Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 255 Welcoming the bride

"Okay, you are getting married. After you get married, you will become an adult and truly become the head of the family."

Liu Fulin read everything over, and Gu Siwei also read over the paper in his hand. Everything that should be there is there, and everything that needs to be posted has been posted. Now the family just has to wait. Came over with the hostess Hu Yanqiu and her dowry.

As for where the dowry is placed, there is also a specific place.

Gu Siwei really didn't know decades later, but at this time, when Gu Siwei's place was just starting to be decorated, Guo Shengshui sent over the size of the dowry that Hu Yanqiu was going to bring.

Of course, this thing was not sent to Guo Shengshui, but to the matchmaker Xu Congwen. It was impossible for Xu Congwen to come to Gu Siwei at such an old age, so it was quite reasonable and not against the law to ask Guo Shengshui to bring it here. custom.

Why does it have to be delivered at this time, why not earlier?

It can be sooner, but Hu Shunkai is marrying a daughter. Now, no one is looking at marrying a daughter and wants to skin the whole family. There are many people like Hu Shunkai who want to buy some good things for their daughters, even if it is only a month. If you start preparing beforehand, there will definitely not be enough time.

So it would be quick to send the sizes over at this time. Even so, there are still some large items that are not ready yet. They will have to wait until the two get married before they can be sent over slowly.

But no matter what, Lao Gu lived for more than thirty years and two eras, and finally the eldest daughter got on the sedan chair - for the first time! I want to get married seriously.

Liu Fulin was quite emotional. It had only been so long since he rescued this young man, but he never thought that he was about to get married, and that his grandson would also get married in the future.

Liu Fulin knew that this was the change brought about by Gu Siwei. Without Gu Siwei, he was afraid that even if Liu Dezhu fell in love with this girl, she would not be able to marry him.

Thinking of this, Liu Fulin suddenly discovered that due to the arrival of Gu Siwei, many changes had taken place in the Sixth Group, some of which surprised Liu Fulin, who was now looking back to observe.


Gu Siwei touched the back of his head and let out a giggle.

In the past, she said she was getting married, so she was happy, but as the day drew closer, Gu Siwei felt that she was looking forward to getting married more and more.

This is different from what Gu Siwei originally thought. Even when he said he wanted to marry Hu Yanqiu, Gu Siwei didn't have much feeling. But now, the feeling of getting married and getting rid of the single life has gradually become stronger. .

Gu Siwei didn't know if others were like this, and he hadn't asked anyone else, but he himself felt more and more about his expectations for marriage, or marriage with Hu Yanqiu.

"Silly boy!"

Seeing Gu Siwei's appearance, Liu Fulin immediately became happy and looked at Gu Siwei happily.


After the two looked at each other, they suddenly laughed.

All the necessary preparations were in place, and the day to welcome the bride came as promised.

Early this morning, just after dawn, a well-dressed Gu Siwei came out of the house. At this moment, Gu Siwei had a three-quarter parted hair and was wearing casual clothes. He was not wearing the light-colored tunic suit that Lu Yihui bought.

It's not that Gu Siwei doesn't plan to wear them, but it's still a day's journey from home to the factory. If he puts them on now, they might get dirty when he gets to the factory, so he has to wait until the new clothes arrive at the factory. Put on.

Sicui is also wearing a new dress today, a red skirt with a red plaid above the knee, with two braids, and a pink piggy at the end of each braid. This was brought back from Hong Kong by Gu Siwei. The girl likes it very much. I usually don't want to wear it, so I took it out and tied it in braids today.

The girl has a pair of light-colored sneakers on her feet. They have khaki uppers and rubber soles. They are lightweight sneakers. Naturally, they are produced in Hong Kong. Today's Hong Kong is not what it will be a few decades from now. It is mainly engaged in finance. Waiting for the retreat, in Hong Kong now, industries such as clothing and electronics are on the rise, and the manufacturing industry is full of vitality.

After leaving the door, the girl asked Gu Siwei: "Brother!"

"It looks good!" Gu Siwei looked at it and gave Sicui a big thumbs up.

Sicui was very happy: "Let's go and pick up my sister-in-law."


Gu Siwei waved his hand, and the brother and sister set off in a swaggering manner.

From the door of the big house to the edge of the cliff, the behavior of the brother and sister directly confused the monkeys at home. At first they thought someone was intruding here, but after a closer look, it turned out to be the brother and sister.

The monkeys all looked as if they were constipated. They squatted on the tree and looked at the brother and sister who were acting weird today. They forgot to put down the rope ladder for a while.

When Gu Siwei shouted, the monkeys quickly lowered the rope ladder.

"Take good care of your home. If there is less stuff at home, let me take care of you!"

This was not said by Gu Siwei, but by Sicui.

Gu Siwei smiled and said: "Today is a happy day, so pay attention to your tone when you speak."


Sicui responded simply, and then climbed down the cliff first.

The brother and sister sent the boat all the way to the village. The people they had arranged for in the village had already been prepared, and all the animals were ready. The villagers who were invited to pick up their relatives also put on their cleanest and latest clothes.

Gu Siwei originally wanted to unify the clothes, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. Now if you make a dress for everyone who is picking up the bride, then everyone who is not making trouble will know that there is a ghost.

So Gu Siwei suppressed this idea.

Fortunately, the villagers didn't let Gu Siwei down. If they didn't have good clothes at home, they all asked relatives and friends to borrow one.

At least from the outside, everyone's clothes are clean and tidy, and there is no usual patchwork.

"Set off!"

Seeing Gu Siwei and Sicui ashore, Liu Fulin, who had been waiting for a long time, asked loudly.

Gu Siwei first looked at his old uncle, and when he nodded, he knew that everything was in order, so he smiled and said: "Everyone, let's go and pick up the bride with me!"

"Let's go get married!"

Everyone booed.

Following the cheers, a burst of crackling firecrackers sounded, and a red saddle was carried on the back of a bay-red horse. As Liu Fulin shouted, "Welcome to marry you," the entire team slowly moved toward the entrance of the village. Moved.

For Gu Siwei's wedding, the villagers also made a strong contribution. Some people came forward. For example, the six-horse cavalry that was put together for the wedding today was borrowed from six places.

Although the colors of the horses are a bit different, there are yellow fat horses, rouge horses, and brown and white horses, but now is the time to choose this one?

It's already good to be able to borrow so many horses, but it would be a bit disappointing to pick and choose just a few more.

Why not use the Daqing mule that originally existed in the village? Gu Siwei didn't notice it at first. He felt that the Daqing mule had good legs and a good personality, so it would be suitable for Hu Yanqiu to sit back when the time came.

But Liu Fulin disagreed. After pointing out that mules cannot give birth to little mules, Gu Siwei said nothing.

Gu Siwei didn't tell anyone about Hu Yanqiu's illness. Liu Fulin didn't know about it, so he couldn't use the mule thing to say anything. Even if he knew about it, Liu Fulin wouldn't say anything about it, fearing that he wouldn't even use the word mule by then. Old men should be avoided.

Anyway, this is what the current wedding procession looks like. Six horses of different heights and lengths are walking in a row on the mountain road. There are red flowers hanging between the horses' eyebrows, which makes people know from a distance. , this is a team welcoming the bride.

As for the momentum, let’s not talk about it. In addition to the lack of atmosphere, after an hour or two, there is no excitement at all.

The reason is also very simple. After walking for two hours, how many people can become lively?

But fortunately, everyone walked often, and even if the excitement stopped, they didn't look depressed. This made Gu Siwei very happy.

After walking and resting, we arrived at the factory town at the scheduled time.

At this time, Xu Congwen and his people had been waiting at the intersection. When they saw the team coming, they said hello and asked people to set off firecrackers first. They waited for the firecrackers to explode before they came over.

The two teams merged and headed towards the Hu family. At this time, Gu Siwei saw Zhao Fangming following behind.

"How about it?"

Xu Congwen thought he heard it wrong and said with a smile: "How do you think I am getting married today? I am the groom's official?"

Gu Siwei said: "I'm not talking about this, but what about the Zhao Fangming I recommended? Do you still recognize his cooking skills?"

Only then did Xu Congwen realize what Gu Siwei was talking about, so he said: "Xiao Zhao is really good, with a good personality and good craftsmanship. You have finally done a good thing."

After hearing this, Gu Siwei couldn't help but give Xu Congwen a sideways look.

"You are so capable, you are still thinking about other people's affairs when you get married." Xu Congwen smiled and teased the groom again.

Gu Siwei said: "I just remembered it when I saw him. Now I wish I could give birth to two wings!"


Xu Congwen laughed.

His smile made everyone around him stunned for a moment. As a result, some of Xu Congwen's students thought it was time to have fun and started laughing together.

Some people in the team were surprised, but Gu Siwei and Xu Congwen were speechless.

These young people were called by Xu Congwen to support the scene. Gu Siwei was an orphan, and his family had no uncles. In order to make this wedding a good one, Xu Congwen brought his students over to act as Gu Siwei's family members.

I originally thought that all of them were quite clever and could understand things quickly. Who knew that all of them were a bit imbecile in life, at least when it came to judging people's faces. Looking at it now, they are really not that good!

"These guys...well, forget it."

Xu Congwen also knew what to say about the group of young people behind him. They were very nice people, but they were just as stupid as the others.

"It's good. It's a pure heart. It's rare to keep it like this. I like them," Gu Siwei said.

When Xu Congwen heard this, he immediately said, "How about you take some time to teach them?"


Gu Siwei wanted to die. How come there are so many people who want to be a teacher in this period of time?

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