Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 269 Thanks to the matchmaker

Xu Congwen is not at home at the moment, that's for sure. The old man should be working in the workplace at this time.

Gu Siwei's original plan was to go through the motions or something, but he didn't expect Xu Congwen's wife, Xu Guangying, and Mrs. Xu to be at home. When Gu Siwei first came in, the old lady was drinking tea and reading a book in the yard.

"Is the fourth dimension coming?"

Seeing Gu Siwei and his wife coming in, Xu Guangying quickly got up to say hello.

Xu Guangying did not treat Gu Siwei as a junior, but as an acquaintance of the same generation. So when he saw Gu Siwei and his wife entering the door, Xu Guangying stood up and did not sit calmly in his original seat. .

"Why did you bring something with you?" Xu Guangying said politely with a smile.

Every time Gu Siwei comes here, he brings things with him. Fortunately, they are all things he raised at home or picked in the mountains. They are not bought gifts, otherwise it would be really difficult for Xu Guangying and his wife to accept them.

"Today is to thank the matchmaker, so these things are all gifts." Gu Siwei was not polite. We are all old friends, and it would be tiring to make more twists and turns.

After hearing this, Hu Yanqiu complained to Gu Siwei: "You!"


Hu Yanqiu didn't know how to scream.

I don’t know whether to call him Aunt Xu or Grandma Xu. If he follows his father, he will definitely call him grandma, but if he follows Gu Siwei, he seems to be able to call him sister. Of course, sister is not appropriate.

Xu Guangying smiled when he saw it and said, "You can just call me Teacher Xu. Who wouldn't be confused by this calculation?"

"Teacher Xu!" Hu Yanqiu shouted with a smile.

After asking the young couple to sit down, Xu Guangying said to Xu Weiwei: "Weiwei, go and call people back and tell them that the four-dimensional couple at home are here."

"Don't bother. Anyway, I just came here to meet him. I'll tell him to get angry at this time," Gu Siwei said with a smile.

For people in this era, Gu Siwei felt that there was a serious divide between senses and senses. The bad ones would have sores on their heads, and the dedicated ones would really want to give up their lives.

Gu Siwei will deal with the first type, and he will definitely be ruthless, but he respects the second type. Even for his disciple Qiao Yitong, Gu Siwei actually admires him from the bottom of his heart.

"It's okay, he told you about this, and said you must call him back when you come to thank the matchmaker." Xu Guangying laughed at this.

Hu Yanqiu asked curiously: "Xu...teacher knows that we will come at this time?"

Xu Guangying laughed and said: "He said that this guy Siwei will definitely come over secretly when he wants to thank the matchmaker. It is best not to meet me face to face, for fear that I will show off in front of him!"

Gu Siwei was a little embarrassed when he said this, just a little bit, it was already quite good for Lao Gu to be so thick-skinned.

"Teacher Xu really understands you." Hu Yanqiu covered his mouth and said happily to Gu Siwei.

"I'm a simple person and it's easy to guess!" Gu Siwei said with a shy old face.

Gu Siwei knew that Old Man Xu wanted to keep his own skills because he was most likely greedy for his own skills. He didn't blame the old man. It had been more than a month since he had drunk and spanked together.


Xu Weiwei, who was just about to go out, couldn't help it when he heard Gu Siwei's words. He laughed and pushed the bicycle out of the yard. He put one foot on the pedal and stepped on the bicycle with two steps, like a silver bell. The laughter still spilled into the yard.

Gu Siwei was still not embarrassed.

Xu Guangying and Hu Yanqiu were extremely happy.

As we chatted, we talked about the things at home. Most of the chickens and ducks in Gu Siwei's house were obtained from Xu Congwen's house. This thing became a topic every time.

"Has the duck laid eggs?" Xu Guangying asked.

Hu Yanqiu replied: "The big duck has been born, but the ducklings haven't grown up yet. Now they can't lay a few duck eggs in a day. We have kept a lot of duck eggs until we have enough to hatch another batch!"

"Where's the goose?" Xu Guangying asked again.

Hearing this, Hu Yanqiu glanced at Gu Siwei, smiled and nuzzled at Gu Siwei: "You have to ask him about this. I don't know what's going on with this man. He likes to eat goose stewed with potatoes so much. If Sicui hadn't stopped him, I guess half of the goose will be left."

"If you like it, I'll take a few back this time," Xu Guangying said generously.

Hu Yanqiu quickly declined: "No, I really have it at home."

Gu Siwei didn't say anything, not because he wanted it, but because he thought it didn't matter whether he took it or not.

"You really have to hold it," Xu Guangying said.

When Hu Yanqiu heard that there was something in his words, Gu Siwei naturally heard it too. After the two looked at each other, Hu Yanqiu asked: "What, what happened?"

"I heard someone will be sent here soon..." Xu Guangying said.

"No way? Is the wind going to hit the factory here?" Hu Yanqiu said in shock.

Now the factory is like a safe haven, protecting everyone in its arms and not being impacted by the outside. But if the wind blows to the factory, it will be a big trouble.

"I just heard about it, but I'm afraid it's not groundless." Xu Guangying felt very worried.

Xu Congwen came back from walking at this time. When he entered the yard, he heard his daughter-in-law talking about groundless rumors, so he asked curiously: "What groundless rumors?"

When Gu Siwei and Hu Yanqiu saw him coming back, they immediately stood up. It was normal for them to return the favor. At this time, they came to thank the matchmaker. How could they just sit there blankly like this when the matchmaker came? That was too rude. .

"Sit down, it's rare that you are so well-behaved today and know how to stand up."

Xu Congwen insulted Gu Siwei's sentence.

Xu Guangying said: "The wind may blow into the factory with Siwei and others."

"This matter, it's going to rain. Mom wants to get married, let him go!" Xu Congwen laughed and said: "No matter who comes, we must let the factory continue."

Xu Congwen is absolutely confident about the operation of the factory. No matter how bad things are, the factory here cannot stop production, even for a day.

"I told Siwei to take some of the geese and other things at home back home this time. We can't eat them here either," Xu Guangying said.

Gu Siwei didn't say that he could give it to his neighbors if he couldn't eat it. There must be a reason why Xu Guangying was not willing to give it to him. Sometimes things among intellectuals are much more complicated and more petty than those of the villagers.

Xu Congwen nodded after hearing this and said: "Okay, I'll pack a few for you when I leave. It's really a lot, so we don't care about it here. The wild eggs will bring the goslings back after a while, and we'll raise them here." Some are okay, but if there are more, it will be eye-catching."

"Okay, I'll take some back." Gu Siwei didn't know how to write the word polite. He nodded when someone said that, which made Hu Yanqiu feel a little burning on his face.

Xu Guangying saw it and smiled and said: "Yanqiu, you don't know how they get along with each other. Our two families don't need to be so polite. What can I say? This is good."

"I know" Hu Yanqiu responded with a smile.

After chatting for a while, Xu Congwen asked Gu Siwei, "Why are you still sitting there?"


After hearing this, Gu Siwei looked at Xu Congwen with a question mark on his face.

Xu Congwen said: "Get ready to cook. Do you need me to remind you about this? Do more. Zhu Shiming and others will come over to eat at noon. Remember, you must have roast goose."


There was a black line on Gu Siwei's forehead: "You just said that I ate too many geese, why did you hit the muzzle?"

Xu Congwen said: "The more you eat, the better you will eat. A grown man is struggling with this matter. Do you blush or not? Oh, by the way, how are your vegetables doing? When will they be marinated? Wait. Okay, I'm still waiting to eat the pickled fish you made. It was really delicious the last time I had it."

"Then just wait. The vegetables haven't been cut yet. It will take at least a month or two to make pickled fish," Gu Siwei said.

The last time I made pickled fish, it was a coincidence. When Gu Siwei was walking on the street, he met an aunt from Sichuan. She was carrying a jar of sauerkraut. Gu Siwei took the money and smashed the aunt away.

This pot of pickled fish made the two old men happy.

At that time, summer had not yet arrived. By this time, summer had passed, and the old vegetables were long gone. The new vegetables had not yet come out, so where was the sauerkraut?

"Make it more marinated. I think it's quite simple. You can make it at home when you want to eat it," Xu Congwen said.

Gu Siwei nodded and said: "I know, I've talked about this many times. There are quite a lot of things to pickle at home this year."

I originally wanted to take advantage of the scene, but Gu Siwei did some calculations and realized that there are quite a lot of pickled vegetables this year, with four or five varieties. Pickled vegetables are definitely a must-have, and dried radishes cannot be left out. The rest include Sichuan-style sauerkraut, local sauerkraut, and kohlrabi. As for pickled chicken, pickled duck, etc., they must not be left out.

At this time, transportation is not developed, and the winter is long. The poultry is not slaughtered when it is put on autumn fat. By the time of the Chinese New Year, there will be no meat on the body. How can anyone be willing to feed chickens and ducks food at this time? Everyone is There's not enough to eat.

Of course, Gu Siwei knows how to feed, but he can't do it boldly, so when the time comes, the things that should be marinated still have to be marinated, even if it is careless, he has to be prepared.

"I'll just go and help when the time comes," Xu Guangying said with a smile.

"Isn't this going back and forth just to torment people?" Gu Siwei waved his hands repeatedly.

While talking, Gu Siwei had already started to prepare lunch. Gu Siwei was also familiar with the kitchen of Xu Congwen's house, and he was even more familiar with where the things were placed.

As for cooking, that would naturally be left to Xu Guangying, while Gu Siwei would just cook.

According to Xu Congwen's request, Gu Siwei killed a chicken, made a relatively authentic fried chicken, and then made a braised fish, followed by some homemade dishes, such as leeks and eggs, green pepper and shredded pork.

When it was noon, there was a small table for drinking, and another small table for non-drinking. Both tables had the same dishes, and they drank the small wine until more than two o'clock in the afternoon.

While waiting for Gu Siwei and his wife to return home, they found that the atmosphere at home was a bit unpleasant, because everyone in the family looked silent.

Hu Yanming came back early today, but judging from the atmosphere, this boy must have caused trouble again.

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