Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 321 Going out to collect eggs

What is bloodline suppression?

This is called bloodline suppression. Gu Siwei said it ten times but it didn't work. Hu Yanqiu glared, and Hu Yanping, the little monkey, became honest in an instant.

I watched my brother-in-law walking in front of him dejectedly, brushing the grass on the roadside with the small wooden stick in his hand as if to vent his anger.

"Is the grass on the roadside annoying you?" Hu Yanqiu said.

Hu Yanping said: "I can't even make a straw?"

Hu Yanqiu said: "Since you like to grass so much, you can do it during your break tomorrow, and follow Sicui to grass to feed the sheep."

"Why, even if I want to kill grass, I won't be with Sicui, you crazy woman!" Hu Yanping suddenly became arrogant like a monkey with his butt scalded.

Hu Yanqiu said: "Why? Because if you were a human ghost, I believe you would go hunting for grass! I would feel more at ease if Sicui was there to supervise you."

"I don't want her to look at me. I'm a few months older than her, so if she wants to look at her, I'll look at her!" Hu Yanping was struggling as hard as he could.

Hu Yanqiu looked at his younger brother with a very disdainful expression: "Can you look down on others? People who can't even do their own thing well still look on others. Do you want face?"

When asked by his sister, Hu Yanping felt like a deflated ball.

When facing Sicui, Hu Yanping had no moves at all. Let's fight. He really can't beat Sicui. Even if Hu Yanping really takes action, he is no match for Sicui. What's more, Sicui has helpers. As long as Hu Yanping and Sicui Cuida, Da Mao, You Ni, and even Monkey will help Sicui instead of Hu Yanping.

Naughty, that is no match for Sicui. Hu Yanping is just a naughty boy who causes mischief. What is Sicui? After living under someone else's roof for so many years, Hu Yanping's pettiness was so small that he couldn't even put it on the table.

"Sister, can you not cut grass tomorrow? I don't like cutting grass."

Hu Yanping finally lost his temper and weakly said to his sister Kenqiu.

Hu Yanqiu didn't particularly want this boy to go weeding. It wasn't because he felt sorry for his younger brother, but because the boy didn't know any grass at all. If a handful of poisonous weeds were eaten by the sheep, it wouldn't be troublesome enough.

Are there any poisonous weeds here? There must be some. For example, if you eat a kind of wild castor sheep, you will be poisoned, and in serious cases you will die. This kind of wild castor looks similar to grass. Anyway, Hu Yanping didn't believe that his younger brother would recognize it.

In addition, sheep cannot eat grass that is wet with dew, and even some coarse grass cannot be eaten by sheep.

Hu Yanqiu didn't know before that she had become the daughter-in-law of the Gu family. She had been feeding sheep with her sister-in-law for a few months, and now she knew everything.

"Okay, then you won't do it," Hu Yanqiu said.

"Thank you sister".

Hu Yanping continued to be dejected, and now he looked weak, like a deflated ball, without any energy at all.

Gu Siwei had no interest in saying anything, and as for helping his brother-in-law, it was even more impossible. This guy was the master who dared to open a dyeing room just by giving him some color. If Gu Siwei defended him to the death, he would be damned.

The three of them returned to the big house one after another. Hu Yanping entered the house. There was no movement anyway, so everyone ignored him and continued busy with their own affairs.

After finishing his work, he went to bed and there was nothing much to do at night. Not to mention TV, there was not much activity at night in an era when there were no radios, let alone TV. Gu Siwei was married and could make a villain, but Hu Yanqiu's body was too You can't make little people.

This activity can only be regarded as physical exercise for the two of them.

Early the next morning, Gu Siwei got up and finished his meal. Sicui was already waiting for his brother early.

"Brother, let's go," Sicui urged.

Hu Yanping was about to wash the dishes when he saw this scene and asked, "Where are you going?"

Sicui said: "Let's go pick up duck eggs. Do you want to go?"

"Can I go?" Hu Yanping immediately cheered up when he heard that he was going out.

Gu Siwei said: "Have you finished your homework? Don't blame your sister for punishing you when you come back at noon. If your sister checks it, not a word has been moved."

Hu Yanping said: "Have you been there for a long time? If there is no problem for a few hours, just come back and write."

After hearing this, Gu Siwei waved his hand: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's come together!"

Hu Yanping immediately jumped three feet high, put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, wiped the water on his head twice, and followed Gu Siwei and Sicui with a smile.

Gu Siwei was carrying a basket on his back, and Sicui was also carrying a small basket. Only Hu Yanping had both hands free. When he was approaching the edge of the cliff, Hu Yanping felt a little embarrassed and insisted on taking the basket from Sicui's back and carrying it on his back. body.

Sicui said: "No, no!"

"It's okay, I'm strong," Hu Yanping said.

Gu Siwei just pretended not to hear it and thought to himself: You just said you want to carry the basket now, and you will get on the boat right away. Who will carry the basket on your back when it is on the boat!

Ignoring them, Gu Siwei got off the boat first and called out to the flowers and cubes.

When everything was ready, the grass flowers and squares pushed up the circle, and the two children happened to get down.

Instructing Caohua and Cube to drag the boat upstream, the two giant fish quickly understood what Gu Siwei meant. After a sudden pause, the boat rushed upstream.

“How far upstream is the place?”

Gu Siwei asked.

Before Sicui could speak, Hu Yanping asked, "Brother-in-law, what are you asking about? Are you looking for duck eggs?"

"Otherwise?" Gu Siwei said.

Hu Yanping replied: "I thought you were going to seek immortality."

The boy said something to his brother-in-law without being angry. He was not at all like a grandson when he was being scolded by his sister last night.

Sicui said at this time: "Not far away, it's Ghost Face Cliff over there."

"Is there a place where a duck can stand?"

Gu Siwei knew about this place, but he never thought about how ducks and geese could stand there, let alone lay eggs.

Sicui wanted to explain, but she didn't know what to say for a moment, so she could only say: "You will understand when the time comes, there is a crack over there."

Gu Siwei said oh.

The grass-flowered squares were very impressive. After a while, the boat turned a corner and the entire river suddenly opened up. Ghost Face Cliff was about a mile above.

Before reaching Ghostface Cliff, Gu Siwei had already spotted his duck on the river.

Why did Gu Siwei know that this was his own duck? It was very simple. His duck had a purple-red finger mark on its forehead.

This is a good way to distinguish one's own ducks from other ducks in rural areas. Especially when they are young, everyone thinks that chickens and ducks look almost the same, so peasant women will mark the chickens and ducks with something. Some people use red dye, some people use green dye, some people like to put dots on their foreheads, and some people like to dye their wings. In short, just don’t do too much with others.

Hu Yanqiu would definitely not be able to remember this, and only Sicui would do this. And she did this because now it is not only the Gu family that raises chickens and ducks in the village, but the families of Liu Fulin and Wu Meiling have also started to raise chickens and ducks one after another, but they don't raise many, just two or three, or three. Five of them.

Only Gu Siwei's family raises more, almost now... Well, Gu Siwei doesn't know how many ducks and geese he raises, and this person who abandoned shopkeeper Gu is very powerful.

Now Hu Yanqiu is in charge of the whole family, and Gu Siwei has no involvement in many things. Anyway, it follows Hu Yanqiu's hobbies, and Gu Siwei can accept it as long as he doesn't do anything messy.

Quack quack!

A group of ducks were hunting small fish and shrimps on the water. These guys were also good predators. They plunged down hard and when they came out, their heads began to stretch out. It looked like they were eating.

Ducks are omnivores and mainly eat plants, but they also like to eat some small aquatic things, such as snails, aquatic plants, etc.

Generally speaking, the things in this river are enough to fatten these guys up.

Ducks are not afraid of Siwei or Si Cui, and they seem to be even less afraid of huge flowers and squares. Some ducks come over to them when they see grass flowers and squares, and swim with them.

"Where's the goose?"

There were all ducks here, but Gu Siwei didn't see a big white goose of his own, so he asked casually.

Sicui said: "The goose should be on the shore at this time."

As he spoke, Sicui glanced around, and soon found the big goose in the grass. He stretched out his hand and pointed it to Gu Siwei: "Here, it's over there."

"Brother, you're not going to eat geese again, are you? There are only female geese and goslings left at home, and there are not many male geese left." When Sicui saw Gu Siwei, she suddenly became wary again.

Gu Siwei smiled and said: "I have nothing to do with eating them. It's not a new year or a holiday."

Gu Siwei himself didn't believe what he said, but would Sicui believe it? You definitely don’t believe it, but now the little girl is staring at her brother with her eyes.

"Little Scrooge" Gu Siwei smiled and reached out to touch his sister's forehead.

Sicui said: "It's not that I don't want to part with it, but I really can't eat it anymore. These geese still need to be protected by male geese."

"I understand. I don't eat it normally. I can only kill one from time to time during festivals." Gu Siwei made his own promise.

In the past, Gu Siwei ate it often, but there was a problem. No matter how good the food was, you would get tired of it if you ate it often. Now Gu Siwei is no longer interested in goose.

"When a new batch of goslings grow up next year, you can eat them as you like," Sicui said.

Gu Siwei didn't listen either. When Sicui said that, he said "Oh" to show that he knew.

At this time, Gu Siwei looked at Ghost Face Cliff, and now he finally understood why geese and ducks laid eggs here.

People standing below cannot clearly see the top. There is a staggered level on the mountain about five or six meters high, forming a small platform. Gu Siwei doesn't know how wide this small platform is now, but there is at least one big goose. The body is so wide.

Because now Gu Siwei saw a big goose with half of its head stretched out and looking at him, so the width of this platform was at least as long as the body of a big goose.

Now the question arises again, how did people like Sicui go up to collect eggs?

Gu Siwei was quite curious.

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