rich now, few of the relatives of Hu Yanqiu's family are actually poor. None of them can be said to be very good, but they are definitely above average.

Just look at the makeup additions this time. Each one is estimated to cost one or two months' salary, which is not a small amount of money at this time.

"Siwei, how will the people be arranged at that time? How many people will come from your village?"

After discussing the dowry, the next step was naturally the banquet.

It is said that there is no banquet, but the villagers come to pick up the relatives. It is impossible to come here in the afternoon and take them away at night. They must stay here for one night.

Since you want to live, you must eat, so Gu Siwei simply set up a few tables here. It's not called a banquet or anything. It's just a thought. At this time, the influence of your publicity is not good, so this banquet It's not called a banquet, but a reception banquet, and it's for entertaining the folks who come to pick up the folks.

In fact, it's the same thing.

"I am planning to have four people in our village, no more than six at most," Gu Siwei said.

There is no need for many people from the village to come, mainly because there are only a few livestock in the village. One person can lead one animal and four people are enough. Why do so many people come here?

As for the remaining villagers, they will wait until they take Hu Yanqiu back, and then they will take her with them to hand out wedding candies from door to door.

Sun Qiumei didn't have a banquet when she got married. It's impossible for her to have such a big show just after getting married. Firstly, it's inappropriate, and secondly, if you do this, the villagers will definitely have to pay for the gifts. Regardless of the small gift money, it is really a big expense for the folks.

So there are so many things, just don’t do them, so that everyone can worry less and don’t have to think too much about things other than happiness.

"Then we'll probably need two tables of people here." Hu Shun calculated.

Gu Siwei nodded when he heard this: "Then we have to come to another table. I also want to invite some friends here, like Xu Congwen and others."

"Three tables are enough. When the time comes, Wu Daorong will replace the Eight Immortals table with a large round table. One table can seat twelve people, which can be accommodated in their small restaurant."

At this time, the uncle opened his mouth and said.

This time, the banquet was arranged at Wu Daorong's place. The main reason was that Hu Shunkai and Wu Daorong were close friends. Gu Siwei didn't need to come forward in this matter. Hu Shunkai's face was much more useful than Gu Siwei's.

"Dad, don't prepare the meat. I'll take care of it here," Gu Siwei said.

At this time, most of the banquet is meat. Drinking now is not like a few decades ago, when half of the food and half of the wine on the table is the price of the drink. At this time, not many people pay attention to drinking.

There is Maotai, but it is not something that ordinary people can afford to drink. Now even if they are getting married, if an upper-middle-class family puts a table with two bottles of Puqu on the table, then they are living a good life.

"That's fine!"

"Okay, okay, let's get some green leafy vegetables or something?" Lu Yihui said with a smile.

Gu Siwei said: "Mom, don't take it seriously. We are all a family, and it is convenient for me to get these over there, not to mention that I keep them at home."

Gu Siwei has thought about the meat dishes at the banquet. Each table has a duck and a chicken, three tables have two geese, and a sheep. When the time comes, five ducks and five chickens will be prepared, and a wild yellow sheep will be taken away. Pork or something is enough.

Some people may ask how you calculated the accounts of the three people at your table? Gu Siwei also uses a cook from the canteen. Gu Siwei can do it, but how can there be a married groom who is also a cook?

So you have to ask someone to cook the banquet. Giving money at this time is just for entertaining others, but it would be nice to bring something home, especially meat. Both parties are happy, and the family of the chef and chef will be happy too. .

There is something going on at home today, so there are only two updates, so don’t wait at three o’clock.

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