When the fish and the knife were in Gu Siwei's hands, the feeling was immediately different. The knife seemed to be able to swim, moving up the fish's tail.

Crack, with one or two slight clicks, half of the fish meat was sliced ​​off from the main bone in the middle.

The handle is slightly inclined and the tip of the knife gently draws an arc on the belly of the fish, and the fatty part of the fish belly is divided.

Gu Siwei picked the separated colleague with the blade of his knife, and the fat part flew towards the big hair not far away. When the big hair stretched out his head and opened his mouth, the fattest meat of the fish maw went into its mouth.

"Why are you throwing this thing away?"

Old Man Li thought it was a pity, the best part of the fish was here.

At this time, not only Old Man Li thought it was good, but almost everyone in this era thought this piece of meat was good because it had a lot of oil. People at this time were extremely short of oil. This is why people rush to buy fat meat when buying meat. Almost no one buys lean meat. If you buy lean meat and go home, both your wife and mother will scold you to death.

So seeing Gu Siwei throw away such a large piece of grease, Old Man Li felt heartbroken.

Gu Siwei laughed and said: "This meat is too fat. The porridge is mainly sweet and delicious. Too much oil will make it unpalatable."

Hearing Gu Siwei's answer, Old Man Li blinked his eyes. He really didn't know how to refute Gu Siwei's fallacy, but then he thought that he was living under someone else's roof, and it was better to live in peace, so he held back, but in his heart Xia still stood aside a little unconvinced.

Gu Siwei continued what he was doing and began to fillet fish.

The fish is very big, and the fish bones are naturally also very big. The advantage of this is that Gu Siwei can fillet the fish bones out, so that the fish meat will have almost no fish bones, so when it is put into the pot, there will naturally be no fear of getting stuck.

Of course, it's impossible without one. No matter how good Gu Siwei's craftsmanship is, it's not a state banquet. A few more thorns and a few less thorns for breakfast at home are harmless.

Each fish fillet is sliced ​​so that light can pass through.

Gu Siwei did not chop the meat on the fish belly directly, but patted it sideways with a knife. After a few strokes with the blade of the knife, the big thorns in the meat came out.

After both sides were dealt with in this way, Sicui no longer needed anyone to shout and started a fire by herself.

When the fire started and the pot got hot, Gu Siwei had already chopped the fish bones into several sections, and the fish head was also divided into two pieces.

Put all the fish heads and fish bones into the pot. There is no oil or anything else in the pot. Just add hot water and cook.

While waiting for the water to boil, Gu Siwei first sliced ​​the wild ginger, then shredded it, and then cut it into a few small ginger cubes. He put them all into the pot, covered the pot and cooked over high heat.

After it was boiling, the smell of fish meat came out. Gu Siwei asked Sicui to stop the fire. He picked up the grate and scooped out the fish soup in the pot. He scooped out the fish bones and fish bones while scooping them out. Everything was grated out, leaving only a pot of milky white fish soup.

Use this fish soup to cook rice, and add hot water to the pot.

Waiting for the water to boil, Gu Siwei put the wooden-handled spoon against the edge of the pot lid. In this way, no matter how it was cooked, the rice porridge in the pot would not come out of the pot, and it would also ensure that the rice porridge in the pot would not be out of the pot. The rice is stewed until it's thoroughly cooked.

Continue to cook over high heat and wait until the thin porridge begins to thicken slowly. This pot of porridge will be ready.

Without waiting for the pot lid to be opened, everyone had already smelled the smell and became a little greedy.

Waiting for Gu Siwei to call for dinner, Sicui was the first to pick up the bowl.

"Where are your bowls?"

Sicui asked when she saw the two old men still staying in the same place.

Only then did the two old men react.

"You want us to get a bowl," Old Man Yu reminded Old Man Li.

Old Man Li nodded, and the two of them entered the house. At first, they acted unhurried, but after entering the house, the two of them were really anxious to get the bowls.

When the two of them left the room, they returned to their calm demeanor.

Everyone took a bowl, each filled a full bowl, and sat around the table to eat porridge.

There is not only porridge on the table, but also pancakes, serious white flour pancakes. Although the pancakes are a bit hard, if they are soft, they will not last for a few days in this weather, so the pancakes are a bit hard and can be stored for about a week. .

There are many ways to eat pancakes, and chewing them hard is a good way, like the method adopted by Gu Siwei.

Eating it with porridge is also a way, as Sicui does.

There is also the way Hu Yanqiu eats it, soaking it in sugar water, not white sugar water but honey water produced by Gu Siwei himself. As for why others don't get this treatment.

Sicui didn't like to eat like this, and Gu Siwei wanted to eat less sweets. As for the remaining two old men who had just arrived, the reason was irrelevant. Gu Siwei didn't care whether they wanted to eat sugar water or not.

"This porridge is a little short of heat, and it's still too impatient. If you have three or four hours, soak the rice completely in water. When the fish soup is finished cooking, put it directly into a big earthen pot, and put the big earthen pot in Steaming in a pot is the best."

Gu Siwei shook his head with a little regret while eating, feeling that the porridge was a failure.

Old Man Li and Old Man Yu really didn't know how to describe the bowl of porridge in front of them. For both of them, they had never tasted such delicious porridge.

Although they were quite big cadres before, many cadres at this time were quite pure and did not think about eating and drinking. Moreover, the national finance did not allow them to waste at this time, so the two of them had never eaten like this. Tasty porridge.

While eating and listening to Gu Siwei's fault, the two of them felt that they had come to the wrong place. This is not what I was assigned to do. This is how I can live an ideal life.

The little girl Sicui agreed with her brother's statement. After nodding her head, she said, "What you cook is not as delicious as what Grandpa Yisheng cooks."


Gu Siwei also admitted that there was a real difference between him and Tao Yisheng in cooking this kind of porridge.

Hu Yanqiu opened his mouth and said with a smile: "I thought the two of you lived a similar life to me every day, but I didn't expect that your life was much better than mine. Eat porridge and side dishes."

In addition to porridge and pancakes, there are also side dishes on the table. The dried radish that I fried myself was not made by Gu Siwei’s family, but by the old lady Wu Meiling’s family. I gave Gu Siwei a little, about two or three kilograms, to try it out. .

Gu Siwei washed and cut it, added the oil residue and stir-fried it. There was not much oil in the oil residue, it was almost oil residue powder, so it was not too oily and there would be no grease particles. After making it, put it directly into the jar. Inside, when you're ready to eat, take it out and flick the pot back and forth. It doesn't matter if you don't return it, you've got this side dish.

"Sister-in-law, it's great that you came early," Sicui said with a smile.

"There are people who came early." Hu Yanqiu smiled.

Sicui said: "Why not? The boy from the Wang family in the second team married a wife at the age of fourteen...".

Sicui's pull this way and that is far away.

"Okay, eat your food well, I can't block your mouth at this time," Gu Siwei said with a smile.

After finishing speaking, Gu Siwei accidentally glanced and found that the porridge in Old Man Li's bowl had reached the bottom. There was still a little bit left and he was slowly stirring it around with chopsticks. He didn't know whether he was embarrassed to serve it or because the old man was full. .

But it’s unlikely that you’ll be full. Everyone can eat it at this time, and one or two bowls of porridge will taste like fun.

"Mr. Li, you can serve it when you're done eating," Gu Siwei said.

"Eat as you like?"

Old Man Li was stunned after hearing this and then asked.

Sicui said matter-of-factly: "That's natural. You haven't eaten enough, so why can't you fill it up?"

When Old Man Li heard this, he immediately hurriedly pulled the bit of porridge at the bottom of the bowl into his stomach, put the chopsticks in the hand holding the bowl, came to the pot and filled himself with another large bowl.

When Old Man Yu saw it, he also finished his own bowl and got a big bowl for himself.

Gu Siwei's family of three ate very slowly.

Sicui used to be fast, but now he can not only eat well but also eat well. His appetite has decreased a bit, and he doesn't need to grab anything. When eating, he no longer has the evil wolf form before, so he is more civilized.

The two old men didn't care about so much at this time. They had put away what they had eaten last night. They didn't expect that the restaurant was full, so they quickly came with a third bowl, and then four bowls.

After eating four bowls and two pancakes, the two of them were full.

I am so full that I can barely walk if I eat any more.

The two of them ate four bowls in a row, and the three of Gu Siwei's side hadn't finished one bowl yet, so the two sitting at the table felt a little embarrassed.

Sicui could tell. Her previous life had forced her to learn how to look at faces. As soon as she saw the expressions of the two of them, she smiled and said, "We won't laugh at you, because I was like this before. I only ate when I was with my brother." "Food, you will live with us in the future, so you can have enough food every day, you don't have to worry! We have plenty of food at home."

Gu Siwei smiled and continued to pick up the side dishes one chopstick at a time, putting one piece at a time into the bowl and eating it with the porridge.

"The food we brought here is enough for us to eat."

Old Man Yu emphasized that he was not here to eat for free.

After hearing this, Gu Siwei said: "Would you like to take a look at the food you brought? Only the upper layer is good, but some of the lower layers are moldy."

"If the moldy ones are exposed, just pick out the ones that are not moldy and wash them," Old Man Li said.

After hearing this, Gu Siwei waved his hand and said: "That thing is not suitable for feeding to animals, let alone humans. It is mold. People will get sick if they eat it. I don't care about other places and can't control it, but here, people can't eat it." Something like that”.

"You two will take that bag of stuff and dump it directly into the river later. I think the fish will be able to eat it, but whether they will die or not is up to them."

"Is this food down?"

To be honest, Old Man Li was a little reluctant to give up.

Gu Siwei ignored him and said directly: "You have to listen to me when you get here, otherwise you will go back where you came from."

As soon as these words came out, the two old men fell silent instantly.

For the two old men, regardless of anything else, they can eat here and don't have to live with animals all day long. Let's put it this way, these two days are the most relaxing days they have been here in more than a year.

The two of them fell silent and thought to themselves: If you don't let me eat, I won't eat it! As long as you have food.

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