After bringing the prey, Gu Siwei built a raft and continued to swim down the river.

When we arrived at the door of our small courtyard, before the raft had stopped, we saw Liu Fulin, Liu Dezhu, and a man in his late thirties from the village approaching anxiously.

"Why did you come back?"

When Liu Fulin saw Gu Siwei, he greeted him loudly while walking to the shore.

Gu Siwei could only say: "It took a while to get the wild boar."

At this time, Liu Fulin led the two of them to the shore. The three of them saw the half-large wild boar tied on the raft at a glance.


Such a big wild boar must be followed by a sow. Generally speaking, such a wild boar is difficult to beat, because the sow is still very serious about protecting its cubs, and the sow will fight tooth and nail to beat the cubs.

It wouldn't be unusual if he had a gun, but Gu Siwei didn't have anything. How could he catch such a wild boar with just one hand?

Not to mention Liu Fulin, Liu Dezhu and the other man were dumbfounded.

Gu Siwei doesn't care what they think, anyway, now he is focused on: I just got the things back, and we won't talk about anything else.

"This pig can be sold for a good price!"

The middle-aged man who followed looked at the still humming wild boar on the raft and said.

"Hurry up, everyone is waiting for you."

Liu Fulin has lost his temper now. With such a wild boar base, he is not afraid that other teams will steal the deal. He was originally anxious but now he is as calm as an old dog.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

Gu Siwei felt a little strange. That's not what you said before. Why did it suddenly change today?

"It's not like we're in a hurry. We've all gathered together a few things, thinking that since we're going to go, we'll bring everything we can exchange..." Liu Fulin explained.

The situation is also simple. At first, I was planning to go to Gu Siwei and a few people, but as word spread, some people also wanted to exchange for something. It wasn’t something big, like firewood, rice, oil, and salt. Generally speaking, it was just a piece of dried fish or a tael. Pounds of dried fruits and the like, and exchange them for something to use at home.

These days, the life of workers is not much better than that of farmers. Farmers probably only have the honor of being poor and nothing else.

In addition, now everyone eats and drinks together, but the village is getting poorer and poorer, and there is not enough to eat every day, so everyone has to think of other ways in private? You can't just watch your family starve to death.

Moreover, this place is far away from the outside world. The impact of messy things on the village is limited, but it is really limited. It is not as strict as what is done outside. This is not allowed and that is not allowed.

To be honest, you can't help it no matter how much you do. Nothing is more important than filling the stomachs of the whole family.

Therefore, every household has some tricks to make a living, but everyone is silent and understands each other tacitly.

Of course, it's not a fat business, otherwise everyone would be so hungry that they would have no more than four ounces of meat in their body. The most powerful person in the village is Gu Siwei.

Otherwise, Yang Chuanwu and the others would not have shamelessly given Sicui to Gu Siwei to support.

"Yo, what is this?"

"Oh, it's some persimmon cakes," Gu Siwei said.

There were a lot of persimmons on the persimmon tree, and the monkey ate some. Gu Siwei picked some more into the space. He didn't pay attention for a while. When he waited for him to find out, he found that these persimmons had almost turned into persimmons. Unexpectedly, It's as sweet and delicious as a serious persimmon cake, but in this day and age, don't be picky.

"You're so good at making persimmon cakes... tsk tsk!"

The middle-aged man looked at Gu Siwei's persimmons and didn't know what to say for a moment. Other people's persimmons had to be peeled off, but the ones he saw now clearly had skins on them and no sugar. When it was exposed, it didn't feel like frosting at all, and it even claimed to be a persimmon cake.

"I have no experience doing it for the first time, just wait and see."

Gu Siwei didn't care either. He didn't want to eat this food because it wasn't very tasty and didn't suit the stomach that Gu Siwei had cultivated after decades of hard work.

He thought it would be better to throw it away, but he was a little reluctant to give it to the monkey, so he thought he could exchange it for something.

I don't have much to bring, and the full amount I carry is only about twenty kilograms.

Of course, if it sells well, it may become 40 pounds or 60 pounds. This is possible.

"When the persimmons are harvested next year, ask your sister-in-law to help you. She makes these in her hometown. It is a famous persimmon production area in the country..."

The middle-aged man was also frank and honest, and he didn't have any twists and turns in his heart, so he directly took over Gu Siwei's job of persimmon next year to his wife.

Even though he has lived here for a while, Gu Siwei is still a little uncomfortable with this way of speaking. Who will have nothing to do for his family after decades?

"Thank you then." Gu Siwei also became polite.

"It's all a trivial matter. Besides, our family also eats your family's persimmons, right?" the man said with a smile.

Gu Siwei didn't know the man's name yet, but Liu Fulin and his grandson soon cleared up Gu Siwei's confusion.

"Sanmaozi, stop grinding your teeth and help bring the things up quickly," Liu Fulin said.

"Brother Shengshui..." Liu Dezhu said.

As soon as he heard about Sheng Shui, Gu Siwei knew that this person's surname was Guo, because people in the village were named strictly according to the generation of each family. The person who was promoted in the middle must be surnamed Guo, just like the person who was passed down in the middle was named Yang. .

No need to ask, this is Guo Shengshui. The name is not very good, but it is considered a good name in Shimo Village. There is also someone named Guo Shengzi, yes, it means giving birth to a son.

The four people worked together to move the things ashore, and Liu Fulin asked Liu Dezhu to push a wheelbarrow over. So everyone moved the things to the car and transported them to the wheat drying field at the entrance of the village.

When we arrived at the wheat drying field, it was quite lively. Almost everyone in the village who wanted to take a breather had arrived. Everyone was either holding their hands or squatting on the stone plates and stone rollers chatting.

At the center of the crowd are four animals, two cows, a mule, and a braying donkey.

"Oh! Brother Si-D, you have prepared a lot of things."

Seeing that Gu Siwei was carrying something that was almost half a unicycle, someone asked with an envious accent.

"Just a little bit prepared."

Gu Siwei dealt with it politely.

When things arrive, they have to be loaded onto the backs of animals.

When it wasn't Gu Siwei's turn to take action, the guys directly helped Lao Gu tie up the wild boar and load the persimmons and other things onto the mules and horses.

About ten minutes later, everything was ready. Yang Chuanwu reached out and patted the mule's buttocks, and said to Guo Shengshui: "San Maozi, let's go. Be careful on the road. Go early and come back early. Don't delay on the road." ".

Guo Shengshui nodded and responded loudly: "I understand, uncle!"

After saying that, he turned to Gu Siwei and others and said, "Let's go, everyone."

Just like that, Gu Siwei, Liu Dezhu, and four young people in their teens and twenties outside walked out of the village and headed towards the factory.

Having been to the town, Gu Siwei was mentally prepared for the road to the factory, but what Gu Siwei didn't expect was that this road was much easier than the road to the town.

First, this road passes several brigades, such as the second team, the third team, and the fifth team, which are all on this line. You can rest after walking for two or three hours.

In addition, the road is relatively flat. Occasionally there are some difficult roads, and it only takes about ten minutes to pass. Unlike going to town, it takes half an hour to walk on dangerous roads, and it is very time-consuming to climb up and down. physical strength.

The only troublesome thing is that the animals move too slowly. The mules and horses are quite fast, but the old oxen can't move very fast. Just like how much water a barrel can hold depends on the shortest piece of wood, the entire team's The speed is determined by Lao Niu.

After walking and resting on the road, we set off in the evening. Just when the sky was dim, a huge factory area appeared in front of Gu Siwei's eyes.


Standing on the mountainside with his hands on his hips, Gu Siwei was directly shocked by what he saw.

The entire valley seemed to be filled with a small city, with living areas and production areas divided in an orderly manner. Five or six large chimneys reaching into the clouds were spitting out pale white gas, and some of them were made of half-pulled high-speed rails and were spitting out flames.

The Tongzi buildings in Yishuier's family area are almost all the same height, and they only look like five or six floors.

"How about it? Isn't this factory beautiful?"

Guo Shengshui asked with a smile when he saw Gu Siwei's appearance.

Gu Siwei glanced at him and nodded casually. What kind of factory has he not seen? He had worked in a factory before, but he had never seen a ravine filled with factories, and the factories were planned as neatly as a chessboard.

Gu Siwei doesn't know that most of the country's factories of some value have been moved to the mountains. There are too many enemies in the world. If they are placed in plains and cities, these factories will be too vulnerable to enemy firepower. They were hit hard, so the country could only move them deep into the mountains.

"Let's go, stop looking, wait until things are changed, you can see some of them," Guo Shengshui said with a smile.

After speaking, Guo Shengshui shouted at the old cow next to him.

"Oh~! Let's go."

The small branch in his hand fell gently on the old cow's back, and the old cow walked slowly forward, step by step into the city in the valley.

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