Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 368 Returning home in the snow

Hu Yanqiu just stayed like this, and suddenly he burst into tears.

"This... child is so happy." Li Fanghai looked at Hu Yanqiu who was crying and said with a smile to his companions around him.

Yu Yingzhi said to Hu Yanqiu: "This is a good thing."

Tao Yisheng saw that Hu Yanqiu was crying. After waiting for a while, he said: "Yanqiu, Yanqiu, you are different now. You can't be like this, or you will hurt the child in your belly."

When she heard about hurting the child, Hu Yanqiu immediately stopped, but she just stopped, but she couldn't help the tears, and the tears were still falling down one by one like a string of beads.

"Oh, oh, good boy, don't be like this, this is a happy thing, why did it become like this?"

Zhou Guangxian rarely opened his mouth.

Zhou Guangxian's words immediately stunned everyone, including the sobbing Hu Yanqiu.

At this time, Hu Yanping looked at Tao Yisheng and asked, "Grandpa Tao, are you telling the truth?"

Tao Yisheng smiled at Hu Yanping and said: "You guys also doubt my level. Tell you, if I can't even tell my happy pulse, then I might as well die, haha!"

"No, the doctor at our factory said my sister can't have children in her life."

Hu Yanping opened his mouth and told the facts.

Tao Yisheng was a little dumbfounded after hearing this, and asked Hu Yanqiu: "Is this the case?"

How could Hu Yanqiu blame her brother at this moment? She nodded affirmatively: "Well, I went to the provincial capital because of this matter, and the results of the examination were the same as those of the factory hospital. They said that I might not be able to have children in my life." ".

"Is it possible!? Don't make a mistake, right?" Li Fanghai said.

Hu Yanqiudao began to wipe the eyes on his face again.

When Tao Yisheng heard this, he stretched out his hand to signal Hu Yanqiu to give him his arm again.

Hu Yanqiu did it honestly, and Tao Yisheng solemnly took his pulse again.

"What could be wrong with this? Not only is she pregnant, but there are at least twins, maybe three..." Tao Yisheng said, stroking the beard at the corner of his mouth.

"You're really not mistaken?" Hu Yanqiu looked at Tao Yisheng eagerly.

Tao Yisheng nodded and said: "It can't be wrong. Even if I was wrong just now, can I still do it now? I have never missed a happy pulse in my life. Why should I make a mistake here alone? My child, are you right? I'm pregnant with my baby, and she's got a three-yolked egg!"

Hu Yanqiu's tears suddenly couldn't stop again.

Only Hu Yanqiu herself knows how much conscience she has suffered in these days because she has no children. Sometimes when she walks in the village or in the factory and sees other people holding children, her eyes will stare straight at them.

But in front of Gu Siwei, she never showed it, and she dared to show it.

Hu Yanqiu would only vent emotions like this in the dead of night.

Her original plan was to stay with her lover Gu Siwei for a few years, enjoy all the happiness in her life, and then leave silently, so that her lover would not have any children when he grew old because of her relationship.

Later, when she was with Gu Siwei, as time went by, she wanted to leave her lover less and less, but knowing her physical condition, she decided to arrange Zhang Xiaomei for Gu Siwei.

Now that she knew she might be pregnant, at this time she only dared to think that it was possible, but it was only possible. The huge sense of happiness suddenly shattered Hu Yanqiu's heart, and the psychological defenses that had been solidified these days were broken. Already defeated.

"Yanping, Yanping, come with me back to the factory," Hu Yanqiu said suddenly.

If it were normal, Hu Yanping would jump three feet high when he heard that he was going home, but now that his sister was going home, he hesitated.

"Sister, Grandpa Tao said you have a baby. It's still snowing outside. Can we wait until the snow stops before going back?" Hu Yanping was particularly worried about his sister's health.

Hu Yanqiu was determined: "No, I have to go back and check, otherwise I won't feel at ease."

As he spoke, Hu Yanqiu stood up from the edge of the table while holding on to it.

As soon as she moved like this, Sicui immediately came over to support her sister-in-law: "Sister-in-law, please don't get excited. Your current physical condition is not the same as before. You can do whatever you want. Think about it, if you insist on having your own way, what if? There is something wrong with my little nephew, and you can't even cry to make him happy..."

Sicui also knew that she couldn't let her sister-in-law go to the factory at this time, let alone go to the factory, even climb down from Yinsong Cliff.

Sicui used to work as a post-confinement worker. Although she only did some small work, she also knew that she had to be careful this month.

"Yes, Sicui is right. Firstly, you should pay attention to your mood at this time. Don't be overjoyed or sad. Secondly, don't exercise too much, because you are less than three months pregnant, so you should be especially careful at this time... Tao Yisheng said immediately.

When Hu Yanqiu heard this, she who had just stood up didn't know whether she should stand like this or sit down. However, no matter whether she was standing or sitting, she stretched out her hands to protect her belly, even if she didn't dare to She believed in Tao Yisheng's results, but she still subconsciously showed a mother's instinct.

"Sister, that's right. Otherwise, I think you should wait for your brother-in-law to come back. Then you can go back to the factory with your brother-in-law. You can go check it out and ask me how your parents' factory has arranged the Chinese New Year. You and I Brother-in-law, where are we celebrating the New Year..." Hu Yanping said.

Suddenly, Hu Yanping seemed to have become sensible. Whether he was persuading his sister or doing other things, he seemed to have grown up.

Hu Yanping didn't know how much his sister wanted a child, but as a brother of the same mother, he could still feel his sister's unspeakable joy. He didn't need to understand, he could know how his sister was feeling at the moment just by feeling it. , connected by blood, this may be the case now.

Tao Yisheng knew that Hu Yanqiu couldn't believe his results. He was confident in his results. When he heard Hu Yanping say that the hospital had checked that Hu Yanqiu would not have a baby, he could understand why Hu Yanqiu didn't dare to completely believe her.

At this time, Tao Yisheng not only did not blame Hu Yanqiu, but also understood her mood. Over the years of practicing medicine, he had seen countless people begging for children, and had seen countless tragedies caused by children. He could not understand it. Hu Yanqiu's past sorrow and sorrow can be understood, but he can understand Hu Yanqiu's doubts and worries at the moment.

"Girl, I know what you want to go to the hospital for. Isn't it just to confirm whether you are pregnant? In fact, you don't have to go to the factory. It's the same as going to the county hospital. The river has not been closed yet. Let's release it from the village. The boat will arrive at the third team and go ashore to Xinji Town. Then we will look for Song Rui. This guy may be able to help find a cart or something..."

In this moment, Tao Yisheng clearly arranged the best and easiest route to the county hospital.

Otherwise, how can we say that having an elder in a family is like having a treasure?

Not only Hu Yanqiu's eyes lit up when he heard this, but everyone also clapped their hands and said, "This is a good idea."

Li Fanghai patted Tao Yisheng on the shoulder and laughed loudly: "I didn't expect that you, Mr. Tao, would be so quick-witted."

Angry, Tao Yisheng shook off his big hands and rolled his eyes directly at him, thinking: Is this called quick wit? With this method, the girl was anxious and suddenly ran out of ideas. Otherwise, how could she not have thought of it?

Hu Yanqiu had no time to take care of the two old men, so she said: "Then let's set off immediately."

"Your body is not suitable for such a heavy snow, and it's snowing heavily today and the sky is dark. Let's see if it snows tomorrow. If it doesn't, I'll follow you and we'll call some young people from the village." It would be nice to have someone to take care of me on the way..." Tao Yisheng thought for a moment and explained his arrangements.

If anyone disagreed with this, everyone nodded, because no one else had any better ideas.

Hu Yanqiu could only nod in agreement. According to her mood, she wanted to leave now and arrive at the hospital in a minute, and then check out to see if she was pregnant.

"Okay, everyone, let's continue eating. After eating...".

Seeing that everything was settled, Li Fanghai greeted everyone to continue eating.

Finally, everyone picked up their chopsticks, and Li Fanghai said: "It would be great if this guy Siwei could come back soon. I don't know how happy I am to know this news."

Li Fanghai had already determined in his heart that Hu Yanqiu was definitely pregnant. Although he often said that Tao Yisheng was a quack doctor and had a bad nose, he knew that Tao Yisheng was still capable. After all, he was not an ordinary Chinese medicine doctor. When it came to Tao Yisheng At Sheng's age, if he could even get his Ximai wrong, such a doctor would have been beaten to death countless times.

"Maybe this kid is on the road now."

Yu Yingzhi also joked.

Lu Yan said: "Maybe he's already at the door."

Ha ha ha ha!

Everyone started to have fun.

But then, suddenly there was a vague movement, which made everyone startled.

"You can't really mean Cao Cao. Is Cao Cao here?"

Li Fanghai glanced at everyone's faces.

Everyone listened carefully and heard the monkeys on the cliff making a noise.

Why does everyone think it's Gu Siwei? It's because it's snowing heavily outside. If it were someone else, the monkeys probably wouldn't pay attention at all. Don't look at these monkeys, but they are masters with tempers.

The reaction when meeting Gu Siwei, Hu Yanqiu and Sicui is completely different from meeting other people.

Now that the monkeys are so happy, it must be the reaction of people who are close to each other. If there are three close friends in the room, it is probably Gu Siwei outside.

Sicui didn't wait for Li Fanghai to finish what he said. She immediately stood up, came to the door and opened the door, letting the cold wind from outside blow into the house.

"elder brother!"

"elder brother!"

Sicui shouted at the top of her lungs: "Sister-in-law has a nephew!"

After shouting, Sicui and everyone in the room fell silent at the same time.

Everyone is subconsciously waiting for a response from people outside.

one second

two seconds

three seconds

There was still no movement outside.

Just when everyone was a little disappointed, there was a sudden sound from outside.

"You girl!"

Gu Siwei didn't know what to say about his sister. He thought his sister was joking with him about this matter. He originally wanted to scold him, but he felt a little reluctant. He felt that his sister definitely didn't know about Hu Yanqiu. It was completely unintentional.

Gu Siwei!

When Hu Yanqiu heard his lover's voice, the tears that had been stopped suddenly burst out again, and he looked at the door eagerly.

Hu Yanping had already come over with a cotton coat in his arms, and thoughtfully wrapped the coat around his sister.

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