Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 296 Making a living

Looking at Yan Mei riding a bull and running wildly, Gu Siwei felt that she looked a bit like the little girl who caught the bad guy in his mind, but he couldn't be sure because girls these days almost always dress like that, and Hu Yanqiu was also like that in the past. The braids are on either side of the ears.

If they are women, most of them like to have their hair tied up or cut directly to the ears.

This matter had nothing to do with Gu Siwei, so Gu Siwei didn't tell Song Rui, and the two just continued on their way.

When they got to the third team, the two of them broke up. Gu Siwei went west, and Song Rui had to go southwest. The two places were not in the same direction.

I’ll go to your house for a drink in two days!

When they were about to break up, Song Rui said this to Gu Siwei.

Gu Siwei thought he was just saying that, and replied casually: I'm afraid of everything, except that I'm not afraid of others asking me to drink!

After the two friends exchanged a few words, they went their separate ways.

Gu Siwei returned to the village. It was already full of lanterns. Oh, if there were no lanterns in the village, there would be no sunrise. The sun had already set, but the moon had not risen yet. You said it was dark, but it was still bright. You said It was getting bright and the road was only vaguely visible, that's all.

"Uncle Siwei is back!"

A boy was squatting at the wall with a bowl in his hand. He didn't know whether he was being beaten by me or whether he was eating. When he saw Gu Siwei, he stood up and yelled while holding the bowl.

Well, this voice immediately alarmed the people in the yard.

"The fourth dimension is back!"

The father of the child who was turning hay in the yard turned around and saw Gu Siwei. Although it was dark, everyone was very familiar with each other. According to the way you walked, some people could even tell you by the sound of your footsteps. Listen out.

"You're back, Brother Luan, have you eaten yet?" Gu Siwei greeted politely.

"I haven't eaten yet. You haven't eaten either. Why don't we eat together at home?"

"It still doesn't work. Our family must have done it too. I'd better go back and eat it," Gu Siwei said.

Gu Siwei didn't know how many times he said these kind words before arriving at the door of Yang Chuanwu's house.

Arriving at Yang Chuanwu's house, Gu Siwei found that several second-hand machines had been carried into Yang Chuanwu's house. Although it was not the main room but a side room, it was enough to show that the villagers valued these machines.

"Have you done it yet?"

"I got some diesel, and everything on the frame is ready. I'll clean the machine tomorrow, then install it and try the car." Gu Siwei said, reaching out and patting the iron frame on the back of the mule.

"Hey, isn't this Xiao Yanping? He's grown taller after not seeing him for a few months?"

Only then did Yang Chuanwu find Hu Yanping lying on the back of the mule.

Hu Yanping didn't answer, not because he was rude, but because the boy had fallen asleep a long time ago.

"Asleep," Gu Siwei said with a smile.

Yang Chuanwu also understood that such a big child had not experienced much hardship. It would be strange if he did not fall asleep while sitting on the back of a mule all the way.

This is different from riding a bicycle. You always have to maintain a tense state when riding a bicycle, such as holding something to prevent you from falling off. If the mule is firmly seated on its back, and the mule is walking slowly, then It would be strange not to fall asleep.

"Then keep your voice down. Let's unload the things first. Let me know what kind of manpower you want tomorrow." Yang Chuanwu lowered his voice for fear of waking up Hu Yanping.

Gu Siwei smiled and said: "It's okay, this kid acts like a pig when he falls asleep."

Then Gu Siwei said: "It's best to find two smart boys to learn how to use this machine, and if possible, learn how to do simple maintenance. I won't spend all day on this machine."

Gu Siwei brought the machine here firstly to facilitate the villagers, but in fact, the most important thing is to facilitate himself. If you ask him to turn himself into a noodle grinder, even if you kill Lao Gu, he won't do it.

Yang Chuanwu laughed and said: "We want to go together. I have three candidates here, one is Luan Jiandong, one is Sun Laiya, and the other one is Yang Jian."

Yang Chuanwu had already guessed that Gu Siwei wouldn't care too much about this matter. Let alone him, the villagers all knew that Gu Siwei didn't like to care about things, so there was no way he could watch the flour mill.

A job that Gu Siwei disdained was a very valuable job in the eyes of others. Even if he was not as shady as the gang in town, he could still make a living by himself if he missed a few points every day. Besides, the whole There are not many acres of good land in the village, and there is not enough work in the fields. This is equivalent to a serious job that can make a living, and no one would want to do it.

Gu Siwei opened his mouth and said: "Don't ask me about this matter. I will follow the organization's decision."

When Yang Chuanwu heard this, he knew he had guessed correctly, so he said, "Let's take turns, Yang Jian doesn't need to do it."

"Okay!" Gu Siwei was really not interested in this pair.

The two of them were unloading the things as they talked. The things were quite heavy, but there were only a few pieces. It took the two of them less than five minutes to unload all the things into the yard.

Yang Chuanwu followed Gu Siwei to the river.

"Go back, I'll just send the animals over. Be careful, or wake this kid up. Aren't you tired of holding such a big guy?" Yang Chuanwu smiled as he looked at the princess and Gu Siwei, who was holding his brother-in-law. said.

Gu Siwei said: "It's okay. It's just these few steps anyway. Who will hold him when we get on the boat?"

After saying that, he got on the boat and carefully put his brother-in-law in the cabin. Gu Siwei said to Yang Chuanwu: Let's go!

After taking off the pole, Yang Chuanwu helped collect the anchor, put it on the bow of the boat, pushed it, and the boat slid into the river.

After entering the canyon and calling out the grass flowers and cubes, Gu Siwei felt relaxed, and the boat arrived at the foot of Silver Pine Cliff smoothly.

Gu Siwei wanted to wake up his brother-in-law, but he didn't respond after calling twice, so Gu Siwei had to carry him up the cliff, then hug him sideways and walk towards the big house.

"The fourth dimension is back."

Just after dinner, a few old men who were sitting at the door chatting away and talking saw someone coming. With just a glance, they knew it was Gu Siwei who came back.

"elder brother!"

Sicui heard the noise outside and ran out with Xiao. When she saw Gu Siwei, she shouted happily.

Hu Yanqiu also walked out.

"What are you holding?"

Sicui asked curiously.

As soon as he asked his question, he answered it himself: "Why did Hu Yanping come with you? Brother?"

Hu Yanqiu saw her husband holding his younger brother, so he smiled and stepped forward to take his younger brother.

Gu Siwei dodged her hand: "I'll do it, it won't sink."

Hu Yanqiu knew his mother-in-law and asked with a smile: "Did my parents not want to cook for my brother and asked you to bring him here?"

"It's nothing," Gu Siwei denied, but who was Hu Yanqiu? She knew her parents too well.

Generally speaking, the younger son and older grandson are the lifeblood of the old couple. But this was not true when it came to Hu Shun's argument, so Hu Yanping didn't get much benefit. The couple are also people who love work and are dedicated, so Hu Yanping is almost free of charge. It is really not as much energy as the couple spend on Hu Yanming and Hu Yanqiu.

Although the two brothers Hu Yanming and Hu Yanqiu did not spend much energy on them, it was really a lot compared to Hu Yanping.

Gu Siwei hugged his brother-in-law and thought for a while, and finally put him in his small room, which was the small study.

While waiting to come out, Hu Yanqiu was already busy cooking.

"I can just eat whatever I want, just stop working," Gu Siwei said to his wife after seeing her.

As I said this, I felt happy: It’s really a good time to marry a wife. Look, we didn’t even mention the word “hungry” when we came back, and they took care of themselves.

Hu Yanqiu would not stop. She explained while working: "I thought you wouldn't come back tonight, so we didn't leave any food for Gao, and gave the rest to Da Mao and the others. I'll cook you a vegetable rice now." Right? Is that okay?"

"Vegetable rice is vegetable rice," Gu Siwei said.

Waiting for Gu Siwei to get a bench and sit down, the old man over there started.

They held back while the young couple was talking, and now they naturally wanted to ask questions about themselves.

"Have you got the diesel back?" Old Man Yu asked.

Gu Siwei replied: "Of course I got it back. I got a bucket and saved some money."

"That's good, where's the oil?" Old Man Li looked at Gu Siwei and thought for a moment, feeling that he didn't bring oil back just now. He only saw him holding his brother-in-law.

Gu Siwei said: "It's on the boat, can someone steal this thing? Wait until tomorrow to bring it up."

Old Man Li was impatient and stood up immediately after hearing this: "It's better to take it now and feel more at ease, otherwise you won't be able to sleep well tonight."

With that said, Old Man Li went to get diesel.

Then Old Man Yu asked Old Man Li: "Old Man Li, can you do it alone? Do you want my help?"

"If you want help, come here. Don't say it hypocritically, but your feet won't move at all." Old Man Li finally figured it out. Old Yu lived to such an old age only with his mouth.

Old Man Yu was not polite either. He had been familiar with the other party for a long time and had figured out his temper: "Oh, no need, I'll take a break if you don't need it!"

Old Man Li was already used to it and continued to get his own diesel without saying anything.

Gu Siwei didn't interfere either. The two old men bickering was a kind of life and a kind of happiness.

"Comrade Lu Yan, Comrade Zhou Guangxian, is your food delicious?"

Gu Siwei asked the two newcomers.

In fact, Gu Siwei mainly wanted to ask Lu Yan. In his eyes, Lu Yan was like a walking RMB, everything was money. If nothing else, Gu Siwei couldn't help but be happy when he saw him.

As for Zhou Guangxian, he is a passerby.

Zhou Guangxian continued to remain silent, like a piece of wood, rolling a cigarette. As if he didn't hear Gu Siwei's question, he held the rolled cigarette in front of his nose and sniffed it.

Lu Yan smiled and said, "It's pretty good. Let's just say it's much better than where I was before."

Lu Yan is really not talking nonsense. The conditions here are much better now than in the cowshed where he used to stay. There are still people there who lecture him every day. How can anyone take care of him here? Not only is there no one to take care of him, but it actually means he has no tasks.

Can peeling off tree bark be considered a task? Those who think so must have never suffered!

Lu Yan thought so.

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